The mate of the wild Queen arrived

The Dragon King walked to the atrium of his castle thinking, while his heavy steps were leaving big marks in the fresh snow. The black messenger dragon had just landed, and Thunder saw a burly young King hopping off the dragon's back. Thunder looked curiously as he scrutinized the mate of the wild Queen. The burly warrior with shiny cat-like eyes scanned the castle and locked his eyes into his eyes and the fire arose in both of them! Sarcos projected power and confidence. He was dressed in a golden scorpion armour, had a brown leather messenger bag over his broad shoulders and a huge sword on his strong back.

"Dragon killer sword." the Black Dragon murmured in Thunder's mind.

"Welcome, King Sarcos."Thunder said with a rasped voice.

"King Thunder, take me to my Queen!" Sarcos ordered him impatiently.

"Sure, she must be still sleeping, it is early, follow me..."Thunder nodded as he was expecting this.

"He is dangerous!" his dragon whispered as the noticed sparks charged air around Sarcos.

"Pff, I'm a dragon."Thunder scoffed in his mind.

"Just be polite, ok? He came to help us after all."The dragon tried to reason with a proud Dragon King.

Thunder led Sarcos through the maze of corridors till he stopped in front of the big wooden carved door.

"Your Queen rests here," the Dragon King pointed and Sarcos moved forward.

"Should'nt we knock?"Thunder asked Sarcos a bit unsure as the Scorpion King was about to open it.

"Why should I knock?" Sarcos asked suspiciously.

"Well, she might be naked in there. "Thunder bit his lips, remembering what Sienna told him...

"You saw my mate naked?"The Scorpion King asked dangerously...

"No, just her nipples..."Thunder replied without thinking.

"Did you strip my mate?" Sarcos looked at him bloody murder.

"She was just too wet!"Thunder tried to explain better.

"What?" Sarcos glared.

"She took off her dress because it was too dark anyway... "Thunder mumbled...He felt weird because he started to realise he sounded so wrong!

"Shut up! "The dragon roared in his mind ."You are spouting nonsense, enraging him. We need his help! Let me handle it instead!" he ordered him.

"Whatever you did to her I will count it later for you!!" Sarcos hissed upset and barged in...

Thunder really did not know what to say, but when Sarcos opened the door impatiently and saw Sienna sleeping in the bed peacefully, he sighed in relief that even the loud horns did not disturb her slumber. He was kind of dreading her to wake up and embarrass him in front of Sarcos even more. But the wild Queen was sleeping heavily because she went to bed quite late and awoke at night.

Thunder watched as Sarcos sat next to Sienna on the bed, she was having her chemise next to her over the chair because it was still wet and her dress was also dripping softly in front of the fireplace, the puddles of water streaked around the room... Even Thunder did not squeeze all the moisture out of it, but it was better than before!

"What happened? Did you rip her dress?" Sarcos looked at him upset...

"No, I just squeeze it with get the water out...she washed it because she did not like the dust...probably..."

"Did you drag her on the floor?" Sarcos asked quietly because he did not want to wake Sienna but his voice seeped with animosity. The Dragon King stood in the door biting his lips.

"Of course not, just check her body for bruises if you do not believe me." Thunder shook his shoulders innocently.

"Not with you staring there!"Sarcos hissed.

"Oh, come on, the castle was a bit unkept when she came."Thunder bit his lips somehow ashamed in front of another King. Sarcos made him feel inadequate and seemed like a volcano of bubbling drama to him!

"Aha, that's why she asked me for a dress and soap!"Sarcos nodded in his head and placed a small bag of cosmetics next to her on the bed, together with a neatly packed dress.

"Oh, you have that."Thunder stared.

"If you kidnap someone, you should at least have the supplies ready."Sarcos shook his head in disbelief at Thunder's incompetence, kissed Sienna's forehead and stood up.

"I see you have an experience in that, but she actually, agreed to come to help me, "Thunder said calmly trying to be equal to the Scorpion King...and rather repeated what his dragon told him to say.

"Sure, she is always way too kind."The Scorpion King nodded."You blackmailed her to come!" he hissed through his teeth.

"Do you think we should wake her up...?"Thunder asked carefully to change the subject to his matter.

"No, let her sleep some more. Let's go see that problem of yours. "Sarcos stepped to leave the room.

"Thank you."Thunder nodded and led Sarcos to the Library.

The Dragon King opened the huge Library door and Sarcos stared into the messy room;

"What is this? Did you take my Queen in here?" the Scorpion King asked in disbelief.

"Yes, what of it?"Thunder shook his shoulders.

"Are you blind? Don't you see the spider webs? Don't you smell the dust?"Sarcos was in shock at the run-down room.

"I...I will have it cleaned up after."The Dragon King noted as he led Sarcos to the big amber.

"Ahha, so this is your problem?"Sarcos looked at the crystal. "The girl with the golden hair preserved in amber. "He mumbled as he inspected the young girl inside," One would say what a pity, but I do not feel any!"Sarcos shook his head...Then he touched the crystal and murmured some magic words. The ray of light went from the crystal to his hand, and the Dragon King watched with hope...

But Sarcos's face darkened, it became almost wicked!"So you want this girl out alive?"He asked just to make sure...

"Yes, she is my dearest daughter-in-law."Thunder looked at him sadly.

"Hm, and where is your Queen?"Sarcos asked.

"She died at childbirth."Thunder bit his lips.

"Any mate? Concubine? Any female in your life?"Sarcos asked inquisitively.

"No. I will not have anyone after my mate's death!"The Dragon King said stubbornly.

"Guilty conscience?"Sarcos asked quite wickedly.

"No.."Thunder said shaking his head. 

"Well, I can see that!"Sarcos grinned satirically.

"So, can you do it?"Thunder asked hopefully.

"Can I?" Sarcos glared at him wildly." You took my Queen, so she can replace her in the Amber during the Red Moon."Sarcos was seeping with anger." But if you tried it, my Queen would burn in it and your daughter-in-law would dissolve. Do you know why?"He looked at him scolding.

"No? "Thunder bit his lips shocked. He felt like a little boy under the Scorpion's King's serious gaze.

"Because of that! Sarcos pointed at the golden dragon bracelet on Sorcha's arm.

"The mark of Dragon Royalty, its protective qualities." he nodded appreciating the power of the golden bracelet.

"So, can you help me to get her out?" Thunder asked impatiently.

Sarcos let go of the crystal and looked at Dragon King.

"There is only one way how Sienna can survive getting your daughter-in-law back and I don't like it." he hissed dangerously.

"Your Queen promised she will do anything you will say it works."Thunder said hopefully." She said you can do it!"

"Yes I can, sure she knows I can and sure she promised you she will try her best! Because she is way too kind."Sarcos looked at him bloody murder again.

"Please then do it, my son is most precious to me! If he can be cured and Sorcha saved, whatever is it, you have my word I will do it," said the Dragon King with hope, "My son suffers greatly." he sighed.

"I know," Sarcos nodded," "You need to bring him here for the Red Moon.

"So, you will do it?"Thunder asked hopefully.

"This Amber needs to preserve some kind of Life Force. Sorcha took the previous one, for your son, and then this crystal sucked her in to preserve her Life Force in return. The Amber needs to place one bottle of Life Force inside to let Sarcha back alive. But I can't do it, you can't do it and Sienna can't do it for now too..."Sarcos explained darkly.