The Red Moon

In the dark Dragon Castle, Sarcos carried Sienna to the Library; the huge doors were propped open by two burly guards in the black dragon-scales armour. Sienna watched the place in awe. It was spotlessly clean suddenly! She could imagine how many people must work so hard on it! The room looked grand now, illuminated by the warm light of torches. Sarcos walked with Sienna to the place where the crystal was. He put her down from his embrace halfway and Sienna held his hand walking towards the figure of the Dragon King who expected them. But what surprised Sienna the most, was the huge red moon from outside! It was lighting the crystal with Sorcha inside, making the Amber crystal shine in a red tint.

Sienna stared at the darkness outside with furrowed brows." Where did the day go?" she felt baffled in her mind."Sarcos, it is night already?" she whispered to him as he led her closer.

"Not really, but the Red Moon is starting early today, it marks the longest night of the year," he noted."In real-time, it is just a few hours past lunchtime..." he smiled at her.

"Aha," Sienna nodded and rather leave it...It would freeze her brain!

They reached the far end of the Library and Sienna saw the young Dragon Prince, who was chained next to the crystal, he was hugging it so hopelessly that he didn't give her even a glance! Dagen had two guards standing behind him with a sharp sword as a precaution.

"Is he so dangerous? He must be in great pain!" Sienna thought and was even more eager to go through with it...

The Dragon King was standing on the opposite side of the amber, it seemed like the crystal was the wall between the father and son. Thunder saw Sienna coming and smirked at her. Sarcos brought her to him and Sienna quietly took the Dragon King's hand. Standing beside him felt weird while watching her beloved mate perform a spell over the amber! The Scorpion King stretched his hands and mumbled some strange words, and then he turned to his Queen. Sarcos held a small decorated crystal bottle of sparkly golden liquid and gave it to her carefully; "Sienna, you are to enter the crystal now, place this bottle at the top, anywhere into the space over your head, and then you will take Sorcha's hand and push her out of the crystal first, do not let go of her under any circumstances. Once you touch her hand, you hold her tight, ok?" he said.

"Ok," Sienna nodded a little scared and steeled her heart."Let's do it!" she tried to smile bravely.

Sarcos touched the crystal and started murmuring something again, the crystal changed colour from reddish amber to the brightest blue! Sarcos then took Sienna's hand and pushed her gently towards the crystal. Sienna walked into the shining blue light, the crystal felt like a warm melted air and let her in, it was quite big inside! Sienna put the bottle up over her head, it stayed in its place without falling, and it started to shine a bright white light!

Sienna reached forward and saw Sorcha's face in front of her, so she grabbed her hands as Sarcos said. They were still warm somehow! It felt very disturbing! Suddenly Sienna heard a lot of voices calling loudly to her; "Sister, sister, help us, sister! Mother, find the mother! Sister, take us with you!"

Sienna felt the wall of panicked energy surrounding her, it was like an invisible force field preventing her from walking away! She felt as if someone was holding her on the spot and became really afraid suddenly!

" I will ask how to help you, I will ask my King, I promise! Let me out please!"Sienna turned around, but she did not see anything just the white light! She reached her hand first and pushed Sorcha in front of her, she kept pushing her in front, with her hand straight, the crystal seemed enormous now!

"Let us out!"Sienna called petrified. She felt lost walking in the bright light which seemed neverending somehow.

"Sister, we don't hold you, save us!" the voices called and then they quietened within the light. But Sienna felt they were still there, watching her! Their presence was overbearing! They all were scared! Sienna felt scared too, the energy within the crystal made her feel even more nervous. Sienna tried to brave up and push the fear away when she felt that the dragon bracelet on her arm started feeling hot! Sienna grabbed Sorcha more tightly, she held her by her arm and waist now, pushing her forward. Sorcha was moving like a weightless doll, following the direction she pushed her, so Sienna kept walking..."Sarcos, where are you....?"Sienna called rather desperately.

The Dragon King watched Sarcos murmur the spells, he saw the white light coming out of the amber and he was expecting Sienna to come out any minute, but it seemed forever to him! His son, however, looked crazier by the second! Dagen hugged the white light and tried to reach inside, he looked at Sarcos and when their eyes met, the the Scorpion King suddenly lifted his hand in the signal and pushed it down sharply. The guard behind the Dragon King's son, cut the bond and the young Prince leapt into the crystal changing into the dragon so big that his wings covered the crystal space! The Thunder froze inside, but he did not move.

Meanwhile, Sienna was moving carefully, holding her hand forward while supporting Sorcha. She felt like she was walking forever and she did not see any way out!

"Sarcos, Thunder!" Sienna called worriedly when suddenly the girl in her arms called as well!" Dagen, Dagen!"Sorcha was suddenly speaking which freaked Sienna out!

Sienna flinched as she watched the gold bracelet on Sorcha's arm glow and the red rays were shining out of the ruby-like stone which represented the carved dragon's eye on it! Sienna rather held her tight, it felt like they were joined in one body and kept walking when suddenly a huge black dragon with crazy eyes entered the crystal! He snatched both of them in his talons and flew up. Sienna closed her eyes, the light was too much so she just kept holding Sorcha and hoped it would end soon...

Sienna felt the gush of cold air and warm strong hands freeing her from the dragon's tight grip. She opened her eyes and saw the Dragon King's face. She just gazed at him all shocked as he picked her up to her feet and hugged her tightly.

"Where is Sorcha?" she asked worriedly. Thunder turned her around and Sienna saw that Sorcha was lying in Dagen's lap. The craziness from his eyes went away, he was crying...finally holding his mate. Sorcha was crying too, holding him tightly. Sienna was touched, she got tearful as well. She let her head fall on Dragon's King's shoulder and breathed deeply.

"It is done, they both can live happily now and you too."She smiled tiredly at Thunder. She felt exhausted. She looked where is Sarcos. He was leaning against the wall and watched it all with a cold smirk. He got the idea now, where all the females with blue eyes and golden hair went, but he rather did not say anything to Sienna.

The amber was his original colour again containing a sparkly crystal bottle in its middle. The red moon was still shining brightly outside but it did not have any effect on the stone anymore.

Sienna walked to Sarcos and hugged him."Thank you, my love." she was too exhausted to talk more and Sarcos felt it, so he just held her tight on his heart.

"Go rest, my Queen!"Thunder said to her and went to check up on his son.

"In a minute."Sarcos nodded and looked at the Dragon King. "One last thing."He walked to Dagen and Sorcha and crouched down too. "Here, it will give you strength," he said and broke something which looked like a herbal coin," One half for you and half for Sorcha."Eat it."He gave it to Dagen and Sorcha. They just did as he said, staring at sorcerer Scorpion King. They both were still in shock!

"All done now, go rest," Sarcos told them and took Sienna by her waist. Thunder went to take care of Dagen and Sorcha as Sarcos took Sienna to her room. He carried her fast through the corridors, and she felt almost like falling asleep in his arms but the pictures from the crystal kept flashing in her mind, making her feel uneasy!

Sarcos entered her room, he leaned Sienna on the table, took her dress off and carried her to the bathroom. He dipped her into the cold water and sprinkled some salt on her, then some more cold water, then salt again, then again and till he finally made her a hot bath Sienna felt frozen. She kind of understood he was trying to cleanse the energies from that crystal from her, so she let him do whatever he wanted. Biting her lips she bore with the cold water but it kind of felt good, it made her feel lighter somehow. After the short warm bath, Sarcos covered her in a towel and took her to bed. He ran his hands through her hair, brushing it and helping to dry it out with his inner heat, making it very straight but dry. 

Sienna just sat there thinking, her promise stuck in her mind."Sarcos?" she turned to him when he finished with her and embraced her on his hard chest."There were female voices in that amber! They called me sister, they begged me to help them, to find the mother. I promised to ask you and help them too," she teared up at the desperate memory."Help me, please." she looked at him through her tears.

"I will," he nodded his head," I will find the mother." he petted her head, "Go to sleep now, you are too tired."Sarcos pressed her on the bed next to him and put his hand on her eyes. He felt that Sienna slipped into deep slumber almost immediately!

"My brave little Queen," he sighed and rested next to her watching the painted ceiling."What a resemblance!"He thought."Speak!" he ordered to the stony ceiling and he watched as the pictures of golden-haired females mingled together with Sienna's one. He listened to their anguish and worry with heavy heart till he heard a soft knock and the wall shut up!

"You might enter!" Sarcos sat up on the bed next to sleeping Sienna and watched as Thunder came in. The Scorpion King was still agitated from the wall showcase and angry with the dragon but tried to conceal his emotions.

"How is she?"Thunder asked in a quiet voice.

"Sleeping," Sarcos noted coldly.

"Thank you for helping me, you gave me my life back." Thunder said gratefully.

"But why you don't tell me about letting go of the Prince?"Thunder asked curiously.

"You did not need to know that..."Sarcos said calmly..." Only the Prince could find them as he was pulled by Sorcha's bracelet and crazy love." he said."His heart was following the beacon. This crystal is not big enough to contain a dragon, so it had to let them all go."The scorpion said thinking. 

Dragon King nodded and didn't ask any more. He was quite surprised at Scorpion King's coldness, he did not even inform his Queen about it! "But on the other side better if she did not know, she trusted in him anyway." he thought.

Thunder looked at sleeping Sienna, he bent down and planted a kiss on her forehead, "Thank you, my Queen," he murmured.

"She is sleeping, you can thank her when she is awake."Sarcos shook his head.

"Sure, I will have my three days as a King with her starting tomorrow," Thunder said confidently.

"I was thinking you are doing it for your son?"Sarcos look at him coldly.

"I do have feelings for my Queen and I'm going to use my right!" Thunder said firmly but politely. "You can stay as a guest and then accompany the Queen back."

"No," said Sarcos, "I'm going back tomorrow morning, I will send Tyrell to bring the Queen back," he said thinking. The Scorpion King had work to do and one little problem...Sarcos could not handle the idea of Sienna in Thunder's arms that well and he needed to speak to Darren urgently.

"As you wish, I will order the dragon messenger ready to take you back in the morning." Thunder nodded happy, that he would have time to spend with his new Queen.

"Thanks."Sarcos nodded and Thunder went out.

The Dragon King went to check on his son, Dagen and Sorcha were already sleeping soundly. Thunder left them in their room and went out from the castle door. He shifted into a big black dragon and he flew high up to the sky. He roared wildly above the clouds and then he dived back, letting all the past emotion fall from him! The dragon released huge fire circles into the sky and made the sharp blue thunders hit the heavy clouds, that was his true power! The storm of hail-stones fell on his snowy land...

"It is the new beginning," Thunder called to himself."I'm alive again!"