The Dragon King and the frozen Queen

Sienna watched as the door closed behind Sarcos and stood for a few minutes biting her lips almost frozen...Then she panicked and ran to check herself in the mirror, she brushed her long golden hair and put soft cream on her face and cherry red lipgloss on her lips...and she agreed that she looked quite presentable in that ivory chemise...

"Sarcos would not even let me dress up..." she thought."Did he know I would agree to this madness?" She bit her lips...

"Maybe...but maybe he just wanted to save time. Who knows how long it takes to prepare that crystal to take the girl out of it?" she asked herself.

Sienna nodded at her beautiful figure and ate a few grapes and a piece of dried mango from a small golden bowl, Sarcos's treat.

Her stomach was still in a knot and she felt nervous and unsure about the whole thing when she imagined the dummy Dragon King in the bed with her; "Awkward, he is kind of strange. Is he strange enough to let him die? Well, maybe I just look at the muscles, "she thought a bit desperately."This is not fair! What am I doing to myself?"She paced around the room feeling the wild energy around her, she was panicking!

 "It feels so weird to accept a man like this! He did not even like me that much."She thought."But I accepted Marco even faster and he turned out to be quite a good mate. The dragon is beautiful, the man looks bearable and I did promise him help..." she was thinking frantically. "It still sucks a lot! It is ridiculous!...she thought."Would he really kill me if Sarcos did not come?" her mind raced...."Burn like others! He must have done something before for sure...something definitely cruel. Or more like desperate... Dangerously desperate...Desperate people are dangerous! Desperate people are desperate! If he was not desperate, maybe he would act differently. He doesn't seem like a bad person though...If he is completely bad Sarcos will say so, no?" she asked herself.

"Sarcos said he is a monster!" her brain replied to her automatically.

"Hm, yes..but monsters can be good too, no?" her soft heart asked innocently.

"Anyway, I did promise...I need to keep my word...or can I live with their death on my conscience? No, I should try to save them! If Sarcos is here, nothing can go wrong...!" Sienna said kind of sure of herself.

"But to mate him? What if he is brutal? He is a dragon! I hope he will be gentle." she furrowed her brows worriedly. It did not seem like a good idea at all!

" But they will be dead if I do not do it!" she bit her lips."Maybe, it will turn out to be okay in the end." she mumbled hopefully." Sarcos said to me to be happy. Besides...who can be more brutal than Marco? How does one mate with a huge dragon? "she remembered her last contract with Sarcos suddenly!

"Well, he has a son already but what happened to his mate...?" she thought worriedly."Well, Sarcos is here...I will be safe. The dragon doesn't look bad...he does look like a strong King...he was trying to be kind and kept his word, he let me call Sarcos."I should keep my word too then! "she bit her lips.

"But he almost burned Crystal City!"Sienna's brain noted.

"But if I'm the Dragon Queen, I will be able to protect my cities from dragons and keep the King in check!"Sienna realised suddenly that her decision was not just about saving the King, his son and Sorcha, but also about the lives of others who depended on her for protection...She was their Queen!

"OK, I will do it!" she took a deep breath, embracing her brave side. She sat back on the bed, sitting almost stiff, her heart thumping in her ears and seconds felt like minutes to her when she heard a knock on the door and her heart stopped!

"Yes? Come in!" she replied in a brave voice which sounded a bit rasped. She was panicking inside! "It is going to happen right now!" her mind screamed but she was unable to move and run away! She lifted her eyes and looked at the burly man, who came inside. The Dragon King stood in front of her with a serious face, Sienna felt he was more confident than the last night."He is probably thinking how he is on top of me already..."She thought disturbed, it felt as if her upper hand over him was about to be levelled down.

Thunder studied her face and because her expression was far too complicated to decode for him, he moved his eyes to her body covered in ivory chemise. She looked soft and pliable like a little scared dove to him suddenly!

"Are you ready to keep your word, Queen Sienna?" he bent down to her a little as he offered her his hand to stand up.

"Sure, I'm always keeping my word, I'm a Queen."She smiled rather bravely. He was freezing her out! Her body was still not that sure about this even if her reasoning was right for the situation. Sienna breathed in as she took his hand and felt his pull to help her stand up. He was so close suddenly and Sienna started to feel as in a weird dream, as if everything went around her. She breathed in his presence. He looked rough but smelled quite good...

"Well, you will be my Queen now too.." he grinned victoriously as he looked into her startled eyes. Sienna watched as his eyes wandered down her body studying her curves...

"You look so good." he nodded and his hand slipped to her bum. She felt he squeezed it lightly!

"So, do you...too..."Sienna gulped. She felt as if she was watching him for the first time. He was a man and she was a woman, she felt so vulnerable suddenly!

"Thank you, would you like to start here or you come with me?" he looked somehow hungrily at her.

"You can decide, "Sienna whispered. This did not help at all!

"My bedroom it is then, come."He circled her waist, but Sienna just stared at him.

"Ah, you half-naked already, let's just put this on." He covered her in his cape carefully and took her hand but Sienna still did not move, she felt as if her feet were made of stone. She felt frozen!

"Ahh, yes, something is missing..." he lifted her hand and snapped a Royal Gold Dragon bracelet on her arm!

"Ahhmm, thank you," Sienna said as in the dream, the coldness of the bracelet awoke her. She looked into his golden eyes and watched the red hot burning flame and tiny black dragon in the middle of them.

Thunder saw that she was still a bit shocked from the sudden development, so he just picked her up with one swift move and carried her to his bed-chamber...

Sienna felt the warmth from his embrace, he carried her with ease, and it felt good that he was strong.

" Thunder got one red point for not complaining that I'm heavy." she thought."Does he really like me? Well, does it matter? At least he smells good and his dragon is very cute, I will be able to play with him."She was kind of convincing herself but she felt scared.

Sienna breathed out deeply and let her head lean onto his chest. It was hard as a stone but warm. She heard his heartbeat, it was loud too."Maybe he is stressed out too...silly man. She chuckled in her mind remembering his clumsy performance the night before...Her nostrils breathed his scent deeply, it felt somehow reassuring and reminded her of their ride together, she started to feel a little safer in his arms...

The Dragon King felt the stiff body in his embrace start to relax and his lips curled up a bit, he would not be able to be happy till his son was well, but he wanted to be good to this brave wild Queen. He walked to his chamber with big steps and opened his door holding Sienna in one hand, then he put her on his bed. She opened her eyes as he put her down and looked around. Sienna noticed his room was very big, in black wood, and his bed was covered in black velvet with black and gold fire-like embroidery.

"So, this is your room," she tried to smile as she looked at him but the freezing sensation entered her body again...

"Hm," he nodded and crouched next to her. "You look frozen," he grumbled. "I would prefer you have more time to get used to me, but there is none."He looked at her curiously.

"Thank you."Sienna nodded."We will have to do that later on." she bit her lips.

Thunder touched her cheek gently and felt as she flinched a little, she was not ready at all! He tried to hold his hand on her cold cheek for a minute, to let her get used to his touch more. He watched her beautiful face as she breathed deeply and her big breasts moved under the light chemise.

" Will you accept me as your mate willingly?" he asked

"Yes," she replied."I do have a place in my heart for you..." she said with a shaky voice.

Thunder's face turned gentle for the first time she saw him.

"I will love you with my life," he said seriously, but it was his dragon speaking from the deepness of his soul. He was the one who wanted her the most!