In the dark Dragon Castle surrounded by freezing snowy land, Sienna was sitting on Thunder's bed covered in his heavy cloaks trying to keep warm and daydream about Sarcos's gardens, when the door opened carefully.
Sienna flinched as she saw another burly guard standing at the door.
"Princes Sorcha arranged a dragon to take you home, dear Queen," he bowed.
Sienna's heart jumped up in excitement at first but then she bit her lips.
"I can't leave without my King's permission," she said firmly. "Say thanks to the Princess, but I have to decline. I'm not to travel by myself. King Thunder should take me or one of my Kings will come to pick me up."She said confidently and waved her hand to dismiss the guard.
"Sorcha arranged a dragon for me? To take me home? Can she read my mind or she just wants to get rid of me?"Sienna thought." Rid of me more likely! Was it her all along? "Sienna was joining the pieces together. "Does she want to get rid of me so much? Why?" She wondered."I have to be very careful with them all!"She nodded her head.
"So much for the Dragon King? I bet he does not even know what is going on! Is he so clueless or just dumb? This is unacceptable!" She hissed to herself as she clenched her fist.
In a few minutes, the guard came again."Dear Queen, you really need to go with me, the Princess will be raging."
Sienna stood up. "Call me the King," she said firmly.
"I can't call the King? "The guard said shocked.
"But I can, I'm the Queen, "Sienna noted coldly.
"But you are new here."The guard said surprised.
"That is why you do what I'm asking you, "Sienna said dangerously. She was fed up."Go call him now!" she ordered.
The guard came back in thirty minutes. "The King is with Prince Dagen. I can't disturb him," he said.
"Yes you can. Just say, I sent you."Sienna said impatiently and sent him away.
"It looked like Sorcha wants to play a power game with me."Sienna smiled bitterly."Why even bother?"She shook her head." She is probably jealous of me. She is cold as a fish and her heart is dented with wickedness."Sienna realized sadly. She felt so unsafe in Thunder's castle now! She wanted to go, but she could not trust Sorcha," I bet she will just order someone to take me to a high mountain and let me freeze to death!" the grim realisation came to Sienna's mind."The safest place is to wait right here for the dumb King."Sienna sighted.
The evening came and Sienna was really hungry. The sun went down and the room became even more freezing. Sienna covered even in more cloaks and went to bed, she was exhausted." It is not safe here, I can't fall asleep," she said to herself." They will just chuck me out into the snow."She sighed. Then she stood up and started to move the furniture to block the door."Well, if anyone comes in, the noise will definitely wake me up."She smiled cheekily as she made a clumsy furniture tower over the door. Then she dug herself inside the blankets of the bed trying to keep warm.
Sienna felt forgotten, like an extra chess piece on the board."After Thunder got what he wanted, he just ignored me all day!" She felt so foolish for accepting him..." he did not even keep his word! See you shortly? This is a very long shortly...!!!" she felt resentment towards him...the tears were going down her face till she fell asleep, even though she tried not to...
Meanwhile, Thunder played chess with his son happily after a long time. He finally felt like a good father. Sorcha told him that she had taken care of the Queen already and went to her room to embroider. Everything seemed peaceful to him.
"Ahh, look at the time, I should go see my Queen!".Thunder finally noticed the darkness outside.
"Stay a bit longer father, I think she went home already."Dagen shook his shoulder.
"I ordered her to wait in my room, she would not dare to leave."Thunder furrowed his brows.
"Well, see for yourself, father. She asked Princess Sorcha to arrange the dragon for her. She surely went already."Dagen noted.
Thunder furrowed his brows and walked out of his room upset. He went to his room to check, but the door was stuck somehow!
"What is going on?"Thunder asked the guard standing there.
"The Queen barricaded herself in your room, my King, forgive us, she said she would not leave at Princess Sorcha's order and we did not dare to break your door or furniture." the guard said in one breath.
"Why would she leave? I have the right to three days with her!"Thunder raged.
He wanted to barge in, but then he stopped himself and rather knocked.
"Sienna open!" he forced himself to call calmly.
But Sienna was sleeping tiredly and did not hear him! Thunder tried to open the door again. He pushed it strongly and the furniture tower started to fall, waking Sienna up!
"Who is it?" she asked loudly.
"Me, the King...Why did you block the door?" he asked more curiously. This was something new!
"So your stupid servants stop to barge in!"Sienna shouted back. "I want to go home now! Do you have a dragon ready for me? "she said angrily.
"But you are staying with me for another two days, no?" he asked surprised.
"In your dreams!" Sienna shouted."I'm cold, hungry and upset. You can sleep by yourself! I want to get out of your stupid castle and never come back!"
Thunder furrowed his brows."What happened?" he asked the guard again dangerously. This did not make any sense to him!
"I told you, my King, she refused to leave." the guard bit his lips.
"What are you talking about, she is my Queen!"Thunder looked at the guard like at a lunatic!
"But Princess Sorcha took her old room and said she was leaving," the guard mumbled.
"Are you stupid?" Thunder shook his head and then he hit the door lightly."Open, Sienna!" his voice was firm.
"Wait!"Sienna pulled the furniture a bit.
"You can open now," she called to him.
Thunder opened the door halfway and slipped in...He saw that Sienna was covered in his warmest cloaks, just her face stuck out! Her nose was red from cold and her eyes were teary. Thunder looked at her shocked."Why are you wearing my cloaks?"
"Is cold here."Sienna looked at him upset.
"Why don't you ask for a fire?" he shook his head.
"Your servants are sending me away as a beggar from the door," Sienna said coldly. "I rather not talk to them," she added."Take me home, please."She stared upset into his face.
"But Sorcha said she would take care of you."Thunder looked at her puzzled. All this was so strange to him.
"She surely did!"Sienna smiled bitterly.
"She must be pranking you. Silly child!" Thunder smiled at his Queen," You are staying with me for another two days, I told King Sarcos already..." he tried to coax her touching her shoulder gently.
"If Sarcos knew how you treat me, he would kill you on the spot."Sienna said upset." I have enough, send me home!"
"What's wrong?"Thunder asked dumbly.
"Firstly, I'm cold!"Sienna looked at him fiercely.
"Ok," Thunder went to make a fire immediately.
"Then I'm hungry."Sienna bit her lips.
"Ok, "Thunder went out and called for a servant to bring the food rather rudely, which made Sienna feel a bit better in her heart.
"Your food will be here soon," he looked at her gently.
"And I'm upset your guards treat me as dirt!"She looked him straight into his golden eyes.
Thunder opened the door and called the closest guard.
"Tell everyone that my Queen is second in command after me immediately." he barked at him and went in.
Sienna stood at the door and listened.
"Are you happy now?" he asked her expectantly.
Sienna looked into Thunder's handsome face.
"I do not belong here."She shook her head.
"Don't you like me, even a little bit?" he asked almost caringly.
"I do like you. But I don't like to be ignored all day and treated like dirt."She said."I still want to go." she bit her lips.
"Ok, have some food first." He decided to feed her first and gave her the fresh steaming platter which just arrived.
Sienna was hungry and gobbled the baked potatoes with butter like a lion and drank the mint water fast. But then she felt so tired after the food, sitting by the fire that she fell asleep on the fluffy cushions on the wooly carpet.
Thunder just put her in his bed and cuddled her up. Her body was soft and beautiful and Thunder thought how nice it would be to mate with her again...