
His eyes turned towards the source of the blow- the person that had dished it. A lopsided smirk appeared on his face as he gazed on him that had anger guarantee his action. His eyes fierce, amusement tangled in it as he mocked the person of his inability to strike a blow. The air thickened even more where the lopsided smirk widened into a full blown smile.

The clenched fist at the side converted into a whoosing sound and then a missed blow- less missed as Emma held on the hand, halting it in it's track.

With it still in his possesion, he bent it backwards till it got past the person's armpit region. Gathering momentum, he kicked him hard in his gut, flying him few blocks away from he stood. The once smile on his face disappeared into a frown.

'You fuckin' son of a bitch. Do you think she wouldn't notice even a stain?. Next time you go snorting around, you give it a thought first'. A low growl grew in his chest and even though he had bared his teeth exposing his longer canines, Emma just stood there watching him like a demigod.

His fangs grew and claws too. Eyes turned red and Emma's too but both boys just stated in their position, threats flying from their eyes, unmoving and not ready to take any action-- until the other boys intervened. Two moved to stand in the middle of the raging red eyed creatures but only one spoke.

'You guys should stop this. We might have been lucky today that no human is around this school premises, if not we will be dead meat. Let's take this fight somewhere else, please'. The boy with a shaved hair that reflected the sun rays giving his head a glittering, oily look, begged. His lips parting, showing off a little of his whitened teeth and a sharp canine as he stressed the 'please' making it sound like a plea than a piece of advice.

His eyes darted between his friends where one forced his way up to stand again on his feet and the other, the one by his side who had walked between the two with him, picked at his fingernails removing bits of dirts that had snugged in.

'Eclairs, Emma!'. He resounded his plea in the calling of their names and as if that was just the right dose they needed, both of them snapped out of their daze with Eclairs walking out on them with his lined up haircut being pressed down. His Nigerian skin, a chocolate toned complexion peeking out of his neck collar and displaying up on his face to the public that he is an African, sun tanned, home bred. His bag strap laid lazily on one of his shoulders as he strode out of there not caring to looking back on his friend's wellbeing.

'Sure he won't suffer from cramps from the hunger strike he is about to embark on?'. Marvin, the boy that had been by the side of the shaved head boy, Roger by name, asked breaking the silence and recording his first statement since he stepped out of the school's gate and into the midst of the two boys. His head shaved as the one by his side and the one he was referring his question to.

'At least he won't die'. Commented Emma as he too followed the steps of Eclairs. Then stopped and turned to them, facing Roger. 'And em-- lest I forget, the humans will be the ones dead not us'. He corrected and Roger almost laughed at how his friend could fish out even the smallest mistake-- but at the end, he only smiled.

Marvin and Roger watched as their friend disappeared from their sight too, following the left bend about six blocks away. Then, they started their walk, turning into the left bend.

'Did Emma really suck blood from the janitor'. Marvin question reached Roger, where the former slowed down to answer.

'He did'. His eyes turning red as he picked up the scent of blood from a little boy who had bruised his elbow while playing football with his friends.

There they stood, both him and Marvin, watching the boy that had resumed playing. Their gums itched with fangs growing. Their eyes turned reder.


Hey dearly beloved. I missed four days of updating. I fell sick and honestly even though I don't feel it's the right thing to do-- giving excuses for everything, please forgive me. Up till now I can still feel the sickness inside. Pls bear with me. I will post all the chapters missed from now to the end of the day.