Out of view

Dva blinked to see Emma still by the wall in the company of his friends. ' Phew! '. What would she have done if he was walking up to her as her imagination had beheld?.

Gingerly but steadily she crossed where they stood and entered the hall. Those two minutes were the most breath-sizing moments she had ever had. Luckily, Emma did not spare her a look and faced his conversation. At least that was what she thought.

Emma rose his head to look at Diva's back inside the hall. Those two minutes, when she walked past them, were the most difficult moments of his life. He had to keep his eyes on Roger till she was out of view. It took him much control to not look at her. To not expose that he had been side-watching her.

Diva went straight to the counter to make her order. Making up her mind to sit in another part of the dining area, the front, to avoid being close to where Emma and his friends would be sitting, she moved her feet.

Her heart dropped to her stomach when she saw that every single seat in the ball was occupied, except for the two at the back. The one Hailey had introduced her to the previous day and the other.....

Oh God, she felt like kicking some furniture.

' Hey, what's up with you?. Can't you see I'm seated here? Are you planning of...'. The boy who was angered when he saw Diva getting close to his seat and almost colliding with him, was tongue-tied when he saw her face.

' I'm so sorry. I just lost track of where I was going. So sorry '. Diva bent her head again and attempted to pass the other way when the boy stopped her.

' No, no. You can take my seat if you don't mind. I should be the one apologizing to you for my manner of speech '. The boy stood up and blocked Diva's path, gesturing her to his now empty sit.

Diva searched around the table. His two males friends were looking at her with the same glint he had in his eyes. With admiration and lust. The girls, with disgust, one deeper than the other. If looks could kill, Diva was sure to be swiped by the girl that sat next to the boy.

She knew this thing. It was jealousy glowing out of the girl who had her boyfriend making advances on another. She should not be involved.

' No, thank you. I would rather decline. My seat is not far away '. She declined his offer but the boy was not giving up.

' Alone?. Why don't you join us then? I will just get a seat for you '. She looked around the table again. The boys were nodding their heads off. The girls were bulging their eyes out. Seriously? These eye messages would not move a nerve in her body, but she refused still for peace to reign.

' I am not alone. My friend is just over there '. The defense flowed from her lips effortlessly and Diva was ashamed as the boy turned to look behind. She shouldn't have been too fast.

Everyone turned in the direction she was pointing at. Her hands were shaking with the plate of food vibrating on the tray. The first time she tried to lie and this was her punishment. Have mercy Lord.

She froze when the boy and everyone at the table turned to her again. His face was all smiles as he looked at her. Was this it?. Her reward for lying?. Her heart stilled as he opened his mouth to speak, waiting for the abusive, mocking words.

' Wow, I did not know you were friends with the most talented dancer and social media influencer in school. Oh my God, I am glad to meet you. I am Harris '.

Diva widened her eyes at his words and wider at his stretched hand which begged to be shaken.

Talent what?. Did he look at where she was pointing to?. Who was this talented person?

Bending her upper body to the side, she saw the person he was talking about in her supposedly chosen table and her jaw dropped.


Who do you think the person is?. Can I see some debate in the comment section?.

I will be posting only one today. I am feeling very weak now. Pls bear with me

Much love.