
' What's this?. Don't tell us we are going to do a spelling bee in here. Who the heck do you think has your time in here? '. One of the boys in her grade glared while dangling a sheet of paper in the air.

Diva stared down at the paper before her. It was a white sheet ruled in the middle. The marking of 1-30, fifteen on each side, and the headword; ' SPELL WHAT YOU HEAR! ' made her in a way concur with what the boy had said. They were going to spell words from one to thirty and she knew it was something meant to be done in the classroom. Not just any classroom- the one for the junior students like the junior girl in here that glinted with excitement in her eyes. Why was she even here?.

This was for children, for kids that feel spelling bees are great competition. She sighed and turned the paper to the back. It was blank. Was this the punishment Hailey was talking about?. The one where the punisher, the detention lady, was wicked and dished out detentions like it was her calling. Diva laughed in her head at her thought.

Come to think of it, was it not better this way?. Punishing someone within his/her capabilities. It would be nice, wouldn't it?. Unless the words are difficult to spell.

' Who has my time? '. Miss Flora, the detention lady paused for a while as though to ponder on the question. ' Apparently, not you, right? '. Diva watched the boy nodding his head in agreement. She saw the underlying humor in the disciplinarian cum teacher's eyes. She had to be reminded by the smirk on her face that the woman was the same wicked person Hailey talked about.

She turned to Emma to see him sitting like a statue with no interest in what was happening. For a moment, she got distracted by the distant look in his eyes as he worked his fingers on the desk before him, peeling off the stickers that were glued to it. She felt pity for his state. He was like an abandoned child without love and attention.

The slamming of the table tore not only her gaze from him. Emma too turned to the source of the sound.

In front of the table, stood a non-smiling lady with her spaces fingers on the desk. The boy that had objected to the punishment now shivered in fear. ' When I say do something. You do it. You won't want to remind me of my right to extend your stay here... '. Her eyes gleamed with fierceness. '.. two weeks will be small a time to be called an extension '. She threatened.

It was more of a fact than a threat as it was written in the school's prospectus. ' It's called prospectus and not a constitution book '. She shook her head slightly as Hailey's light scolding echoed in her head.

Miss Flora had more rights, one was the uprise of the seizure of results if the act of the student was more than curbing. All it needed was the signature of the Principal. She was the disciplinarian after all.

An MP device was turned on and Miss Flora's commanding voice echoed after the beep. ' Spell out the words you hear on the paper. You've got fifteen minutes for it. Your time starts...now '. Miss Flora commanded The first word blared loud in the room with the aid of the speaker.

Within minutes of the command, everyone started scrambling the words they heard. Diva had a tough time trying to get the spelling of some words that were alien to her. To her front left, Dawin was chewing on the cover of the pen and to her side, Emma was writing the words effortlessly but with a bored look in his eyes. The junior girl was pronouncing each word before she wrote it. The junior boy took the desk as his rough sheet before transferring the barely right spelling into the white paper. The senior boy, the one who had refuted....he was the fastest!. She wondered if he wrote the right thing.

Time went by and slowly everyone emptied the classroom. Diva walked after Emma, cautious of her steps to not enter into him until he came barging into her.