Alex's story

When he was a little boy his father told him he would be more than him, would excel more than him, stand apart from the others, and walk with heads high.

His mother told him he would birth many children, boys that looked like him and girls that looked like her, and to her words, he wondered if his mate would be a girl that resembled her.

Growing up, his elder sister told him he would be so handsome, turn the heads of girls

and make women wet. That he would be favored mainly because of his beauty. His elder brother told him: '' You will excel in f*cking the girls you make wet and become a father at a young age ". Well, it's virtually, a mix-up of the things his parents and sister said, but it made him smile eventually.

And when they chose him to find the girl, they told him he was fit for the job, too handsome and young in the face as the boy whose body they had appointed for him to possess: " Though you are older and generations ahead than the boy we have " They said, " We choose to believe in your abilities ".

Now as he sat on the window frame of his bedroom, leaving his feet dangling beneath him, he thought back to the time in the witch's cavern where his body was switched with that of a young boy.

" This will require the blessing of the gods and the willingness of the giver, so do you Alexander Thornborn agree to take up the body of this boy and bid it fit that it be done in haste and in accordance with the Lords of the seven hells and that if anything happens in the process of this transfiguration, your consent this day on this paper would be used as evidence of it's course? ". A woman with long black hair that reached the ground and pale skin as white as milk adorned with a black garment pointed her black polished nails to a man supposed to be Alex.

' Yes, I do consent. Begin it, will you? Time waits for no man '. His raven black hair that cascaded down his hip bones hid his birth coat from the views of others and his dark red eyes stayed steadfast on the naked boy that laid on the exalted platform before him. He took a mental digestion of the boy.

Alex, as his birthmother would call him, perceived accurately that it was a fresh kill, and as he placed his hands on the body, he commenced the transfer, inhaling the smoke the woman assumed to be the witch popped in the air. He coughed at first, inhaled afresh, and coughed again. Light glowed from him swallowing both of them, him and the boy. The woman's incantations filled the dark environment except only for the bright light that illuminated the part where he stood.

Alex continued coughing till he started spouting out blood and choking on it. His hands on the boy trembled greatly as he gasped for air. He kept choking and gasping, failing to control his hands


' Alex!!! '.

Like a person pulled out from the river in which he was drowning, Alex opened his eyes to the call of his friends.

He felt trapped like the many times he did open his eyes either from sleep or a quick trip in memories. Around him, his three friends stood with elongated fangs and claws and red eyes that cried out for a filling of blood.

He tried to stand but found his base, baseless. It was then it downed on him. They were standing in the air.

' What in seven hells were you doing Alex? What if the boy's sister saw you? '.