
Edward, Mr. Edward as she would call him, sat listening to her speak. The Translation term he had heard before and just a little knowledge of it made him understand the plight of the royals of the Seven Kingdoms in which his younger sister was married into the greatest of them.

He knew also that the Crown Princes or Crown Princesses suffer more during the time that their powers evolved in them. During the time the Stones got glued to their core, as he was privileged to know from her father. For Fred her cousin, he knew he was the Crown Prince of Ruby Kingdom and so the process would be harder on him especially as the Ruby Stone was known to be the Fire Stone.

His knowledge continued wherein the Translation giving more powers caused him to feel like it was burning within him, laid. Like it was eating him up from the inside.

' The Translation '. He nailed. ' If he is translating, why worry much about him? He is definitely getting stronger and wittier '.

Diva wiped the lone tear that threatened to roll down her cheeks.

' It is not just the Translation process he is suffering from. Here, watch this video and tell me what you think '. He took the laptop from her and wore the earphones. And after a few minutes of watching and distorting his face, he gave it back.

' He's certainly in pain. Is the Transition meant to be that painful? And the smoke emitting from him, is it also an effect of the Translation? '. He queried.

' That's exactly what I am trying to say '. Diva agreed and sat upright. ' It is not meant to be devastatingly painful as it is to him because our bodies have been wired to withstand the pains, but this is beyond Translation. This is his hate for his father. His several years of hatred. It is burning him. And that's why the Translation process is seen to be more painful. He is translating and at the same time hating. And when the Translation period is meant to conceal more powers in him, the hating is discharging them, making him suffer more. At the time of the incident, he couldn't control his powers. The smoke, it happens when he is raging. Normally, it just clouds him, but the hatred for his father makes it come from his insides '. She paused for a while to play busy with her fingers before continuing. ' It is the fire that boils his blood. It's erupting from within and tormenting him. I feel from him '.

' So let me get something straight. When he is angry, the smoke clouds him, mainly because his blood is boiling, but it doesn't hurt. It only helps as a weapon to fight more. Like blurring the vision of his attackers. And because his hatred is a higher dimension of anger, something that is deep down like a volcano, erupting from his insides, it is burning him. At the time, he is translating, becoming more powerful and fiercer, but the add-up is the hatred where it is dealing with him bad. Making everything so painful '.

Diva widened her eyes at his words. ' Yes, just like that '.

' Do you know why the hate increased because the guy that came that day to see you seemed jovial and joyful?


' I don't really know. I just hope he is alright wherever he is '.

' Hmmm. You can inquire from your father since he is his nephew. All will be well '.

' I pray so. I will go see him tomorrow after school '.

' Ok then '. Edward said as he slammed both hands on his thigh. ' Put that aside and get some sleep. Your father won't be coming back tonight. He has some things to attend to in the office '.

And to that Diva did not answer, dropping her laptop on the side table and tucking herself inside the duvet.

' Good night Mr. Edward '.

' Good night dear '. He greeted and turned off the light.