Half X Chapter

*beep* *beep* *beep* "...ughh… what time is it? Seventeen? A clock only goes to twelve… what dumbass built that thing?" in a half-awake stupor I rolled out of my bed as I looked up at the 'clock' displaying a countdown with roughly seventeen hours remaining. Proceeding to start moving around to get my blood flowing and fully wake up I begin pacing around the room while recollecting my thoughts from the previous day

'Its a fucking timer you dumbass!' *sigh* gathering my belongings I make my way out of the door leading to the next room, being a small cubicle with only a large lever mounted in the middle of the floor

'Well let's see what you can do…' *creak* and with a bit of effort flick the switch to its second position and after a short timeframe an audible click was made

"Hmm? What happen-" but before I could finish the speakers flared to life and interrupted me for the Nth time during the exam

*bzzt* "congrats you have beat all the puzzles that were built… the exit door has been opened" came the tired voice of my examiner, though I have no idea why he would be so tired right now if my math is correct it should only be about three in the afternoon?

'That and also where the hell is the exit door?' looking around the room there was nothing and soon his patience began to expire

"Hey, you said the exit opened no? So where is the exit?" I asked aloud hoping the examiner was listening

"..." yet there was no response, just silence as I began to think over the announcement

'He said it opened but never say where it was that it opened… god I have to backtrack don't I?' turning around and facing the doorway I came through

*sigh* "here goes…" quickening my pace I began to rescale trick tower peering into each room and looking for any new editions

{A few hours later}

"..." looking at the wooden doorway before me I can't help but be stunned into silence

'This fucker made me backtrack all the way to the start of the challenge…' swinging opening the door I see a hole in the floor with a ladder leading down into darkness

"Well if I get out of here there might be actually good food or I can get some sleep… down I go." though during my second descent of the tower instead of going down rung by rung I slid down by slightly gripping the beams of the ladder.

'Now all I need is for snake eater to start playing… ' finally arriving at the bottom of the latter a doorway opens up into a small clearing as several people's gazes turn to look at me and my disheveled appearance

*bzzt* "contestant number thirty-eight 'Magenta-Magenta' has finished the third exam in 16th place with eleven hours left" as I walked out into the circular room the speaker announced my time and ranking in the exams

'Hoh? That's nice, with this time I can study the exam tag numbers and probably rest before Zevil Island…' deciding to sit down with my back against the door I entered from I began to look around the room at the various other examinees who had made it this far

'Well it doesn't look all that different than the anime… for now, I should rest up as this exam has put me through the wringer.' with that thought, I closed my eyes as I sat leaning against the wall and fell asleep

AN: I am pretty busy today but wanted to get out a chapter, unfortunately, it came out later than normal and is half the size of a normal chapter but I think it serves the purpose as a transition between exams. Again, sorry if you are disappointed but I will make sure to deliver more chapters soon.