My Hero life start

One day the world changed that was a regular day but suddenly a big black hole opened in the road not only in our place, on full Earth. Then a bunch of monsters came from nowhere. Then they attack and kill innocent people. Army, police try to fight them but they can defeat them. In 10 minutes they kill millions of people in the world.

After 1 month suddenly people got some power. They use the power to defeat them.

But some people never get power. Half of the world's people get power and others don't get any power. Now The Society has people with power and Some have no power.

25 Years passed After the monsters appeared.

Now in the present the world is full of heros. They save innocent people from the monsters.

I am Kirito and I am a 21 year old 2nd year high school student.I want to be a hero, I want to help innocent people But My power has not wakend. Now I am still a powerless boy. I know that my power Will wake up one day. My favorite hero is Lith Vance . I want to be like him. He doesn't care about his life,he just wants to help people who are in danger.

Now about my high school, My school name is RIH high school. The school has so many students. Some students have power. They use their power to attack us. They use their power for bad works. They bully innocent students. They think they are the king of our school.

Our School have 30 power holder students. Everyone is afraid of No.1 strongest power User.

His name is Gaddiel. He can control Wind.

Suddenly On 9th March,

Our school was attacked by a monster. Students with powers try to fight the monsters. But they can't handle the monsters.Gaddiel doesn't help any students. He sits and watches the students die.

Students who don't have power run to save their lives. I run too. I run in a safe place and hide. After some time

Then kirito saw

Then I saw, " one monster going to kill my one classmate". I want to help her, but I can't help her.When the monster is going to attack her, I run to help her,I run and move her, then the monster attacks me. I was bleeding. I was sure that I was going to die,then I moved my hand and I saw, " I can move the Iron thing not only that I can shape the Iron in anything". The monster is going to attack me again, then I shape an Iron into a sword and throw that to the monster. The sword hit on the monster's heart and the monster died. After defeating the monster I set and think, "Now I get power I can help anyone "

Kirito's classmate's name was Alice and she was a power holder. Alice's power was water. She can control the water. She is the No.7 power user in school.

Then Alice come and sit next to kirito and say to kirito

Are you Alright kirito?

Kirito says, " I am fine ". That time Kirito was still bleeding.

Kirito tries to get up to kill the other monsters and try to help the other students. That time Alice says," Kirito Don't move, you are still bleeding and you can't go anywhere now, Just lay down ".

Kirito says," I have to stand up and help them or the monsters will kill my friends "

Then Kirito tried to stand, Kirito stood and went to help his classmate and friends.

Kirito saw," some monsters are going to kill some students. Then Kirito controls some Iron and then shapes them into a sword and throws those swords to the monsters. The swords cut all the monsters and all monsters died.

Then all the students saw that Kirito wakend his power and saved them from the monsters. Every student says,"The School's new power user. Then Gaddiel says, " The fun has started ".

Kirito kills all the monsters and saves the students. After defeating all the monsters kirito

Unconsciously fell to the field Because of too much bleeding.

After 3 hours wake up kirito say,

" Where am I ? Why does my body hurt so much? "

Then he saw Alice was sit next to him

But she was sleeping


She wake up and so kirito was wake and watching her

Alice says," why are you looking at me"

Kirito says,"Sorry".

Alice, Are you fine now Kirito.

Kirito,Yes but my body hurts so much.

Alice,OK that will be fine,The doctor healed you.

Kirito, OK and what happened after I Unconscious.

Alice, "Nothing happened I took you here "

Kirito, is all the monsters dead.

Alice, Yes You killed the monsters alone.

Kirito, I am so happy that I can help tham.

Alice, Now say why You help me and risk your

life to help me?

Kirito says, I don't know. My body just move

alone and try to help you. Because of saving you I get my power.

But Now I have power. I Will kill the monsters and the innocent peoples will be saved.

Alice says,OK good Now it's too late I have to go home.

Before Alice go and say to Kirito

Be careful next time and Thanks for saving me.

Kirito says, " OK, Be careful when you go home and See you next time and bye".

Alice gets out of the school Hospital room and Smile and say

Yes, we will meet soon

After Alice leave Kirito think

Now that I have power, I can help the people who are in danger and

My life as a Hero just start