Kirito vs Hanniel

Before the school was over Hanniel came and challenged Kirito in a fight.

Everyone was surprised that Hanneil came and challenged kirito.

Kirito doesn't say anything?

"Are you scared?Kirito" Hanniel said.

"Hanniel stop,"Alice said.

Than Kirito says

Ok, I accept your challenge. See you after School at the school battle area.

After that Hanniel says,Today I will break you all bons.

After saying that Hanniel got out of Kirito's classroom.

Alice says,Are you stupid? You accept his challenge.

Kirito says,Don't worry nothing happened?

After school everyone comes to watch Kirito and Hanniel fight.

The school battle arena was full of students. They came to watch the fight.

Hanniel was standing in the arena, waiting for kirito.

Kirito was coming to fight,but Alice saying, "not to fight kirito"

But Kirito says, "Don't worry today is the time to teach him a lesson for bullying innocent students "

After saying that Kirito enters the arena,Alice still was worrying about Kirito.

After seeing kirito coming Hanniel says,

Today you will die kirito.

Before the battle started Kirito's class teacher Miss Riza came and said not to fight.

Hanniel says, Miss , why are you worrying about kirito? I fought so many students but you never came.why you came today?

Did you fall in love with Kirito when he saved you?

Miss Riza, No I don't fall for ki----

Before Miss Riza going finishing Kirito says

Say sorry to Miss Riza or today will be your last fight.

Hanniel, I'm not going to say sorry? What are you going to do?

Kirito, ok your choice, than kirito say to his miss

Miss Riza stayed away from the arena.

Today I will kick his ass.

After hearing that Miss Riza came out from the arena.

Before starting the match

Hanniel attack kirito

Hanniel punches Kirito in the mouth. Kirito hit the wall of the arena.

Everyone says that is cheating. Alice says, stop the fight he is cheating.

Then Kirito gets up and says to stop them.

Kirito,Everyone stop, I will fight with him.

"You attack me from behind, you coward". Kirito says.

I can do anything to kill you, Because you bully in front of everyone.

Hanniel was coming to punch Kirito again but Kirito was standing relaxed.

Hanniel thought, What is Kirito thinking? Why he don't move? Forget that time to kill him.

When he is going to attack Kirito again, Kirito makes a shield with Iron and stops Hanniel from attacking.

Hanniel saw Kirito make a shield.

Hanniel tries to attack Kirito but he can't attack him.

Than Kirito says

Let's end the fight here. Because I don't have time to play with you.

Then Kirito makes some guns and shoots Hanniel.

Hanniel cannot find any hiding place.

He takes all the guns shoots.

After taking all the shots from the guns he was going to fall but Kirito tied Hanniel with Iron ropes that Kirito made.

After tying Haniel with ropes, Kirito makes swords and throws them to hanniel.

Before touching the to Hanniel, He says,

"Please forgive me?" I will say sorry to Miss Riza.

Then Kirito stops the swords from touching him.

Then kirito says,"Miss Riza come to arena"

Then Miss Riza enter the arena and

Come to Kirito.

Then Hanniel says,"Miss forgave me?" or Kirito will kill me.

Miss Riza says, ok I forgave you.

Then Kirito says, Hanniel's friend will come and take you . then Kirito released him from the ropes and he fell to the Ground. After the match was over Miss Riza says

Thanks kirito for helping me.

Kirito, that is a student job to help the Teacher.

Kirito smiles and says,that my job too.

Then Miss hugs Kirito and Kirito says, Miss that hurt and I can't take breath.

Miss Riza, ok sorry.

After that Miss Riza went to her office.

Everyone says,

" New No. 21 school powerful power user".