Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lady! Murderer? Yes. Sadistic?
Okay, maybe yes to that as well.
But at least I did it while looking super adorable!
Seeing my probably unremorsed face, Kumo slowly hung her head as tears built up around the corners of her eyelids. The lights in her eyes were nowhere, only a deep dark void filled with despair: "Kurokawa would never kill herself! I raised her to be stronger than me! I-I raised her to be better than me!"
I shrugged and answered with a smirk: "Yeah, I am lying. Now then, what should I say? Maybe 'Oh yeah, I was there, and she was so cold and stiff, and her cold blue hands were so fragile'? Why would I even care about killing a suicidal person? Lady, she killed herself. Just accept it. Hows and whys are not that important, really. Can we get back to the story of how I met C? Or are we going to talk about how you abused your daughter every night and day like a slave owner?"
"How did you know about that!? And who are you to judge me?! All of what I did was for her own good!" The truth was we both understood how pitiful those excuses were. Noticeably, the hands grabbing my coat began to tremble, but she still gripped tightly, not letting go of me. Since we had quite a height difference, breathing gradually became difficult with her hands pulling on my neck.
"Uh? The wounds on her body? The scars she hid? Cigarette burns and purple marks on her skin? For your information, I was the one who helped clean her body and helped C bury it. Thanks for asking, by the way!" Stressing each word sarcastically, I continued: "Did you also know that a body weighs much more dead than alive? It took us a while to get her cold, dead corpse nice and tidy, even sewed her hand back to her arm, yet her mother accuses me of killing her so-called beloved daughter! Boo hoo hoo!"
With a swift twirl of my wrist, the knife in my hand immediately touched its tip to the skin on Kumo's neck and pressed on it. Looking closely, a little blood from before was still visible. Under the nightly sky, its metallic sheen reflected a dark color and was decorated with beads of crimson.
"What is there to get by lying to you, anyway? It's not like I get any pleasure out of this." I did get pleasure out of it. It was damn fun. "I can end your pathetic life right now if I want to. Trust me, it is not hard. At all. You are literally in the position of none negotiable. So you better lower that attitude and your hands, too, lady."
Kumo's grip loosened, and she stumbled back a few steps, staring at me with wide eyes.
Silence ensued.
"I don't need to lie. Kurokawa killed herself. And more people can vouch for that than you'd think."
The lady in front's expression froze. Her eyes wavered like a lost child looking frantically for their parents. Not because of fear, though. Not even rage or anger boiled inside her pupils. It was something else. It was an emotion that only she could bring to herself.
"...So you really did see her..." She sobbed. Words were mixed with one another.
Kurokawa's mother stopped for a few seconds before opening her quivering lips. "...Where...was she buried?"
"What? You don't doubt me anymore? Aren't I the big fat killer who tortured your daughter?" Interested in her sudden switch, I questioned.
However, before I could even hear the answer from Kumo...
"It's time to leave the woman alone. Don't you think your sadism has gone long enough, An? You already brought distress to her, yet still, you want to keep going? Have some compassion for once!"
Despite being in the middle of the night, their voice was all high and mighty, like someone used to command other people's lives. I knew that commanding tone well. Loud, obnoxious, and prideful, that person always loved to use virtue and integrity to her advantage while forcing her maid to do her dirty work.
As our gazes shifted to the source of that voice, two silhouettes quickly emerged from the shadow. A few steps further away, where the streetlamps were casting a cone-shaped light onto the ground, someone with drill-like long white hair stepped forward. That person adorned a simple white blouse, a jet-black tie on her collar, and suspenders attached to her ebony skirt. The attire could be considered unconditional for girls, but her outlandish hourglass figure made it fit so well it looked like she was born to wear that outfit.
And yet, captivating as she was, it was not even why she could stand out amongst the crowd.
"Hiya, Adora. Long time no see, girl! Hiya, too, Vivian!"
Adora de Bloom, the supposed princess from another country of this world, had deep ruby-red eyes. It was as if her iris was dyed in blood, full of vitality and vigor. Yet, they held so much depth that one would not dare look into them because they would be charmed immediately. With her exceptionally snowy skin, even for an alleged foreigner, the vermillion color stood out even more. White and red clearly contrasted, creating a fierce look at first glance.
At second glance, she was still fierce, though. She possessed a special intimidating aura of a person in charge. Kinda annoying, to be honest. I never liked how she viewed me as lesser than her just because of her settings. Fortunately, I did not have to deal with her much after C's intervention.
"Please don't address me so casually. We are not friends—not now, before, or ever." The princess rolled her eyes, hearing my greetings.
"Hi, An. I see you're already occupied. I hope we're not interrupting any interesting play you have in mind." A few steps behind Adora was her maid. Unlike her master, who was always budging in someone else's business, this person was more of a lustful demon who always sought chances to show her demoness nature.
Vivian, despite being incredibly horny 24/7, somehow got a face of an innocent angel. Her pale skin in the background, amethyst purple eyes, and deep cobalt hair made it seem like Vivian was the calm and collected type, almost sickly. Nonetheless, I knew that innocence was merely a façade that hid a perverted soul. She was a fallen angel, a black sheep. The moment she had her hands on her prey, Vivian would never let go until she drained them of virtually all bodily fluids. Then, as the perfect maid that she was, she would go out of her way to replenish the energy of her victim, only to devour it once more.
Of course, that 'quirkiness' of her was nothing unconventional, considering what we were. Vivian was Adora's trusted head maid and was the only one given the maid settings in this world. That woman wore the maid attire from head to toe. From hair band to her shirt and apron, every detail was carefully crafted so she could look her best, adorned in black and white. Just like all of us, her design was undoubtedly gorgeous. Even so, that did not show Vivian's desire at all. Behind those clothes, she was always wearing bright red lingerie. If a gust of wind were to blow the helm of her skirt up, one would be able to see its non-child-friendly design immediately. In her words, a good maid must always be ready to serve. Whatever kind of serving she had in mind!
"Why are Your Highness here, though? I don't remember knowing you at this point?" Tilting my head slightly to the side, I wondered. While doing so, the knife moved from Kurokawa's mother so the tip could point outward, facing the other two people. Kumo's throat was grabbed hard with my other arm, only to make sure she remembered what was going on rather than thinking of anything funny. Snapping her head off like a twig would only be feasible for someone like Rachel. For me, I had to be vigilant.
"If we were talking about the events, Rachel should be the first one with her first night drugging Han and the likes. Laura would be the second, Kurokawa, then my turn. Since Kurokawa's event is in my hands... Hehe. In my hands, ya get it? No? Hmph! Party poopers! There's no reason for you to be present and calling me by my name." The knife moved from one place to another in the middle of the air, counting each event as though numbers were floating in front of me, and its tip guided me through them.
"If you appeared into the world sooner than me, I thought I would get some good information from you. It turns out to be a complete waste of time. I should have known better than asking someone like An for something that wasted brain material." Adora scoffed. Her eyes looked at me like a bug underneath her feet.
If I had the chance, I would have plucked those eyes from her pretty little face and ground them to a paste. Sadly, Vivian, although not opening her eyes while maintaining a smiling face, started stepping closer to her master with one of her hands behind, preparing for something.
I would not fight her head-on. Adora might have been easy to deal with, but Vivian was not.
"I didn't kill you directly with my hands. But one of these days, I'll make a crown out of your skull, Your Highness."
"Fascinating." A smirk appeared on Adora's prideful face. "On the contrary, I was the one ordering your execution back in my days. It'd be a great pleasure to see it happen again."