
He lowered his gaze and kept walking to the store. His hungry stomach was not at all helping and after that beating it got worst. He didn't eat anything since yesterday and neither was the circumstances coming to the point that he can eat so he kept his head low and kept walking. After a walk of 10 min he reach there. A bright flash light of the store was illuminating the area around it and the crowd of the people was as normal as always. He looked around while crossing the road and went to the front door of the store.

"Hello" Aiden greeted in his cheerful voice as always not letting anyone guess that the worse happened with this boy a few minutes ago. But he frowned while greeting when he saw an unknown face behind the counter.

A new employee, did I got kicked out? Damn. No, no, no please no. Not this, not now.

Aiden thought and felt the urge to cry but he held it back as the owner came out of the restroom and walked toward the counter.

"Ma-Maddie!" Aiden shuttered while talking and placed his hand on the owner shoulder who quickly turned around and gave him a brightest smile and engulfing the younger in her arms. Aiden felt a little bit relaxed and separated from Maddie and looked at the stranger and then back to the owner. "Sh-should I leave?" He said again looking at both of them turn by turn yet with confusion clear in his eyes.

"Why? Are you resigning? Well contract didn't finish yet you still need to work for me 3 more months" Maddie said diverting all her attention to the younger and saw that resistance and confusion in his eyes so he quickly turned to the counter and placed his hands around the stranger's waist.

"He is not your replacement" she said and chuckles softly while tracing the stranger's waist and said "I'm sorry I didn't introduce him. Aiden this is Peter, and Peter this is my sweetheart Aiden" The owner introduced both of them and younger released the breath which he was holding back since he entered the store. With that he greeted the stranger and smiled.

"Well, I thought I was your sweetheart? Ouch" Peter said dramatically placing his hand on his heart and squeezing his shirt on left side of his chest.

"Stop it Pete. You are such an actor. Why don't you try it out huh?" Maddie smacked at the other's head and walked towards the younger.

"Where were you? You didn't come yesterday, is everything alright?" The owner said to the younger in soft voice and caressed his cheeks.

"Oh come on he is an adult. He doesn't need to explain everything to you. He must be doing something private. Right bud." Peter winked at the younger who didn't get it at all and looked uncomfortable.

"Just look at him man he got great looks. He doesn't even seem real" with that peter came toward the younger and traced younger's lower lip with his finger and pecked at the corner by holding his chin.

"S-st-stop" Aiden said while moving back and placing his hand in front of him as in he was protecting himself. "D-don't. P-please s-stop. I-I..." he closed his eyes tightly, his body shaking badly. Cold sweat drops on his forehead. Tears streaming down his face. Maddie panicked and held the younger tightly in her arms. Aiden flinched on her touch and started pushing owner away and trying to move away from her.

"P-please D-Dad. I-I promise I didn't break my promise. Believe me I-I'm telling the truth Dad. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry d-dad p-please. Not again p-please just l-listen please..." Aiden didn't opene his eyes nor did he stop his struggle in lady's arms.

Maddie was completely clueless that what is happening so she just let go of younger and spoke "Hey, hey calm down. See it's me, Maddie your father is not here. Just relax. Breath. Breath. Breath." She took long breaths and nodded the younger to do that with her. Younger opened his eyes after listening her voice and saw her blurry figure due to his teary eyes but did as the owner tell him". Aiden relaxed after a while and went to the restroom to fresh up.

"Pete, I told you to be very careful with him. He is so innocent and fragile he doesn't know about these things and he is already dealing with a lot but no you being you can't even handle your pervert side" Maddie was angry yes she was because she always treats Aiden with extra care knowing how the boy is managing his living.

"Come on I didn't do anything Maddie. He is an adult I thought he can handle the joke at least." Peter played it cool in front of his girlfriend but deep down he was feeling guilty for what he did after seeing younger in that situation.

Aiden worked normally doing his night shift not noticing the person standing at the chocolate stand since long. He did all his work and managed to finish the cash counting and was about to close the counter when that last costumer came and left after paying. He closed the counter and handed the cash to Maddie and bid his goodbye to the owner, taking a pack of beer in his hand he left the store.

Next few days were same. Peter didn't come to store after that day. He noticed that there is same person who come here early and just stay there doing nothing but window shopping and leave when the store is about to close but he didn't say anything thinking he might also be the one like him who don't want to go home.

Aiden did as always closed the counter and left the store with pack of beer and started walking to his house.

"He left the store. Be ready"

There was dark alley on his way back home that always made him uncomfortable. He was walking when he saw a dark figure standing far from him but in his way. He was afraid but still kept walking not to show his fear. When he was passing that dark alley he heard footsteps behind him and his fear increased, his hold on the pack also increased. He quickened his pace almost running but the footsteps never faded. He tried to look back and just then he hit the hard chest and boom he fell to the ground. Two strong arms hold him up and he see nothing but darkness. He was blind folded.

"W-w-who is t-this? W-what do you want?" Aiden said while snapping his head here and there but saw nothing just darkness. He felt again those strong arms again on his shoulder and he hissed in pain due to his injured arm. The grip loosen and that person hold his chin and sneaked near his ear

"Relax Baby boy".

"P-please let me go. I m-mean no-no harm to you" Aiden said pleading and tears streaming down his face. He heard the loud chuckle and got more scared. The sound of beer opening fled to his ears and he thought and said "Take the whole pack I-if y-you want. Take the money even my m-mobile j-just let m-me g-go. My father is waiting for me. I r-really need to go p-please"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP OR SHOULD I MAKE YOU?" A very dominant voice boomed in the air and the younger whimpered due to the dominance of the voice.

"Put him in the car and meet me at the mansion" the person said to the blonde male and got in the car.

"Okay. JK will he be with you or should I lead him to my car?" Another voice reached younger's ear who was trembling with fear and another layer of fear rushed in his body when he heard that dominant voice again.

"I'll take him with me." And the younger is dragged and thrown on the car seat and not after long darkness engulfed him. Sleep? Or he fainted not known.

"You look so innocent but you need to pay for his deeds. Sorry!"