[Sorry For Party Rocking]

A trio of J High students calmly walked down a busy street in the centre of the city, being guided by a guy wearing a cap and a pair of sunglasses despite the fact that it was currently dark outside. Vin Jin, Mary Kim and Jack Ho, were the names of the three Vocal and Dance Department students from J High. They were also three friends who were very closely tied by their past together, they pretty much grew up knowing one another but only becoming friends in the later years of middle school, at least when it comes to Jack's case. Mary and Vin knew each other since they were little and were practically siblings. The curvy blonde girl decided to spice up her appearance by wearing tight-fitting white clothes which worked wonders in attracting the attention of the surrounding male population, of which Jack was part.

The man in question who desperately tried to not look at his female friend in a lustful manner was dressed differently as well, wearing jet-black clothes, the jacket of which had a maroon inside. He still looked like a fashion disaster but not quite as much as one would expect. In fact, some women who managed to get a glimpse of the shy man would say he looked quite handsome. Naturally, he was still wearing his red-tinted circular glasses as that wouldn't be him if he wasn't.

The last member of their little group, Vin, was wearing what he always wore and didn't bother changing his appearance at all. Somehow, that perfectly aligned with the kind of person the two knew him to be. They were following Vin's lead while all of them talked to one another, talking about random shit that happened in school and stuff they saw on the internet.

"And here we are!" the loud exclamation made by their sunglasses-wearing friend stopped the two dead in their tracks, they stood in front of a local bar which wasn't all that surprising to either of them as both could go for a drink right about now.

The three of them discreetly made their way inside, told the waitress their fake age as the legal drinking age in South Korea is actually 20 and not 18 like in Europe for example and took a seat by a vacant table before ordering some food and alcohol. Vin guzzled it down like someone who spent a year in Sahara without drinking water while Mary took sips. Jack meanwhile appeared quite reluctant to drink alcohol, he knew that he tends to do embarrassing things when he's drunk and he CLEARLY doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of his friends and other patrons at the bar. The three talked and laughed as time rolled by, Vin was pretty much wasted already, his face flushed crimson and his speech impaired by the alcohol circulating through his system while Mary was a little tipsy and Jack... Jack was fucking gone. He drank two glasses to Mary's three and Vin's seven and his personality already did a 180. Jack... was now confident and outgoing. Yup! The same Jack whose social anxiety nearly ruined his first day at J High, the same Jack who hated standing out and being the centre of attention... was flirting, FLIRTING, with Mary Kim. The blonde didn't seem to mind, in fact, she took the flirting with stride and even flirted back while Vin jumped in from time to time to add his own grain of salt to the conversation. The three of them almost didn't notice a group of teenagers their age sitting just across the room from them, almost. Even with their hazy eyes, they could easily tell who the other group consisted of, mainly it was Zack Lee, Daniel Park and a beautiful and busty brunette who seemed to be all over Daniel.

Zoe Park, is a girl with a not-so-decent reputation of pretty much throwing herself onto any handsome guy she sees. Whether it's completely true or not though remains to be seen. There were also three other guys, the three musketeers, the dumb, dumber and dumbest, it was the trio of uglies that constantly hangs around Zack. Not Vin, not Mary and not Jack did remember their names. Must be cannon fodder... While Jack and his two friends took notice of the other group, the other group in question instead seemed to have its full attention on YET ANOTHER group, however, this one was full of actual adults that looked like wannabe gangsters. The three got back to talking amongst each other for now, keeping an eye on the other groups to see if their little standoff would escalate further. And, not long after, it did. A confrontation took place between Daniel and the other group of thugs and a hoe.

'It's like a local gathering of retards...' this very thought passed through Jack's, Mary's and Vin's minds as they watched the confrontation happen without a single fuck to give, all of them were drunk or at least tipsy and even if they weren't, none of them had any reason to help Daniel and his friends.

When the situation just looked about ready to explode, however, Daniel began to completely chastise his own friends in front of everyone, he even crushed one of their phones and forced them to apologise. Shit went downhill fast for the wannabe gangsters as Daniel appeared to be threatening them with a broken glass bottle. That managed to scare off the thugs and peace was once again restored inside the establishment, allowing Jack, Mary and Vin to return to what they were previously doing, ignoring the other group completely as they had no business with them. Despite the small setback earlier the three continued to have fun until they drank their money away. They paid for their individual expenses and were on their way home, except there was a small problem.

Jack didn't Vin and Mary could get home when neither of them knew which side was up and which side was down, "Do you guys want to sleepover?"

"Hell yeah, like we used to!" Vin really felt like a different person when he was so enthusiastic about spending time with his friends.

"Aw~ Inviting me over already~?" and Mary certainly didn't sound like she was against the idea so the three of them set off towards Jack's home.

The three were making quite a ruckus, but so were a lot of other people walking down the street so nobody paid them much mind. As they were walking and laughing Jack noted that some men were looking at his blonde and busty female friend with eyes full of lust, this of course annoyed the hell out of him in his drunken state but he didn't turn around and yell at them, Vin did it for him. Having such an extroverted friend sure was a blessing in disguise, Vin was like a goddamn megaphone when he yelled at any man he saw lustfully looking at Mary. The girl in question however didn't seem to give a shit and just continued to endlessly flirt with Jack, what a strange girl. As they were passing by a small convenience store a sudden thought made Jack stop dead in his tracks.

His two friends stopped soon after, "Wait, I have to go buy something real quick, alright?"

"Don't take too long~" Jack just responded with a thumbs-up as he strode over to the still open convenience store, leaving his two friends behind.


"Welcome," Jack spared the clerk only a quick glance before doing a double-take, he has never seen someone so... short and round, he didn't want to be mean but he has never seen walking, talking beachball.

Unbeknownst to Jack, this clerk was someone that somewhat knew him, even if the two never actually talked. This clerk's name is...

...Daniel Park. He bears the same name as J High's new fashion department student with looks that could classify him as an idol or a model, but this small Daniel had no such looks. He was short, fat and quite frankly... ugly as hell.

'Holy crap, what's that guy doing here?!' despite the only similarity between this Daniel and the Daniel from J High being their names, this person... seemed to also have the same memory... how?

That was a question the answer to which will come later, now, small Daniel could do nothing but keep his head low and pray that Jack leaves without making a mess, unlike that weird group of ugly bullies from a few nights ago. The same group of bullies that pretty Daniel was hanging out with just a few hours ago. Fat Daniel's train of thought was suddenly interrupted as a red box was plopped onto the counter. The chubby guy stared at the box for a good while with his eyes as wide as saucers with only one thought running through his head...


Suffice to say that Daniel was indeed not expecting THAT of all things to find its place on the counter. Cigarettes? Definitely. Hell, he was expecting a knife or alcohol but not a box of extra-large condoms for fucks sake! While Daniel was having a mental breakdown Jack browsed the local selection of mouth fresheners and decided on buying the mint chocolate one.

Noticing Daniel's mental absence, the glasses-wearing boy snapped his fingers in front of Daniel's face multiple times, successfully bringing him back down to earth, "Are you okay? You space out a bit there."

"A-Ah! I'm fine, sorry! It's my first week," realising his mistake Daniel hastily scanned the two small packages on the counter before giving Jack the grand total of 6,49$, with Jack being the drunk that he just took out a random bill from his wallet, pocketed the items and turned to leave, "W-Wait! This is a 100$ bill!"

"Keep the change," was all Daniel received as a reply as he was just about to walk out of the store if his way was not blocked by the sudden appearance of what could only be described as run-of-the-mill gangsters.

They numbered six in total, all had nothing special going for them except a few less than intimidating tattoos and some muscle that could hardly hold a candle to someone who actually frequented the gym. The gangster paid Jack no mind as they pushed their way inside the convenience store. Jack hardly paid them any mind while Daniel looked about ready to pass out and shit his pants.

'...It's not my problem...' Jack mentally spoke to himself as he waited for the gangsters to pass so that he could finally leave the store, only to stop the moment he heard their chatter.

"Hey, have you seen that blondie standing outside?"

"Her tits are fucking huge!"

"Do you think she'll let me fondle them?"

"Dude you're so weird, she's probably still in his high school."

"So what? Hasn't stopped me before!"




"...Okay, now it's my problem..."