Chapter 20: Deal (+Database Special)

Dae-Yang woke up. He looked around him. Everything was burning. Agma was on his lap. Reaper's headless body laid still, while her head was elsewhere.

" *thinking* looks like... It's over. We won, huh? *put his hand on his head* My head hurts.. . *checks his face, then abdomen* Sss! My skin. It's burnt.... Pains to touch..."

He looked at Agma.

"She is lying on my lap, injured. *looks at Reaper's head* she killed her? What am I saying? Only we three are here, I was knocked out, so only she could. But... She is also burnt... *checks her pulse* She is alive, thank God.

*now looks around* We should get out of here."

He holds her in his arms a d lifts her up. Then starts walking towards the exit.

"Oh you are finally awake?"

"Huh?! Who's there?"

"It's me! Down here!"

He looked down. Reaper was talking.

"Hey, what?! You are still alive?"

"Yes I guess."

"But you are just a head now!"

"Doesn't matter. I can't die after mere beheading."

" *Mere* ?"

"Uhh, how can I say... Assume that, I am half immortal."

"What do you mean by that half?"

"It means I can't die until and unless all of my System abilities are used, and I prefer using a few of them."

"All? You already used three."

"Four. You were sleeping."

"How many do you have?"

"I have 6 abilities. Using all of them in one fight is more than what you would call rare."

"Isn't two the limit?"

"Nobody said that."

"But everyone I've met... I don't know how many they actually have...."

"That's what."

"Let's change the topic. You are gonna stay like this forever, as a head. I mean, I don't know how you are breathing or if you are feeling any pain, but it would be better if you stay like this."

"I've got a deal for you."

"Well if it's to attach you back to your body, I decline. Can't take the risk again."

"Okay let me ask you - How do you think you are gonna fix my head. Do you know how to operate on blood wires?"

"Well no."

"We bio-engineered humans do not have blood vessels, we have blood wires, and they are even more complicated than a normal human body. So how do you think you will operate on me?"

"Well I said I can't."

"Okay so listen up silently.

The deal is - You carry me and my body to the headquarters, and ask them to repair me with my brain's negative chemicals released, so that I don't cause havoc."

"What will I get?"

"A girl. Of course."

"Wh- what?! I don't need it."

"But I need you. You know what, you interest me. I would really like to know about you more, *whispering* and also explore you teehee!"

"I want another wish..."

"To me to take you V card?"


"Okay okay just kidding. What's on your side?"

"If I take to to the headquarters, to have to join the System Office."

"Why tho?"

"You know what, even after your havocing nature being removed, its not guaranteed that you will stop doing those deeds. So it will be better if you will be under our care."

"Well that's... Deal then."

"Hey that was quick."

"Better safe than sorry."

"Ahh okay then. But *looks at Agma* how do you think I'll pick you up?"

"First place that girl down, keep my headless body on your shoulders, pick that girl up again, keep my head on her, then let's go."

"Won't that look weird. And that also will be too much weight on me."

"Enough talk. Let's get to work."

Dae-Yang did as Reaper asked him to. After they were done, they left the Cave. The portal behind them closed. Finally, it was all over.

Dae-Yang flew back to the System Headquarters.

The sun rose. They have been fighting the whole night in the Cave. But still, after all that, being able to see the rising sun with the chilling wind was refreshing.


Agma mumbled.

" *thinking* Guess she is recovering slowly. Hehe, she still is like a kid. Forcing me to help her, not seeing the situation and jumping in for requests. But still, after all that, at least it seems she was the one who protected me.

I've not slept for a whole night now. My body feels tired. I'll just go home and sleep."

*To Be Continued*


Author's Note (yes, again :P)

Hey! It's me again! But this time, I am here to present you the database of the main characters of the story.

P.S some information will be different from that mentioned in the novel before. Think of this as the canon!

1° Dae-Yang

Age: 20

Height: 6'1"/

Eye Color: Pinkish Red (Note: While fighting Bawi in the Final City, when Bawi called him weak and he smashed his face on the floor, his eyes we're purplish red, and slowly turned back to normal.)

Hair Color: Blackish Blue

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Ten Eyes

Additional Abilities: (Disclosed till now) Domain, Sixth Order

First Appearance: Chapter 0 (Reincarnation Arc)

2° Bawi

Age: 23

Height: 6'3"

Eye Color: Greenish Blue

Hair Color: Black and White

S.Y.S.T.E.M: One Eye

Additional Ability: (Disclosed till now) Attract, Repel

First Appearance: Chapter 6 {end, name not known}, Chapter 7 (Bawi Arc)

3° Agma

Age: 19

Height: 5'10"

Eye Color: Pinkish Purple

Hair Color: Pink (at the beginning) , Pinkish Blue

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Fire Style

Additional Abilities: (Disclosed till now) Dance of Sun God

First Appearance: Chapter 14 {end} (Bawi Arc)

4° Reaper

Age: 20

Height: 5'10"

Eye Color: Reddish Pink

Hair Color: Reddish Magenta

S.Y.S.T.E.M: (Not Disclosed Yet)

Additional Abilities: (Not disclosed yet)

Appearance: Chapter 16 {end}, Chapter 17 (Arc name not disclosed yet)

5° Kim Roberto

Age: 50

Height: 6'0"

Eye Color: Blackish Grey

Hair Color: Whitish Grey

S.Y.S.T.E.M: [Unknown]

Additional Abilities: [Unknown]

6° Chris

Age: 18

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Yellowish Green

Hair Color: Bluish Yellow

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Telepathy

Additional Abilities: X-Ray Vision, Clairvoyance, Psychokinesis, Apport.

That's for the characters here. Many more are incoming in the upcoming arc.

Also, some information about Dae-Yang's Domain. Domain works depending on the power of the attack of the enemy. If the enemy lands a blow much more powerful than what the user is capable of, Domain fails. Domain keeps on getting more and more useful as the user fights more and levels up.

Hope this helps ><