Chapter 2 Deeper I Go

Chapter Two

As it gets closer, I ready my claws, when the rat was just a couple of feet away, I lunge forward and stab the rat in the head with my outstretched claws killing it instantly. As the body disappears I grab its core and store it behind the rocks that I'm hiding behind since I have no way of storing it on my person and I still need to kill the remaining five rats.

(Shadow rat killed)


Race - Goblin Runt

F Rank

Strength - 4

Intelligence - 15

Stamina - 4

Dexterity - 5

Vitality - 4

Agility - 6

Magic -

Luck -

Available Attribute Points - 3


Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Well then, I've got five more rats that I still have to kill, I need to try to separate them one by one to make it easier on myself. I don't want to be surrounded by all five since I don't have any weapons or armor to protect myself. I have to be very careful and try to use my sneak skill the best that I can as he looks over his status page.


Race - Goblin Runt

F Rank

Strength - 4

Intelligence - 15

Stamina - 4

Dexterity - 5

Vitality - 4

Agility - 6

Magic -

Luck -

Available Attribute Points - 3


Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Now I need to figure out how I'm going to take care of the remaining five rats. After storing the monster core behind the rocks at the entrance to the tunnel I came out of, I slowly creep back to the edge of the tunnel to try and lure one more rat. I throw another stone at the closest one and hit it in the side of its head making a gash over its eye reducing its visibility. With it now enraged it starts running over in the direction that the stone came from, unaware that I am waiting to end its life. As it runs closer, I use sneak and move into its blind spot and strike, swiping his claws and nearly cut its head off.

(Shadow Rat killed)

After collecting the monster core, I begin to sneak forward and I see that the remaining four rats have noticed that two of them are missing and have started to pair up.

Tsk, I guess I'll have to try and take on two at the same time, I mutter to myself.

I throw another rock and it hits the closest of the pair of rats and causes one to stumble into the side of the other rat. After it regains its footing, both of the rats start to run towards the direction the rock came from.

I move so that the rat that I plan on killing is parallel to its partner rat, which is not the one I am targeting, as they run up to the spot that I was previously hiding at. As they get closer, I leap out and stab the nearest rat through the side of its chest right behind its foreleg, creating a gaping hole in its chest. It doesn't die immediately but it cries out in pain and falls into the rat next to it as it slowly starts to bleed out. Its partner is startled by the other rat suddenly falling into it and moves to the side in order to avoid being pinned under it as it slowly bleeds to death.

I jump over the injured rat and swipe both my claws at the rat that moved to avoid its fallen brethren. My claws connected with the second rat, causing its side to be ripped open killing it instantly, soon after the other rat finally died of blood loss.

(Shadow rat killed)

(Shadow rat killed)

Phew, I exhale as I go and collect the two monster cores before heading back to the tunnel entrance to catch my breath after killing the pair of rats.

They're fairly easy to kill as long as I'm being cautious, but I'm starting to get tired and I'm starting to feel hungry, I say to myself.

After resting for ten minutes I go back to see how the other two rats are doing and notice that one of them is missing. I immediately check my surroundings and notices the missing one sneaking up to the tunnel entrance.

I leap towards it swiping at its head and chest, it jumps back as I near it making me miss it by a hair's breadth. I land in front of the rat, and it jumps at me trying to bite through my throat, I sidestep and slash my claws a crossed it's back. The rat lands next to me and whips its tail hitting me in the chest and throwing me a couple feet backwards.

I roll backwards and manage to get back onto my feet as the other rat jumps and bites my arm. I yell out in pain and stabs its head with my claws on my other hand killing it instantly.

As it dies the remaining rat runs at me ready to end my life, but before the rat can disappear I use its body to block the incoming rat and then slash its throat with my claws.

(Shadow rat killed)

(Shadow rat killed)

As the rats disappear two items fall to the ground along with the usual monster core. I walk over and picks them up examining them closely.

System what are these items? I ask using my appraisal skill on the two items in my hands.

(Those are loot items; some monsters have the chance to drop loot after they've been killed. There are different rankings for loot, common, rare, epic, legendary, mythical and magic, you'll be able to see a slight aura around the item indicating its rarity class).

Holy shit! So, you mean I can actually get stuff by killing monsters? I yell in excitement.

(Yes, but the loot is random, and it mostly depends on one's luck).

Luck huh? If I'm not mistaken my luck didn't have a number beside it, what does that mean? I ask as I look at my status panel in confusion.

(Unfortunately, I'm unable to answer that question at this time, you'll need to evolve into a normal goblin before I'm able to start to explain).

I have to evolve huh? Well can you attest tell me what Rank I have to get to in order to evolve? I say deep in thought.

(You'll need to get to E Rank in order to evolve into a normal goblin).

E Rank?! That's ridiculous, I just barely got to enough monster cores to get a few attribute points, I yell in outrage.

I guess I'll see what kind of loot these two items are, they both have a slight grey aura so that means they're the shittiest rarity out there.

I use my appraisal skill on both of the items in order to learn what they are and what their uses are.

(Common - used backpack, used to store items for traveling)

Well shit, I guess it's not too bad, at least if I get more loot items along the way I won't have to try to carry them, I think out loud.

(Common - a gently used roll of gauze that will cover a wound but might not be the most sanitary)

What the shit, GENTLY USED, what kind of bullshit is this, I couldn't even get a new bandage? I yell in outrage.

This is complete crap, if I hadn't gotten bitten this would have pissed me off even more. I guess I can't complain too much seeing as I need something to at least cover this wound and stop debris from getting into it and causing an infection, I mutter to myself still fuming about the item description.

After wrapping the rat bite making sure it's completely covered, I look around the cavern and finds another tunnel leading out. I decide to take a break and rest to regain his lost stamina and try to conserve as much energy as possible since he doesn't have any food or water yet. While I rest, I collect the other monster cores and begin to absorb them. After an hour I finally finished absorbing the 6 monster cores and decide to check out my status page to see how I'm doing so far.

Race - Goblin Runt

F Rank

Strength - 4

Intelligence - 15

Stamina - 4

Dexterity - 5

Vitality - 4

Agility - 6

Magic -

Luck -

Available Attribute Points - 9


Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

I think I'll put the some of my points I've gotten so far and try to make my attributes a little more even, I muse to myself.