Chapter 7 New Skills

Ok Neph let's get this show on the road, for the first skill let's go with the shield spell.

(You got it)

(Creating new spell)




(Ding, new spell created, Aegis)

Aegis - A spell that creates a magical shield to protect the wielders body from all attacks, physical and magical. Adding more magic to the spell the user can increase the size of the shield and also manipulate its form and shape.

Whistles, now that's what I can a defensive spell, great work Neph.

(Not too bad if I do say so myself. Now let's make the healing spell)

(Creating new spell)




(Ding, new spell created, Hallowed Ground)

Hallowed Ground - An area of effect healing spell that heals the caster and all allies within its range. While healing it also prevents those within to be damaged by external forces. Also, along with healing this spell also cures all status effects from poison to curses.

Now that's what I call a healing spell, it also doubles as a defense spell to boot. So, if I cast this and Aegis, I shouldn't have any worries whatsoever.

(Creating new spell)




(Ding, new spell created, Magic Bullet)

Magic Bullet - Using magic the caster forms it into a projectile. Depending on the amount of magic and effort the caster puts into the spell will dictate how strong the spell is and what shape it will take. This spell is the very definition of versatile and the only limitation is the casters own imagination.


Race - Goblin Runt

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

F Rank

Strength - 20 (20)

Intelligence - 70

Stamina - 20 (25)

Dexterity - 20(15)

Vitality - 20 (20)

Agility - 20 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 8


Awareness Rank F

Slash Rank F

Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Craftsman Rank F

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skill

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank

Alright! Now that I have new skills it's time to get to the second floor and start my mission to concur this crypt.

Over the next couple days I fight countless monsters sharpening my skills and getting familiar with my three new spells. On the second day of monster core grinding I finally decide to hunt an E rank monster in order to evolve and rank up. I go back to the shadow panther cave in order to fight the E rank shadow panther since I know for sure it'll be there.

After I get to the cave I use sneak in order to enter the cave and scout out the area. After roughly five minutes I come to a large open area inside the cave and see the shadow panther sleeping in what appears to be its nest. I proceed forward slowly as I start to cast magic bullet as I get into a position where I can get off a clean head shot.

Once I get a clear line of sight of the shadow panthers head I launch my magic bullet with an enormous magical discharge. Still not used to casting magic bullet I ended up adding way to much mana which is why there was such a violent launch causing my arm to fly back with a recoil. The magic bullet roars across the cave almost breaking the sound barrier and impacts the shadow panthers head causing it to explode into a mist of blood, bone and brain matter.

I stare at the headless corpse of the shadow panther in shock, not expecting my magic bullet to cause this level of destruction.

(What do you expect, you have limitless mana and you poured enough mana to cast a C rank skill)

Oh, I say as I scratch the back of my head. I move forward and collect the E rank core from where the shadow panther's body used to be.

(Proceed back to the castle in order to safely complete your evolution)

I head back to my new castle in order to complete my evolution. Upon reaching the castle I head back to the study and takes a seat in the obsidian and green armchair and begins to absorb the monster core, roughly twenty minutes later I finish absorbing the core when I receive a notification from the system.

(Initiating Evolution)

(Host will lose consciousness in (3))



I pass out in the armchair as my body begins to evolve. My body begins to grow taller and sturdier, going from roughly three feet tall my body gains another foot in height and gains more muscle along with my claws becoming sharper, along with all of my senses.

A couple hours go by, and I have finally completed my evolution.

(Waking host)

I slowly opens my eyes and immediately notice that my eyesight is much sharper that it was before the evolution. Standing up I discover that I'm about a foot taller and also broader with more muscle mass now also. Let's take a look at my stats and see what all has changed now that I'm officially a Goblin now.


Race - Goblin

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

E Rank

Strength - 80 (20)

Intelligence - 120

Stamina - 80 (25)

Dexterity - 80 (15)

Vitality - 80 (20)

Agility - 80 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 58


Awareness Rank F

Slash Rank F

Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Craftsman Rank F

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skill

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank

Wow, all my stats have had a massive increase from what they're were previously, I wonder why that happened?

(That's because of our merge, during your evolution I was able to maximize your stats by making use of your bodies hidden potential, I was also able to give you fifty free attribute points in order for you to increase whichever stat you want)

Well well well, it seems you're pulling your weight right out of the gate, ha-ha-ha. If you keep this up, I'll want to get a second one of you so I can get even more rewards, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.


Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ok let's see, I think I should increase my Intelligence that way I can use my spells more effective. What do you think Neph?

(Well, if you get your Intelligence to one hundred and fifty, you'll unlock a new feature for your system, but I can't force you to do that since that'll use up most of your free status points)

Done and done, say no more, I definitely want a new feature for my system, maybe it'll make it so I can grind more cores.

(You're starting to sound like a battle maniac…. Oh, and once your intelligence is at one hundred and fifty, I'll be able to create another skill for you that will definitely help you grind more cores)


Race - Goblin

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

E Rank

Strength - 80 (20)

Intelligence - 150

Stamina - 80 (25)

Dexterity - 80 (15)

Vitality - 80 (20)

Agility - 80 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 28


Awareness Rank F

Slash Rank F

Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Craftsman Rank F

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skill

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank

(Requirement met, unlocking new system feature)

(Ding, new feature unlocked)

(Floor Management)

Floor Management? What does that mean? I ask in confusion.

(For you since you're my successor this entire hidden floor is under your complete control, you're essentially the god of this floor and once you conquer other floors they will fall under your control as well. So now that you have unlocked the floor management feature, you're now able to view everything that happens on this floor and change or upgrade anything on this floor. From the castle itself to the monsters that live here to the resources that grow here)

Seriously? I open up the management feature and can see everything on this floor just like Neph said.

- Castle – F Rank

- Crystal Generator F Rank - Fire Crystals

- Monster Encyclopedia F Rank - Shadow Rats, Shadow Boars and Shadow Panthers

- Vegetation F Rank - Eclipse Mushroom

Available upgrades:

- Castle F Rank > E Rank

- Crystal Generator F Rank > E Rank

- Monster Encyclopedia F Rank > E Rank

- Vegetation F Rank > E Rank

Hmmmmm, it looks like I can upgrade everything to E Rank but that's it for now.

Hey Neph, what is needed to complete the upgrades?

(Normally it would take years of saving up your magic in order to do an upgrade but in your case since your magic is infinite you can just power through the ranks like the reality cheat that you are ha-ha-ha-ha)

Scratches my head, It's not my fault that I was blessed with all this power. Hahaha, well since I don't have to wait lets power rank this floor of mine.

Castle E Rank- After upgrading to E Rank your castle has grown in size and the materials used in its make have become tougher.

Crystal Generator E Rank - Your Domain now generates frost crystals along with fire crystals. Now that your floor has more than one type of element crystal, they have been separated into two distinct zones where they will affect the monster type of those that live there.

Monster Encyclopedia E Rank - Your floor can now summon two more types of monsters and the max rank that the monsters can achieve has now increased to E Rank. New Monsters that will spawn are Glacier Bears and Ember Turtles.

Vegetation E Rank - Now along with Eclipse mushrooms your floor will grow Golden Peaches. Golden Peaches have the ability to relieve the fatigue of the one that consumes it.

(Floor has been successfully upgraded to E Rank, Host can now access the second floor on the crypt)

Yes! I can finally go to the second floor and officially start my journey! Oh wait, Neph didn't you say that you'd also be able to make a new skill once my intelligence reaches 150?

(Correct, would you like me to go ahead and create it now)?

Hell yeah!

(Understood, creating new skill)

(New skill created, Clone)

Clone - The ability to make an exact copy of the caster. The copy of the caster is autonomous and doesn't require the caster to control, the clone will think and act just like the caster would. (Current limit 1 clone)

What the heck, so basically, I can make another version of myself that will think and act just like I would?! That means I can use my clone to farm cores on this floor while I go to the next floor or vice versa!

(That is correct, the best part is the stronger you get the more clones you'll be able to create in the future)

Man, this just keeps getting more broken by the minute, one day I'll be able to make an army of clones and I'll rule the world! Mwahahahahaha, just kidding, or am I?


Hey hey hey, my wins are your wins.

(You do have a point, ok continue on with your plans for world domination ha-ha-ha)