Chapter 17 3v3?

The three remaining spiders have now managed to kill my clone and they have noticed that their three brothers are also dead.


The three remaining spiders screech it rage as they rush towards the guild master, Damian and I seeing the prey that they just killed standing where their brothers had just been. They immediately leapt towards their siblings killers with fury in their eyes ready to kill them on the spot, while in the air the three spiders shoot webs at the murdering trio trying to trap them.

Seeing the spiders jump towards them and shooting webs at them, they immediately split up and dodged the incoming webs. As the spiders land in the spot that the trio was just in, they split up to attack each one individually.

I see the spider head in my direction as I run behind a piece of the wall that has fallen long ago and runs out the other side of it shooting a dozen magic bullets at the incoming spider. The spider jumps back nearly avoiding the bullets before turning to shoot webbing at me once again.

I avoid the incoming webs by mere inches as I cast magic bullet and fires them at the spider as I start to sprint towards the spider with my spear ready to strike. As I get within striking distance of the spider I thrust my spear aiming for the spiders head, the spider dodges by jumping onto the piece of the wall I ran around earlier trying to gain the high ground.

Damian is fighting his own spider while this is happening to me unaware of his friend's current condition. "I have to hurry up so I can help James" he thinks to himself knowing that James can't survive a one-on-one fight. The spider jumps at him planning to sever his head from his body, but Damian raises his axe and blocks the spider's mandibles. Damian pushes the spider to the side using his axe, cause the spider to fall onto its back. Right as it landed on its back, out of nowhere, I appear and stab the spiders head with my spear killing it instantly. Damian stood there in confusion not understanding how I ended up appearing out of thin air and killing his spider.

Moments earlier.

After the spider jumped onto the piece of wall, that I had ran around earlier, my clone was staying hidden behind it waiting to strike. Right after the spider landed and was paying attention to my original body, my clone thrust his spear and pierced the spiders head from bellow, killing it instantly.

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

As my clone killed the spider my original body went to kill the spider Damian was fighting and killed it.

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

The guild master is fighting the last spider of the group, as I kill the other two spiders, seeing that its last two brothers have been killed, it enrages the final one fighting the guild master. It shoots countless webs at the guild master trying to kill him quickly, however the guild master dodges the webs by a hair and swings his axe cutting off the spider's four left legs.

As the spider falls to the side I appear behind the spider and impales it with my spear killing it.

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

After the last spider was killed the rest of the party emerged from the corridor to join the trio. They were all stunned after seeing me kill all six of the spiders by using the other two as a distraction. All of them immediately looked at me in a different light, no longer judging me for being a goblin, some of them even feared me slightly.

After the last spider was killed and its body disappears I begin to collect the three E rank cores that are now laying on the floor. The spiders corpses all disappeared but none of them left any loot behind, everyone stopped what they were doing as they saw the spiders disappear into light particles not understanding what's going on.

"What just happened? Why did the spiders disappear into nothingness?" A few of the expedition members start muttering.

The guild master came out of his shock and went up to James, "I've underestimated you, and for that I apologize, do you know what happened to the spiders and what were those glowing round objects you picked up?"

"It's not a problem, you didn't have any idea of my capabilities since we only just met two days ago, and I don't know what just happened, I thought that was normal since I've never hunted monsters here before," I reply not answering his question about the spiders disappears and the glowing round objects I picked up as Damian looks at me confused.

"Alright everyone, let's clean up this room and make it into our camp for this leg or the expedition, we'll figure out what's up with the spiders as we go along, " the guild master instructs everyone.

Over the next couple hours, the members of the expedition cleaned up the median room getting rid of all the webs and rubble. After everything was cleaned up, they set up their tents and made a makeshift barricade in front of the corridor leading into Murcrilium. This way they'll have some kind of defense against the spiders in case they decide to attack their camp.

Now that the camp is set up, they assigned a guard rotation to watch over the entrance to the camp while another group begins to head into the city.

In the exploration team there is, myself, Damian, the guild master and seventeen other guild members. These twenty will be the primary team to explore the city and kill all the spiders. The remaining ten will be maintaining the camp and helping anyone that's injured.

The exploration team set out into the corridor heading towards the main gate of Murcrilium. I take the lead, walking through the corridor since my awareness allows me to notice any spiders long before anyone else can. Although only the guild master knows this everyone else thinks it's because of the way I killed the six spiders previously.

They made their way down the corridor at a slow pace because they were once again clearing the webs off of the lanterns like they did in the first corridor. After around an hour they made it to the end of the corridor, in front of them stands the bridge leading to the main gate. I could tell that this was once a beautiful bridge like the one in Marbelium, but now it is covered in spider webs and there are pieces broken off giving it a ragged appearance.

Now that they're at the bridge they decide to create a small barricade to slow down any spiders that try to head towards the camp.

The team starts to head down the bridge making their way towards the main gate. As they crossed the half-way point on the bridge I sense some spiders coming towards us from the city, I stop everyone and they, all-ready their weapons.

"There are about a dozen spiders heading our way on both sides of the bridge and on top of it," I inform the party.

They all look at him doubtfully except for Damian and the guild master.

"Prepare for a fight everyone, try to not get in each other's way. Work together to kill the spiders, since there's only twelve spiders that mean we'll have eight members that can help the others kill their spiders," the guild master instructs everyone.

I summon my clone, and we ready our spears while also summoning two dozen magic bullets between the two of us. We wait for the spiders the get closer, after a minute the spiders were now in visual range roughly one hundred feet away from them. I wait for them to get closer before my clone and I begin our attack.

Once the spiders were with in fifty feet, both my clone and I launch our magic bullets at the incoming spiders, we managed to hit all the spiders due to the amount of magic bullets being fired at them. Right after we launched our magic bullets, we immediately summoned two dozen again and also launched them following right behind the first wave.

The four spiders that were coming towards them on the top of the bridge all got hit with four dozen magic bullets. They were all killed from this exchange, having been hit by so many magic bullets their exoskeletons couldn't take it and the magic bullets turned them into Swiss cheese.

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

Seeing the damage my clone and I did in such a short amount of time scared some of the party members, especially because if I did ever turn on them, they knew that they would probably die in the fight.

"There are still eight more spiders, four on either side of the bridge, stay alert they're coming towards us fast," I shout to the rest of the group, right after I shout the remaining spiders crest the sides of the bridge and shoot their webs towards the group. The spiders are now in between my clone and I and the rest of the group. My clone and I, start to run towards the spiders casting magic bullet and sending them towards the spiders.

Sensing danger the spiders jump but not all of them were fast enough and three of them got hit by twenty-four magic bullets killing them instantly.

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider)