Chapter 25 Is This Real?

Having gotten confirmation from Damian once again Golaium looks at Paul since he vouched for James before he began his entire explanation. "So, what do you think about all this?" He asks Paul in a calm and somber tone.

"Honestly it is a lot to take in but being Nephelium's successor does explain how he is able to do some of the impossible things that I've seen him do on the expedition," Paul says scratching the back of his head.


After hearing what Paul has said, Golaium falls deep into thought about what he should do moving forward. Nephelium is their god their deity, if James is truly his successor, then that would mean he is their new god. If this is now the case, then the only logical choice would be to follow him as they have done with Nephelium for millennia. Although what if he isn't telling the truth and they decide to follow him, and it angers Nephelium? What would they do then?

Paul seems to think very highly of this goblin despite him being what he is, and goblins are known to be devious murderers, yet we've been having a civilized conversation for hours now.

Also, Damian says that everything he has said is the truth and that he has personally gone to this domain of his and seen the wonderful city scape and this mysterious system of James's.

There's just so many things that are happening in such a short amount of time, first the unprecedented discovery on the expedition to Murcrilium, and now this goblin claiming to be Nephelium's successor. My instincts aren't telling me that he's lying or that he has any ill will towards us, so I have to believe that what I've been told is the truth, no matter how impossible it seems to be, Golaium thinks to himself.

"Alright, after going over all the information you've told me, what is it that you want?" Golaium asks me filled with resolve.

"Honestly I didn't really have any intentions other than killing monsters and going to the third floor, but now I've come to learn so many new things about this floor, this kingdom and about my own system after coming here. So now moving forward I'd like to add your kingdom to my Familia and help you all out with the threat from the Scarlet Death Spiders. Even as we speak my clone is still in Murcrilium killing the spiders under the ledge that we used to gain entrance to the spiders underground territory," I say with confidence and conviction.

Hearing that James's clone is still active inside of the underground cavern and is in fact killing some of the spiders shocked the others. It should be impossible to maintain his clone at this distance and even more so to be underground and killing the spiders. This was truly the definition of reality shattering power, there can be no doubt that this man is the successor of their god.

Golaium recovered from the shock for hearing that James's clone was still in Murcrilium and killing spiders no less. "After hearing everything you've had to say I see no reason not to join you, it would be an honor to follow the successor of our god and deity Nephelium," Golaium says with passion and reverence.

Both Paul and Golaium received a transparent window in their field of vision.

(Would you like to join the Baruch Familia?)

They were both surprised by this sudden event and turned to me and inquired as to what this is.

"It's a part of my system and power, all you have to do is say yes, if you want to join, or no if you do not want to," I inform them with a smile on my face.

In unison they both answer, "yes".


(New Feature unlocked)

(Familia Kingdoms unlocked)

(New Kingdom added to Familia)

(Dwarven Kingdom added to Familia)

Familia - Baruch

Familia Head - James Baruch

Familia Main Members - Damian, Golaium, Paul

Familia E Rank

Familia Kingdoms - Dwarven Kingdom

Familia Skills:

Summon member

Life-sign tracking

Kingdom teleport

(Floor expanded)

(Floor 2 added to governed Floor)

- - - - -

Both Paul and Golaium received a new message on the transparent window in their field of vision.

(Welcome to the Baruch Familia)

"The Baruch Familia? Is this what your Familia is called?" Golaium asks me after reading the newest message from the system.

"Yes, it is, by now you've both noticed the transparent window inside of your field of vision. This is the system interface that allows you to utilize the copy of my Animus system. One of the benefits of my system is that it quantifies your strength into a visible set of numbers, and it also keeps track of all of your skills that you've developed throughout your life," I inform the pair of them.

"In order to view these numerical representations all, you have to do is think the word status, and the window will change and give you a break-down of your entire being and show you it in a physical manner," Damian chimes in wanting to be able to help the new members out since he is now their senior.

Both of them do as Damian mentions and are shocked to see their stats laid out before them in an easy to read and understand way. They look through everything on their respected status pages and then go through and look at what their skills are.

While they are busy looking through their stats I look through my own system to see exactly what the changes are now that I have control of the second floor as well.

- Teleport Kingdom - the ability to teleport to any kingdom from the floors of Nephelium's Crypt, which are connected to your governed floor upon the floor guardian joining your Familia. When using this feature, you will be teleported into the throne room of the Royal Castle of the intended Kingdom.

- Current Kingdoms - Dwarven Kingdom (Marbelium)

(Feature upgraded)

(City Management upgraded)

(Kingdom Management)

- Kingdom E Rank

- City Count - 1 of 2

- City Defenses F Rank (upgradeable)

- City Defenses sub feature - magic formations (upgradeable)

- City Walls F Rank (upgradable)

So, my city management has become kingdom management now, I still have the same features but now it tells me how many cities are in the kingdom and how many are being occupied it seems. Since there is only Marbelium and Murcrilium on this floor and only Marbelium is being used by the dwarves, the 1 of 2 under city count makes sense.

"Neph, can I make it, so the king of the selected kingdom has control over the upkeep of the kingdoms? This way while I'm out on other floors they'll be able to continue strengthening their respective kingdoms." I ask while I am looking over the management feature.

(That is indeed possible, as your system administrator I can allow them access to the feature specific to their kingdom).

"That sounds good, this way we won't need to be constantly looking into the feature and maintaining the cities while out hunting monsters. Although I'll need to find someone to maintain Rinascita for me," I say deep in thought as to who I could have manage the city. I could have Damian do it but he's going to be running his blacksmithing shop and forging equipment. Paul has a lot of experience running his guild, he would make a great city manager," I mutter to myself deep in thought.

"Paul, how do you feel about this new system and everything?" I ask after making up my mind.

"It is fantastic, it's easy to use and it gives so much information that I didn't even know about myself," Paul answers excitedly.

"Since that is the case, I would like you to manage the city I created in my main floor, Rinascita," I say with confidence and expectation.

"Manage your personal city?? Are you serious? Why me? I don't know the first thing about managing a city," Paul exclaims in clear shock and nervousness.

"You've been running your guild for several decades now and you've done a fine job with it so far," Golaium says with pride and encouragement.

"I agree, I've seen the way you run your guild and plus the system you have will make it easy to manage the city," I say with a smile.

Golaium is distracted by a new notification on his system screen.

(James has made you the admin in the management of the Dwarven Kingdom)

"Admin….? What's an admin?" Golaium asks me in confusion due to this unfamiliar word.

"It means you have control over what happens with this kingdom, just like you've always had but now you have the system to assist you. You can increase the defenses and the strength of the walls surrounding the city and such. This way you'll be able to make the city stronger in case the spiders decide to attack," I respond giving him a better understanding of what's going on.

"This is unbelievable, to think I'll be able to strengthen our great city without having the engineering guild do any work. This seems like it shouldn't be possible, how can we strengthen something without remaking it with a stronger material? This most surely is the power of our great deity Nephelium, there is no other explanation for this god like power," Golaium exclaims in reverent excitement.

"Since you both think I can accomplish the task of maintaining your city then I shall give it my all and not disappoint you," Paul states with conviction.

(James has made you the admin in the management of the city Rinascita)