Chapter 27 Fruits of Labor

After Golaium made his announcement and shocked the entire kingdom further, I also received a shock, although it was quite different from the rest of the kingdom. It was at this point in time that my clone had finally killed the five hundredth spider. Throughout the past couple days I have been ignoring the system messages generated by my clone killing the spiders since I was busy traveling and talking to Golaium and Paul. Now however I finally paid attention to the messages because my clone has finished fighting the spiders for the time being.

(Killed Scarlet Death Spider) (x492)


Race - Goblin

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

E Rank

Strength - 100 (20)

Intelligence - 200

Stamina - 100 (25)

Dexterity - 95 (15)

Vitality - 95 (20)

Agility - 100 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 493


Awareness Rank E

Slash Rank E

Appraisal Rank E

Sneak Rank E

Craftsman Rank E

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skills:

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank

Unique Skill:

Mana Manipulation and Augmentation (Passive)

Lux Artis (Passive)

- - - -

Holy Crap, he actually managed to kill all five hundred spiders, granted I made a new skill, Magic Manipulation and Augmentation, during the battle to better utilize our magic power. This skill will definitely come in handy though, and once I am able to raise my intelligence to 300 like Neph said, I can gain the maximum benefit from the skill.

"It looks like my clone was able to kill the five hundred spiders at the entrance to the spider's territory," I inform Paul and Golaium after reviewing my status page.

Hearing what I just said shocked Paul because he was there in the cavern and saw exactly the state of things.

"To think that in the mere past few days his clone was able to kill so many of the spiders, he is truly a force to be reckoned with", Paul thought to himself while admiring James.

"How marvelous! If your clone has killed the spiders guarding the initial entrance to the spider's territory, we can send our engineering guild in and construct an outpost and we can have our adventures guild and some of the royal guard keep the spiders from exiting the cavern," Golaium exclaims as he begins formulating a plan to deal with the spider threat.

"That would be very beneficial, but what we should do is rethink only using the Adventurer's guild to fight monsters. Now that every citizen has a copy of my system each and every one of them can become stronger by killing monsters. This way we won't have to rely solely on the Adventurer's guild, and I'm sure that there are citizens that would like to hunt monsters but may not have had the strength before," I say to Golaium and Paul after thinking about the current way the kingdom operates.

"That would make things a lot easier on my guild, we won't have to worry that if something should happen to us while hunting the city will be undefended," Paul says thinking over the situation.

"That is true, also now that everyone has a copy of the animus system the members of your adventurers guild will also get stronger the more monsters they kill. This will truly make the kingdom stronger than it has ever been even when Lord Nephelium first created our race," Golaium states as he agrees with my idea on reforming how the kingdom operates.

- - - -

As the four of us continue discussing the ways to improve the way the kingdom functions now that all the dwarfs' have the animus system, my clone has finally finished absorbing the last of the monster cores and gets up and looks around the area at all the loot that needs to be collected. "I have to figure out a way to have all these looked at and put to good use", he thinks to himself. "What if I have Damian's blacksmithing shop sorts through all the loot and see what is of use and if the others can be used as materials to make better gear or other objects."

For now, my clone begins collecting the hundreds of different loot items and stores them at the base of the wall sorted by rarity. Among the many items there is a single magic grade ring, so my clone goes ahead and takes a look at its description.

- Storage Ring - This is a spatial magic ring that allows the wearer to store objects inside of it. Only non-living things may be stored within, the amount of room inside the ring is dependent on the user's magic power, the more magic a person can wield the more room the ring will have.

My clone was shocked, with this ring he could store any item he would ever need, and since it is based on a person's magic his storage space should be infinite. This has to be some kind of cheat, there's no way a person should have this much power, he thinks to himself as he uses the ring and stores the remaining loot away. It must be a side effect of my Fortuna's Blessing.

"From now on I'll be able to store the loot as I'm killing the monster and then I can give it to Damian and he can give me the best gear," my clone thinks as he puts the last of the loot inside of his new ring.

The ring itself looked plain, it didn't look anything special whatsoever, it just appears to be an old silver ring. Maybe this is to dissuade someone from stealing it, who knows, but it definitely doesn't look like it holds much value, only someone truly desperate would go after it.

- - - -

After discussing the ways to reform the kingdom I turn to Damian, "with your blacksmithing shop open in Rinascita, do you think you'd be able to go through loot and find the most useful items and see what everything else can be used for?" I ask as I'm thinking about what my clone has found.

"Loot? Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that feature of the system?" Damian says as he suddenly remembers.

Paul and Golaium both look at me with quizzical looks on their faces.

"A feature of my system will convert part of a monsters soul into a dropped loot item. There are several different grades to the loot, each item will exude a colored aura which distinguish their rarity and the more powerful an item can be. The different rankings for loot are as follows, grey is common, blue is rare, purple is epic, red is legendary, orange is mythical, and gold is magic.

"This is unorthodox, normally when we kill a monster, we harvest materials from it in order to make different gear or equipment. To be able to have a fully functioning item appear after slaying a monster it truly fantastical," Golaium say as Damian is in deep thought after hearing what I just explained.

"Is that why the spiders that you killed disappeared into light particles?" Paul asks me as he comes to a sudden realization.

"Yes, that's exactly why that happened," I reply.

"We can definitely handle the loot and create a way to sort and distribute the gear or items to the merchant's guild throughout the kingdom. The hardest part that I can foresee right now is the collection of the loot after killing the monsters. We would have to make a storage device that can hold the items but to my knowledge the mages guild hasn't had any luck with spatial type enchantments that would allow us to make storage gear," Damian says as he goes through all the various aspects to what needs to be done.

"Well, I can help with that, my clone just got a spatial storage ring from the only magic grade loot drop after killing all five hundred of the spiders. I can have him bring it here to the mages guild and have them examine it to come up with a way to replicate the enchantment on it," I say casually while the three of them look at me with their mouths hanging open.

"Your clone has a spatial storage ring?! Just how godly is this system of yours?" Damian exclaims in utter shock and disbelief. Seeing as he's only had this system for less than a week, he hasn't gotten used to all of its features and characteristics.

I look at them and shrugs my shoulders nonchalantly as if this is just every day for me.

"I just go with the flow, I try not to get too hung up on the details or else I'll never get anywhere," I say laughing lightly as I scratch the back of my head.

"How long will it take your clone to come back here to the city," Golaium asks.

"It should take him roughly three days to reach the city gate, now that the spiders have been cleared from the initial area he won't have to sneak around, the only trouble is once he's gone we won't be able to keep tabs on the spiders and ensure that they don't retake the city and the entrance to the cavern," I explain while thinking of the various scenarios that could happen once my clone returns.

"We can send the expedition back and start to fortify the entrance allowing us to maintain a foothold while James's clone return with the ring," Paul says as he has thought about what needs to be done.

"Let's get to it then, the sooner we get everything going the better, take some members from the mages and the engineering guilds with your men in order to create a good forward operating base in Murcrilium," Golaium instructs Paul.