I had little interest in the broader ramifications. All I could think was that the magical opportunities would be fascinating.

You realized, from the tenor of Letha's continuing queries, that she meant to agree. Despite her obvious suspicions, she had little other recourse. With no evidence, she would die for what she'd done to Stephan. As an accomplice, you hadn't been sentenced to execution, but your prospects were only slightly better, particularly now that you'd fled your imprisonment. Without Letha to support your claims, you had little hope of gaining any kind of freedom at all. Unless you rescued the world from a great evil, of course. And, whatever they said, you'd only known Verity and Alvis for an hour or so, and there was no telling what they'd do if you turned them down.

Even if the idea hadn't been tempting on its own, the decision to join them on their quest was obvious.

"If you can swear that our crimes will be forgiven and that we won't hurt anyone. Yes." Letha's voice and posture were taut. With her assent gained, Alvis and Verity looked to you.