Ran, where is Kudo?


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Conan's Guilty Points System Chapter 13:

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Well, he just doesn't care about this incident.

"Don't panic, don't panic, how about I give you time to collect evidence." Kudo Shinichi has the winning ticket in his hands.

"Hey, brother Kudo, if you know it, just say it, don't hide it." Officer Mumu stopped doing it.

"Little devil, hurry up if you know, don't waste our time." A cold light flashed in Jin Jiu's eyes.

Kudo Shinichi's heart trembled slightly, he found that the man in black was really wrong.

"Well, it seems that Hattori has no chance. Usually there is only one truth, and the murderer is..."

"The murderer is Miss Xiaotong."

When Kudo Shinichi was about to announce the murderer, Heiji robbed him directly, his face suddenly froze.

Chapter 0013 Xiaolan, where is Kudo?

"How did you know? Hattori."

"How do you know? Brother Hattori."

Shinichi Kudo and Officer Meguro asked in surprise at the same time.

Heiji didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but after thinking about it, the more famous the case, the bigger the case. The bigger the case, the more likely it was an S-class case.

S-class cases are linked to 1,000 guilt points. If you solve a few more such cases, the huge guilt points will not be so scary.

Heiji let go of He Ye, but still held her hand. It was the first time Nizi was so close to a corpse, and it was normal to be a little scared. Moreover, it will not prevent him from solving the case.

"Sir, I found a **** sharp knife in this lady's bag."

At this moment, a policeman not far away shouted loudly, and took out a sharp knife from Miss Aiko's bag, with blood stains on it.

"What?" Officer Mumu ran over quickly, nodding constantly, "Brother Hattori, it seems you guessed wrong."

"No, I'm not the murderer, no." Miss Aiko cried out in horror.

"The evidence is here. You can't deny it. Take her back to the police station as an important suspect." Officer Mumu said.


"It's not me, it's really not me, I didn't kill Anshan." Miss Aiko was so frightened that she spread out on the ground.

"Officer Mumu, Miss Aiko is indeed not the murderer. It is impossible for that knife to cut off a human head, let alone a woman."

Kudo Shinichi was about to speak, but was interrupted again by Heiji.

"That brother Hattori thinks that Miss Hitomi is the murderer, we should find evidence, otherwise it will be difficult for us to do it." Police Officer Mumu said helplessly.

"That's right, I'm not a murderer at all. Besides, I'm sitting in the first row, how could I kill Kishiyama in the third row." Xiao Tong explained in a panic.

Heiji glanced at Xiaotong. He was a killer in his previous life, and he didn't have any heart of the Virgin, so he wouldn't let her go just because she was a woman.

"Officer Mumu, please find a hemp rope and a hook, and please play the dead Mr. Kishiyama and sit where he used to sit."


Soon, Officer Megumi prepared everything according to Heiji's words.

As soon as Kudo Shin saw this, he knew that this competitor had already solved the case, and immediately clung to his chest with nothing to do, ready to watch the play.

"Kudou, come and play Miss Hitomi."

"Me?" Kudo Shinichi pointed to himself and asked.

"Of course, don't you want to be Holmes' assistant? Go."

He Ye's mood is not stable yet, and Heiji won't make his woman feel wronged because of a small case.

"Holmes' assistant? Then I'm not Watson, that guy." Kudo Shinichi curled his lips in annoyance, but he still went over very simply.

"Next, Kudo will explain it."

"Oh, I forgot about it, Mr. Hattori, Mr. Kudo, you should have known the truth long ago." Officer Meguro only remembered Kudo Shinichi at this time.

"Yes~~" Kudo Shinichi replied helplessly.

And then fully demonstrated the steps of Hitomi's killing Kishiyama.

"This method may indeed kill Mr. Kishiyama, but where is the evidence?" Xiaotong shouted.

"Miss Xiaotong, where is your necklace?" Heiji said lightly.

Like a thunderclap, Xiao Tong stood in a daze, and the tears couldn't stop pouring out.

"Who made him abandon me, who made him abandon me."

"Brother Hattori, brother Kudo, thanks to you this time, I will thank you again if I have the opportunity, I will take the prisoner back first."

"I don't want your thanks." Kudo Shinichi smiled bitterly.

"Idiot, you're still scared." Heiji pinched He Ye's Qiong nose.

"What, it's so close, it's no wonder people are not afraid." He Ye said coquettishly.

"You should really practice your courage. You don't need to be afraid of Xiaolan."

Hearing Heiji's compliment, Xiaolan smiled bitterly. It's not that she's not afraid, but it's useless to be afraid.

"Xiao Lan is a national karate champion, how could she be afraid." Kudo Shinichi laughed aside.

"Shinichi!!!" Xiaolan glared at Kudo Shinichi, feeling a little aggrieved.

Next, Heiji continued to play with Kazuha.

Although Kudo Shinichi was very interested in Heiji, he did not stalk him. Anyway, the distance between Osaka and Tokyo is not far, so we will meet each other for a lot of time in the future.

Before I knew it, it was already night.

"Heiji, I'm so tired."

After playing for a few hours, He Ye was completely tired.

"Who told someone to keep shouting to play this, playing that, it's no wonder if you're not tired." Heiji smiled while hugging her waist.

"But people really want to play. This is the first time I've come out to play with Heiji. I must have a good time. Because, I like Heiji the most." He Ye said blushing.

Looking at the pretty face next to him, Heiji hugged her, lowered his head and kissed those thin rosy lips directly.

"There are a lot of... um..."

He Ye quickly lost himself in Heiji's tenderness.

Although there are many people around, there is nothing to see about this young couple kissing in the street, especially in amusement parks, where it is more common.

"That... I'm bothering you."

He Ye suddenly came to his senses, quickly broke free from Heiji's embrace, and stood aside blushing. She is not afraid when no one is around, but she still maintains a girl's modesty in front of people.


After seeing that it was Xiao Lan, He Ye breathed a sigh of relief, at least they were acquaintances.

"He Ye, you are so happy." Xiao Lan's expression was a little reluctant.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan, where's that Kudo?" He Ye quickly took Xiaolan's hand.

"He suddenly said something happened, and then he left in a hurry, asking me to go back first."

Xiaolan was a little disappointed. She had been looking forward to this date for a long time, but Shinichi's performance really disappointed her.