Thief Night Baron

Just when the handcuffs were about to reach Heiji's wrist...

The fist clenched hand spread out suddenly, and a dazzling light shot into Sato's eyes, making her unable to help blink.

At this moment, Heiji flipped his wrist, and the handcuffs that were about to be placed on his hand were instantly placed on Sato's wrist. At the same time, he turned her body over and put his hands on her back.

These actions were all completed in an instant, successfully holding the police flower of the Metropolitan Police Department.

dong dong!

The two light **** fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

"Fluorescent balls?"

Sato's face changed, she didn't expect that she was trapped by two ordinary fluorescent balls.

"What do you want to do? Let go of Miwako."

Officer Mumu and the others pulled out their pistols and pointed them at Heiji, looking very nervous.

"You will only add another level of crime to holding me hostage. I can ask the judge not to hold you accountable for assaulting the police if you surrender yourself."

Although she was being held hostage, Sato Mikazu didn't panic too much, she still planned to impress Heiji with words and persuade him to surrender.

It's a pity that tricks like this are not necessarily successful in deceiving three-year-olds.

"This beautiful police officer, kidnapping the lady was not done by a gentleman. I promise that it will only be done once, and the next one will not be an example."

Heiji clasped Sato Miwako's hands behind her back to prevent her from moving. This woman is a master at grabbing, so she shouldn't be too careless.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Sato Mikazu naturally wouldn't believe the words of a criminal, but she also planned to use this person's words.

"Who am I? Well, let me think about it... By the way, you can call me the Baron of the Night, the gentleman in the dark. As for the reason for being here, it's because I told you where the treasure was hidden."

"Is it really yours who called?" Conan asked nervously.

"Oh, so it was you who cracked my code, tsk tsk, it's not easy." Heiji pretended to be surprised.

[Oops! ! ! ]

Conan's expression changed, but fortunately, Officer Mumu and the others didn't understand what the two were saying.

"Which family's child are you, go back quickly, it's very dangerous here."

Officer Meguro motioned for Takagi to drive Conan away.

"Night Baron? Lying is not what a gentleman does."

Sato Miwako has never heard of this name, so she thinks it was made up by Heiji.

In fact, this is indeed a random creation by Heiji. The source is a novel by Kudo Yusaku. Anyway, it is a name, it doesn't matter.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Well, it's almost there. The beautiful police officer, although I really want to spend a spring night with you, it's a pity that I don't have time."

Heiji glanced at the fluorescent ball on the ground, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.




Officer Mumu and the others haven't had time to react.

The ball of light on the ground exploded with a "bang", and a strong light flashed across the attic, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

At the same time, there was a sound of a heavy object hitting it on the wall outside.

"Officer Mumu, that... Baron of the Night has run away."

Mikako Sato was the first to react because she found that her handcuffs were open.

"Gold coins, maple leaf gold coins are all gone."

After a while, everyone regained their sight. However, the bags of maple leaf gold coins that were originally placed on the ground disappeared without a single one remaining.

"Just now I heard a voice from outside the wall, that... The Baron of Darkness must have escaped with the gold coins."

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

"Damn, the sound just now should be the sound of gold coins hitting the wall, but this place is five stories high and there are no ropes beside it. How did he leave?"

Conan leaned on the window hole to observe, and could not see a trace of rope at all, and his face was gloomy.

"Did he really leave from here?"

Sato Miwako said to herself, she had the same doubts as Conan.

Officer Mumu asked other police officers to search around for a long time, but found no trace at all.

He continued to search for another hour, but still found nothing.

"Damn, I immediately want the Baron of the Night to the society and mark it as a thief." Officer Mumu called out with a blue face.

"Big thief? Is he of the same nature as Kaito Kid?" Takagi asked suspiciously.

"No, the phantom thief Kidd is only stealing jewelry, but this night baron is stealing gold coins, and it's gold coins from other countries, and his behavior is even worse."

Mikazu Sato stood quietly by the side, she still had a question, why did the Duke of Darkness help her loosen the handcuffs in the end. Is it just because he thinks he is a gentleman?

At this time, Heiji had already left, and he did use the rope to fall to the ground. As for why the rope could not be found or there was no trace of a used rope.

Very simple, the credit of the system.

As long as he succeeds in committing a crime within five seconds, if no one finds any traces related to the crime in Heiji, the system will automatically clear all traces for him, as if he had never been to the scene.

Ding~~! ! !

"Congratulations to the host for completing the C-level event. The task of stealing 15,000 maple leaf gold coins has been completed. The reward skill is: Air Glide, and the gold coins are at the disposal of the host."

The sound of the system was silent again, and then Heiji felt a change in his body, as if he could control the airflow around him.

It happened that there was a small hill in front of me, and it would take less than ten minutes to jump down from here to Xiaolan's house.

Although it is a small hillside, it is still 30 to 40 meters high. Looking at the scattered lights on the ground, there is a hint of cool air.

"Just die, let's fight."

Heiji, carrying the four bags of gold coins, jumped and jumped straight down.

Phew~~! ! !

The wind whistled beside his ears, his blood-colored tuxedo fluttered in the wind, but Heiji was gliding swiftly like a swallow.

to the left!

To the right!

That skill seems to be innate, and it is not difficult to control it at all.

In the darkness, a blood-colored figure crossed the round moon, mysterious and noble.