Best sweetheart

Giving Ryan a light smack on his arm, "Hey what up dude" Billy chuckled.

Helplessly nodding his head with a huge scowl on his face, "he is defending Lorena again"

"Not bad or haven't heard that they are already engaged?" Billy defended.

Crossing his hands in the front, Justin smirk proudly. "Tell him because I don't think he remembers"

Slapping his forehead, Ryan raised his eyebrows, "really, are you so proud that you engaged to Lorena?" Without waiting for his reply, Ryan turned towards Kevin and Elsa, "Uncle, Aunt, did you guys just heard him? First he engaged her unknowing to us and now he is defending for her"

Taking a deep breath, Kevin sighed, "Ry, he love her, don't he? So let him carry on with whatever his heart tells him to do"

Widening his eyes, Ryan gritted his teeths and winced like a little kid. "Aww why is nobody on my side?"

Running down the stairs, Nelly slumped on Ryan's couch and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Am on your side bro, you gat me 24/7, trust me"

Grinning from ear to ear, "aha, this is the best reason why I usually chose you over Justin because you're the best sister in the whole world" kissing the top of her head.

Sneakily staring at the two silly siblings, while knitting the slippers. "Hmm someone is head over heels for his little sister." Granny Mathilda chuckled.

"Grandma, will you please focus on your knitting slippers? You've been knitting that for days now" Elsa chuckled.

"Ahh, that's a good one Elsa but you know what? I won't be fast enough not until when my baby arrives"

Frowning confusedly, "what baby is that?" Justin, Ryan, Thomas, Billy, Elsa and Kevin inquired curiously.

"It's none of your businesses, neither is it your concerns"

"Grandma the last time I checked, you're 99 and by next month you'll be completing 100 so where is this baby coming from?" Justin chuckled.

"No Justin, I think grandpa is gonna throw a baby from heaven" Ryan laughed.

"Oh yeah, I think so too" Kevin laughed.

Throwing her hands in her mouth, Nelly beamed when she got Mathilda's actual point, "grandma are you talking about Bianca?"

Giving her a glowering look, "now you've spoiled the show" Mathilda said.

Widening her eyes, Nelly jumped up in excitement and dashed towards Mathilda. Holding and waving her hands sideways. "Bianca is coming, Bianca is coming, lalalilala, lalalilala"

With a sarcastic and weird look on their faces, they inquired curiously. "Who is Bianca?"

Widening her eyes, Nelly gasped, "Huh? You guys haven't met her yet?" Squealing excitedly, she explained, "she's the best sweetheart I've ever had in my whole life"

With a beatific look on her face, Elsa inquired, "grandma, is that the angel you've been chatting with every midnight?"

"Every midnight?" They gasped in unison.

"Grandma, so you mean all these while you've not been having a good night sleep?" Justin asked with a huge scowl on his face.

"What is the need of sleeping when an angel is by my side?"