Boyfriend topic

Groaning in frustration, Bianca rubbed her stomach. "Ugh Mom, am sorry but I already had dinner at Nelly's place"

"It's alright, it won't waste, you can reheat it tomorrow and have it as breakfast before leaving for work"

Widening her eyes, Bianca sat up properly and squealed. "Mom are you serious? Am I gonna resume the company tomorrow?"

Nodding her head with a smiling face, "yes hon–" swallowing the remaining of her statements when Bianca jumped on her with a tight hug.

"I love you mom! You're the best, I can't believe that am taking over the fashion industry tomorrow!" Without waiting for her reply, she added, "I have always wanted this day to come and now you made it happen"

Patting her back, Isabella chuckled, "oh sweetheart, what do you expect? You're my only child and if I don't hand my company to you then who would I hand it to?"

Pulling away, "am gonna be boss, huh?"

Cupping her cheeks, Isabella chuckled, "yes darling"

Grinning from ear to ear, the thought of many employees calling her boss started popping in her head. She has an experience on sewing, seaming, designing and weaving in the fashion field. She can remember when she did her one year industry training in her mother's company. Damn she never wanted to leave but now she have come to take over.

Looking at her daughter who was grinning like a donkey. Isabella said, "and how's your new boyfriend?" Without waiting for her reply, she frowned, "Bianca don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend yet?"

Rolling her eyes, "mom can we please change this boyfriend topic into something else? It's freaking me out" she stood up and sat on the couch.

"You gat to be kidding me bianca, you're unbelievable sometimes. I can't believe you stayed in Frankfurt for two whole years after graduating from college and yet still can't bring a boyfriend home?" Isabella snapped.

"Mom I'm scared of heartbreaks" she murmured.

Widening her eyes, Isabella gasped, "ahh, you're such a shameless girl" tossing a pillow at her, "how could you say you're scared of heartbreaks when you're not dating any guy yet?"

"Mom it's complicated and crazy at the same time. I know when the heartbreak comes, I won't be able to withstand it, so the best thing, I better avoid it"

Isabella scoffed, "ahh, you better avoid it, right? By staying single all your life? I even thought you've hooked up with one cool guy"

Widening her eyes, Bianca helplessly shook her head, "like seriously mom, hook up with one cool guy, for what reason? Am not even ready to go into a relationship yet and infact I'm just 23 and I still have a long way to go" she rolled her eyes.

"Now that's your problem, you never checked the date, time, hour, minutes and seconds. Do you think you're getting any younger? You just completed 23 last month and you're here saying 'I have a long way to go'

"Mom please cut it out"

"If I had cut it out then maybe you wouldn't have been existing"

Frowning confusedly, "Huh?"