Hot and spicy

"Mother, I'll like to meet your future grand daughter in-law, as you said." Kevin said.

"The only people I can acknowledge as her future daughter in-law are Lorena and Charlotte, so who else is she talking about?" Alex added.

Still taking out the beautiful dresses from the shopping bags. Elsa chuckled. "It's neither Lorena nor Charlotte but she's someone unique"

"Mom who is this someone unique, you're talking about? Infact can you explain to us what grandma is saying?" Justin asked.

"Ahh, this one is beautiful" looking at the beautiful silver satin nightgown, Elsa squealed. "Damn this gown is hot and spicy"

Grabbing the dress from her, Justin tossed it aside. "Mom who is she?"

"Why do you wanna know? I mean you're getting married this weekend, right? So magnet yourself to –" looking at Lorena who was busy scrolling her phone, she added. "Your fiancee"

"Yeah grandma is right" looking at Justin, "dude stick yourself outta this matter because you're getting married soon"

"Oh, you're the husband of grandma's future grand daughter in-law? I see" Justin scoffed.

Scrunching his brows, "hell no, am not."

"How sure are you?"

"Because am in a serious relationship with Charlotte"

"Best for you"

Just then, granny Mathilda's phone rings. "Ahh, my grand daughter in-law has called" answering the call, she grinned. "Hello dear, how–yes my dear, I've gotten home, hahahahahahaha, why won't I be happy when you made my day awesome. Of course dear, why don't we fix our strolling stuff this weekend? I won't mind joining the fun at the beach, you know. Hmm exactly–oh I think she's on the night shift today but don't worry I'll inform her about it too. Yes she's right here–okay let me hand it over to her"

Giving the phone to Elsa, she whispered on the background. "It's her, she wants to say hello"

Excitedly grabbing the phone from her, Elsa grinned. "My beautiful daughter in-law, how are you darling?–ahh, me too, infact I missed the fun but–really? You gat to be kidding me–of course am less busy on weekends and you know what? I, grandma and Nelly are gonna share the fun with you–oh yes, alright, goodnight, sleep tight."

Frowning confusedly, "mom, grandma, who the hell are you two going to meet on weekend, when it's my wedding day?"

"It's none of your business Justin" Elsa scoffed.

Frowning deeper and deeper, Justin shouted. "How can you tell me it's none of my business! It's my business and concern because it's my wedding day and you two are to show up, including Nelly!"

"Justin will you keep your voice down?" Kevin said.

"What the hell, you gat to be kidding me dad! Mom and grandma are busy making arrangements to dismiss outta my wedding, this weekend and all you say is keep your voice down? You guys are unbelievable!"

Patting his shoulders, "dude, why are you venging your anger on Aunt and grandma, when you should be mad at grandma's so-called grand daughter in-law?"

Gritting his teeths, "I don't care who that woman is, but all I know is that I want to see mom, grandma and Nelly in my wedding this weekend! And if they don't show up–" looking at Elsa and granny Mathilda, he narrowed his eyes, "then tell that 23 year old woman to wait for me"