Justin and Bianca's currents

"Getting me a bouquet won't be enough, but bringing home the young man whom bought those gifts for you, will surely do better."

Spatting out the juice, Bianca coughed vigorously. "What are you insinuating, Mom?"

Crossing her hands under her jaw, "well, I want to see him."

"For what?"

"What do you mean by for what?" Without waiting for her reply, she added. "Who buys gifts for someone when they're not dating? Especially bouquet of roses."

"Mom how many times do you want me to tell you that, Nelly's brother and I aren't dating?"

Sipping her juice, "hmm, a million times as long as you can accept the truth."

"Mom, do you want me to call Nelly over, so that you can interview her yourself? I think it'll be better that way, because you can't expect me to date my bestie's big brother." Frowning deeper, "what would they think? That I've been visiting them just to seek his handsome face?"

"Aha, you see now that you're already flirting with him from his appearance and looks."

Rolling her eyes, "come on mom, it's just a say. Am not disguising him, I mean it's not bad to complement one's appearance, right? To be honest, Nelly's big brother is handsome, totally handsome and stunning but that doesn't mean am flirting with him."

"Okay let me assume I believe your words, but what about the gifts? Bianca you can't deceive me by telling those lies to my face. Before a man buys gifts for a woman, there have to be some flowing currents between them."

Massaging her forehead, oh God, she don't want to tell her about the big scene or else, her mother is going to lash out on her for giving him another winky kick. "Mom you still don't get it, do you?"

"I will if only you talk truthfully."

"Mom all I can say about this whole thing is an apology gift." She murmured.

Raising her brows, "oh you caught him sexing and kissing another woman, then he bought you those gifts to say sorry, right?" She inquired hopefully.

Scrunching her brows, "what? Mom what's this nonsense that's revolving in your brain? Infact what's my business if Nelly's brother is sexing and kissing a woman? How is that my headache?"

Widening her eyes, "are you mad? Do you want your man to sleep with some other women outside your relationship?"

Frowning deeper and deeper, "mom stop it! If it was to be my own boyfriend, I won't allow him to try such a thing, but this is Nelly's brother and he is not my friend neither is he my man." Getting up from the chair, she yelled. "We mistakenly bumped on each other and waited for who's to say the first sorry, but things turned out sarcastically and I kicked his winky and then he locked me up in his room till the next morning. Fortunately Nelly's grandma invited me over and gave me those gifts, saying it's from her grandson and he was sorry for the whole shit." Patting and breathing heavily, "happy now?"