The trip

Dashing into the room, "why the hell did you scream my name like– oh bianca, you're awake" slumping on the bed. "Ahh, you really had a good night sleep, didn't you?" She grinned and cupped Bianca's cheeks.

Placing his hands on his waist, "Nelly what am I hearing? You didn't tell Bianca about the trip?" Justin yelled.

"Am sorry it slipped off my mind" looking at bianca, "come on girl, you need to start getting ready before we miss our flight."

Scrunching her brows, "what are you talking about? And what's this trip thing?" Pointing at her, "Nelly I seriously have no idea about what you and Justin is talking about." Pushing the duvet cover aside, "get outta my way, am late for work."

Pushing her on the bed, "Bianca am sorry I forgot to tell you about it. Okay listen, it's a three days trip. Today is Friday and we'll be coming back on Sunday morning. So please g–"

"Hey, what's up everybody. Are–Whoa!" Ryan gasped when he saw bianca on Justin's bed and Justin on a white towel. Looking at Justin, "damn dude, you went too fast with the rules." He grinned.

Frowning his face, "what are you saying?"

Giving him a light hit in his arm, "come on man, am not dumb. I know something hot happened here last night." Ryan grinned and raised his eyebrows up and down simultaneously.

Pointing at his head, "Are you mad upstairs? And what made you think that I touched h–Ryan did you want me to get mad at you, just as I am with Nelly?"

"You're mad at Nelly, for what?" Looking at Nelly, "what did you do this time?" Ryan inquired confusedly.

Awkwardly scratching her neck, "well I forgot to tell Bianca about the trip."

Widening his eyes, "why would you forget such a thing?"

"Am sorry, it slipped off my mind" Nelly replied and lowered her head.

"Why are you all acting weird? Isn't it too early to play pranks?" Bianca said.

Vigorously nodding his head, Justin dashed towards her. "Nobody is playing prank, you have to believe me. I–"

"Am sorry but am not interested in this trip thing. You guys can go on your trip but as for me am not–" swallowing her remaining words when Justin rest his head on her laps.

Trying not to laugh or smile, Ryan and Nelly looked away from them.