Bianca's mensuration 2

Scrunching her brows, "you gat to be kidding me bianca. You want to stay alone in this condition? Not on my watch. You refused to take some pills that'll help reduce the pains and now you're refusing to change the pad?"

"Nelly where's my–Bianca!" Elsa dashed towards the bed. Holding her face which was soaked in tears, "sweetheart what is it? Why are you crying?"

"A–Aunt–my belly–my belly hurts" Bianca cried.

"It's alright dear, you're having mensural pains." Looking at Nelly, "bring my kit"

"What the fuck, mom she's not gonna take them. I've tried to persuade her but she's just too stubborn." Nelly complained.

"Bianca dear, you're weak and totally out of strength. Let me help you change, hmm? Now come with me to the washroom."

Vigorously nodding her head, "am fine, I'll do that later."

Widening her eyes, "later? You gat to be kidding me bianca. Our flight is just an hour left and you're saying you–"

"Nel– holy shit!" Justin dashed towards bianca. He slumped on the bed and held her crying face. "Why are you crying? Talk to me." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "tell me, are you hurt somewhere? Did my mom or Nelly say anything bad to you? Please tell me something." Justin panicked along with Ryan whom was leaning on the door.

Vigorously nodding her head, "it's nothing."

"No that's a lie, I know that something is not fine with you. So tell me what it is." Justin panicked.

When Bianca did not say anything but cried, Justin looked at Elsa. "Mom, what's wrong with her? Why is she crying?"

Giving him a sweet smile, "it's nothing you should know. It's private between females only." Elsa replied.

Scrunching his brows, "Aunt, what's this private thing that can't be said out?" Ryan inquired confusedly.

"Nevermind, just forget about it, I will–"

Cutting Elsa off, Justin retorted. "Mom, she's crying bitterly and you tell me it's a private thing? Can you please explain to me what's happening to her?"

Looking at Nelly, "what's up with her? Please be candid." Ryan added.

"Why are you two emphasizing about it? It's private, simple!" Nelly replied.

"Nelly!" Justin yelled and added, "Are you gonna tell me what the matter is right now or you want me to help you speak?"