Thoughts 3

At the riverbank

But come to think of it, he is a nice guy and he has helped her in so many ways. First, he allowed her sleep in his room after the movie. She can remember when Marvin was dating her. That guy never allows her to touch his things, neither does he allow her to lay on his bed. Thank goodness she's done with him. But guys don't just break up on girls for no reason.

Mom always tells her that there are different reasons why a guy says 'am done' and they're, 1: if the guy has slept with you for countless times, he won't want to continue with the relationship anymore because he has seen everything that makes up a woman's body and then he will be fed up of sexing one particular girl all the time.

2: if the girl is the too dependent type, like when a girl always ask a guy to supply all her needs. Even to her undies, damn that girl is loosing her respect and when they fall into a fight or argument. The guy will raise the supply topic and that might make the girl to demand for a breakup.

But in her case, she think Marvin broke up with her, just because she didn't allowed him to dig her rabbit hole. Hmm, that's should be the only reason why he said he was done with the relationship. After dating a guy for three years and not giving him anything in return, don't you think such guy is gonna be angry with the girl? Maybe he will, because it's like a three years sentenced to the wilderness with no food and water.

But for Justin, the second help he rendered her was the mensural thing. Oh my gosh, it's rare to see guys who would have done what Justin did. No man born of a woman has ever saw her blood, not even a fly. But Justin changed her sanitary pad and cleaned her up. God-damn, wasn't it irritating to him? She have heard that guys are always distanced from girls who are on their periods, because they look grossing.

The third thing Justin did for her was, 'the eat up.' Ugh, he fed her last night, it was like a dream to her. Damn that guy is unbelievable, how does he managed to do all of that? After all the grumpy mode, grumbling and disagreements, yet he still tried his possible best to fed her.