Flirt and fuck

"That bastard? He wants to flirt with my woman, Huh?" Justin yelled.

"Oh does he thinks, bianca is Lorena, whom was so cheap to fuck her class rep?" Ryan yelled.

Taking a deep breath, Billy sighed. "There's no need in shouting, I've already thrashed him myself."

Yes of course, after the chauffeur drove bianca away. Billy tried to shun Liam, but Liam was acting all strong and stubborn. He told Billy that he is going to get Bianca on any cost. And these words made Billy got so angry that he started punching Liam until his nostrils started bleeding out.

Placing the coffee mug on the desk, "Liam is trying to flirt with my woman? My source of joy and happiness? He wants to drag her with me?" Justin yelled angrily.

"Dude, calm down, didn't you say that you're a gentleman?" Billy scoffed.

"Not in bianca's case, I am ready to slaughter anyone born of a human, that wants to take my woman away from me!" Justin yelled.

"Damn dude, why didn't you call me over to kick his ass?" Ryan inquired angrily.

Taking off his blazer, Justin tossed it on his seat. Leaning on the desk, he crossed his hands in his front. "How did he got to meet with bianca?" Justin inquired with his eyes narrowed.

"Bianca's car was broke down at the expressway. I was on the driveway when I sighted her from afar. Hold and behold, she was not the only one standing there. I parked my car and went across to meet her. Getting to where she was, I saw Liam busy asking her to be his girlfriend even if she was dating someone else." He sighed and continued, "the body heat I was feeling after hearing that, almost made me strangled him to death. But I didn't do that, because I was more concerned about Bianca's safety. To cut the whole thing short, I  called my chauffeur to drop bianca off and then I called my mechanic engineer to fix bianca's car and drive it to her company." He explained.

Clenching his hands into a fist, Justin gritted his teeths, "Liam wants to flirt and fuck with my woman, huh?" Taking a deep breath, "why didn't bianca called me immediately her car broke down? Why did she decide to take the stress without me? She–" taking his phone out of his pocket, he called Bianca."

"Hi honey–"

"Am coming to pick you up at closing time, so wait for me."

"Okay, but–"

"No ifs and buts, just remain in the building until I come."

"Okay I'll, love you."

"Love you too."