Game code

Letting out a mockery chuckle, "you think am lying, right? Do you know that the Anderson are just using you for a game code?" She said and scoffed. "Oh my dear bianca, why can't you use your brains for once, and see the number of lies staring at you?"

"I don't understand what you're saying."

Leaning on the desk, Lorena rolled her eyes, "you have been fooled by Justin. He doesn't love you and you're just his mistress because he will soon become a father."

"Wh–what–what do you mean? You're lying, am Justin's woman and not his mistress. He loves me so much and he won't cheat on me." Bianca stammered.

Smirking her lips, Lorena took out a big brown envelope. "What did you say? He loves you so much and he won't cheat on you, right? Then check this out, if am lying or not." Handling the envelope to bianca.

Grabbing the envelope from her, bianca opened it quickly and took out the sheet of paper. "What's this?"

Shrugging her shoulders, "don't you have eyes? Go on and read what's in it." She scoffed.

With a darkly look on her face, bianca sneered at her and focused on the sheet of paper. She widen her eyes in shock when she saw a pregnancy test report with Lorena's name attached to it. Tossing the paper aside, "liar! That's a flat lie! It can't be true! You're lying! Justin is not responsible for your pregnancy! Justin can't cheat on me, he love me so much!" Bianca shouted.

Bursting into laughter, "oh my goodness, look at this little thing. What do you know? Huh, what do you know?" Shrugging her shoulders, "I guess you know no shit, rather than to have sex morning till night."

Gritting her teeths and narrowing her eyes, "get out, get out now!"

"Hmm, you're still proving right, huh? You read a pregnancy test report, saying that am carrying Justin's child and you're still– you know what?" Lorena yelled angrily and opened her silver purse. Bringing out a pistol, she pointed it at bianca's head. "You want to drag my man from me Huh? You want me to train up my baby alone, is that what you want."

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, bianca vigorously shook her head. "No no, I–– I, I didn't mean it that way."

"Then tell me what nonsense are you talking? You just saw a pregnancy test report, which states that am carrying Justin's child and you're still claiming right that he didn't cheat on you?" Letting out a mockery chuckle, she touched the trigger, "I don't know why some cheap girls want to risk their lives for someone who doesn't love them. Justin is using you for his own selfish interest. He wants you to be his mistress and sex machine. He knows am carrying his child but still decided to play along."

With tears rolling down her cheeks, "if you're carrying Justin's child, then why did you broke up with him? Why did you hide your relationship with him? Why didn't you marry him? Why–"