
"Mom, I don't know– I don't know where she is. I am a bad mother, I hit her so hard that she ended up bleeding." Elsa cried and slumped on the couch.

Taking off his blazer, "damn you are so wicked, Mom. How could you do such a thing like that? I still can't believe you did that." Justin said with a huge scowl on his face.

"Dude, are you gonna calm down, or make things worse around here?" Ryan retorted.

"Blargh!" Covering her mouth, Charlotte ran upstairs instantly, when a nausea almost made her poke out.

Scrunching his brows, Alex asked, "is she alright?"

"I don't know." Ryan replied confusedly.

Sitting on the couch, "this is making it the twelveth time, Charlotte is vomiting. She has been vomiting everywhere." Grandma Mathilda chuckled.

"Grandma it's not funny so stop laughing. I think it's just a feve––Blargh!" Nelly covered her mouth and ran upstairs instantly.

"What's up with them?" Kevin inquired quizzically.

"I think its pregnancy fever." Grandma Mathilda chuckled.

"Hmm, I think so too. I mean, it's a migration thing." Alex scoffed.

"Yeah and a baby-hook-up." Isobel chuckled.

Scrunching his brows, "what are you guys saying? What's baby-hook-up and migration thing?" Ryan inquired confusedly.

"Its just a say." Alex replied.

"It's not a say–" looking at Ryan, she smiled. "Its a level up thing." Isobel said.

"I still don't get it, what is a level up thing?" Justin inquired confusedly.

Slapping her forehead, "are you and Ryan so dumb? They are carrying the new generation of the Anderson family." Grandma Mathilda explained.

Widening his eyes, "wow, its so fast than I expected." Ryan gasped.

Giving him a light slap on his head, "don't be silly, you are engaged. So get ready for new schedules." Looking at granny Mathilda, "right grandma?" Justin said.

"Yeah, and you too."


"I said and you too."

Bursting into laughter, "grandma likes talking in parables and riddles." Justin said.

Pulling Justin's ears, "parables and riddles, Huh?"

"Ouch! Ouch! Grandma, my ears are hurting." Justin winced.