Has he touched you?

Bursting into laughter, Justin couldn't help it but laugh.

Frowning deeper and deeper with a deadpan face, "are you laughing? Does it sound funny to you? Or do you want to die suddenly?"

Vigorously nodding his head, "no no sir, am sorry, it was a mistake."

"Good, now back to where I stop." Looking at the jotter, "Number 4: Your hands will remain above her waist, or else your parents will have to buy a van for an handicap. Number 5: if you go against my rules and I kill you, I won't mind going to prison, but I can still hurt you from prison. Number 6: she is not your punching bag, so if you want to learn boxing, better do that in the stadium, and not on my daughter's body."

Looking back, "Dad, Justin is not that type of man, who hit women. He has never raised his hands on me, and I know he won't do that." Bianca defended.

Raising his eyebrows, "ah, nice one. But has he touched you yet? Because I know my daughter is a virgin right from day one." Looking at Justin, "hey young man, did you sex my daughter? Did you went underneath her?"

Awkwardly scratching his head, Justin was scared and confused of what to say. If he says 'Yes' won't Mr Ziegler squeeze the life out of him? Or maybe cause an accident as he is driving? Oh God, he is confused right now, he knew that of a truth, he has slept with bianca. Infact for countless times. He was the only and first guy who disvirgined her, but how do he answer her father's question?

Looking at the confused and fearful look on his eyes, Bianca defended. "No dad, J–Jus–Justin hasn't seen my nakedness yet, let alone touching me."

Looking at her, Justin mouthed 'Thanks baby, you just saved my life. I love you.'

"Good, now I want you two to abstain from sex, kisses and cuddles. Until you are engaged and further  married. Is that clear?" Edwin snapped.

"Yes yes." They answered in unison.