Marvin's end

Walking towards him, "you caused the accident. You almost killed me, my fiancee and my unborn baby! How dare you Marvin Hewitt!" He grabbed Marvin up and smacked his head on the hard fountain's slab.

"Ahhhh! Am sorry, I swear I– I didn't know she was pregnant. Everything I did was out of stupidity, ignorance and jealousy. I never meant to––ahhh!"

Punching his face, "no you were not. You were trying to drag her from me. You wanted to take her away from me and that was the reason why you were happy when we had an accident." Punching his face, "you thought I was dead, so that you can have her back, right?"

"No no no no, I didn't think that way."

"Yes you were." Punching his face, Marvin's teeth flushed out of his mouth instantly.

Spatting the blood out of his mouth, he breath heavily, "please forgive me, don't kill me." Marvin pleaded for his life.

Kicking Marvin's winky, "you said farewell to the last man on this war, right?"

Vigorously nodding his head, "no no I change it, infact am not playing war anymore."

"Yes you are, and we must see the last man on this war." Justin shouted with a loud voice and mashed his winky with a hard mash.

"Ahhhh!!! Justin please don't kill me, I promise to be a good guy from today henceforth, I swear."

"No Marvin, not until we say farewell to the last man on this war." Mashing Marvin's winky until a thick dark red liquid licked out. "This is for sending Assassinators to my house."