Chapter 294 Rewards

I had no idea to what lenght some of my fans had gone to, in order to defend me as I was currently laying in my bathtub filled with ice and water. After going through my post match routine the first thing I did when I reached the house was to hop in the tub. I was eager to get this post match routine out of the way as I felt rather spent after the match. That last run especially took a lot out of me wich I only felt after resting.

"(Sigh) I better not catch a cold from this," I mutterd to my self as I pulled up the system screen in order to chek my post match routine. I had recived notificatiots after the match had ended but I was too happy to pay attention to it. Even though we hadn't won the match it wa sby far the best football ive played to date, not skills wise but pure on field presence.