Marvel Izuku

Main character: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Quirkless

Parents: Wanda Maximoff and Vision(Biological)

Hisashi and Inko Midoriya (Adoptive)

Heritage: Witch (Change: Billy insert/ Demiurge)(A being of life and magic when coming of age will redefine the rules of magic and become omnipotent)(Ref: Young Avengers)

Pairing: MomoxIzu

Story Idea: The TVA are after Wanda Maximoff because the events of WandaVision in this universe never happened and she was able to resurrect Vision without taking the whole town captive. Instead of having twins she had one son named Matthew Izuku Maximoff with this happening that timeline was out of sync with the original so they had to prune the timeline and kill them. Wanda during her years of fighting and solitude while mastering her powers she created a grimoire full of spells and training techniques to be remembered and pass down in case she had children. With the TVA after her Izuku and Vision, Wanda channels the most chaos magic she has ever channeled in her life and creates a portal out of the Marvel multi-verse into the MHA universe and with a push she sends Vision and her son into that universe with consequences that certain aspects of the universe crossed over. Vision find the Midoriya couple and ask them to protect his child and tells them his name and hurries and jumps back through the portal to find and fight with his wife. Before Wanda and Vision die Wanda cast a spell on her grimoire to appear before her son when his powers first spark and instilling a piece of her soul in it to tell him his origins. (Note: I believe they should be reunited but not his version of his mother we already know that Wanda has heard a version of her kids scream for help this will be a Wanda that will come to Izuku and form a bond with him and maybe help find his siblings.) After All Might says only people with quirks can be heroes Midoriya conceders suicide but changes his mind but slips and as he falls he prays for someone to help him or to stop and then gets surrounded by a green aura(his magic) which slows him down. After that he runs home and goes to his room and starts hyperventilating then suddenly passes out. When he awakens on the floor there's a book floating in front of him in a red glow. He gets scared and curious and soon touches it with it opening and saying "Hello Matthew".

Beginning Abilities: Psychic Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Force-Field Generation, Telepathy, Levitation

Beginning Magic: Elemental Manipulation, Teleportation, Astral Projection, Energy Absorption, Conjuration, Basic Runes. (Note: I wanna say give him illusions buuut I feel like that's a thing to be given after the you know what.)

Drawback: NoseBleeds and headaches

Friends/ Team: Momo- Black Widow type

Shoto Todoroki- Captain America Type

Mei Hatsume - Iron Man Type


Shinso - Hawkeye type


Denki - Thor Brawler

Arcs: Beginning - TVA's Attack

- Aldera Middle

- All Might

- The Incident

- Origins

- Chaos?

- Meditation ( Realm travel?)

- The Beach (uses magic to move garbage work on weight and size before actual spells)

- Runes

- Elemental Spells

- Let's Meet Momo

- It's weird I trust you

- Avengers? Who were they?

- Time Skip to Entrance Exams

- Teachers

- Acceptance

U-A: - Class 1-A

- Quirk Accessment

- Can't Erase?

- Hero Class

- Explosions of the Past( Bakugo vs Midoriya)


- Class President


- Demon Sorcerer

- A Mothers Cry(Grimore spirit gives izuku rest of its power)

- Nomu Vs Emeralds Light

- AfterMath

Sports Festival: - Day Off Together

- Losing Control(izuku tries a spell)

- Back to school

- Training

- Infinity stones?

- Declaration of War

- First Task

- Mine Field

- Calvary Battle

- Altered Spell of Karmar


- Matched Battles

- Let's Talk

- First Round

- Second Round

- You aren't what others tell you to be!

- Final Match

- Winner

Internships: - Choose your Internships

- Sorcerer Supreme?

- Training!

- Thoughts on The Avengers

- Infinity stones Again?

- Hosu!

- Hero Killer!

- Portal time out.

- Nomu!

- Hospital

- Mom? (like Wanda heard her kids)

WandaVision: - Where Am I?

- Supressed Pain

- Sitcom?

- Meeting Vision

- Who is he?

- S.W.O.R.D agent

- Meeting my siblings

- Hex Unstable

- Visions Realization

- Harkness gotcha

- Memory Lane

- Kids in Peril

- I'm your Son

- Fight as a Family

- Unraveled Hex

- Promise(To find Tommy and Billy in the Multiverse)

- New Start

- A combined Family(Midoriyas and Maximoffs getting to know each other)

- A mothers Conversation

- Nezu and Vision Meet

- Training(Help/Watching Vision and Wanda)(Vision helps Denki with his Lightning)

- A Vision

Finals: - Regular Class Day.

- Momo's House( I feel as though this should be multi-scenes with one of them being izuku telling the group about the Avengers but not that he's from another multiverse yet.)

- Training (Take inspiration from Izuku's telling from Avengers Team)

- Lunch Room

- Time Skip to Practical

- Match Shoto and Momo vs EraserHead

- Match Ida and Mina vs Ectoplasm

- Match Katsuki and Izuku vs All Might

- Aftermath

- Mall Bonding

- Madam Harkness(She came over after the big spell Wanda Cast to send her son where he is but is meeting with either Overhall or the League of Villans she knows of izuku and has plans for him)

- Summer Camp!

- Forest of Beast

- Who's Kid?

- Training

- Feeling of Dread

- Vanguard Squad

- Izuku vs Muscular

- Momo vs Toga

- They're after Katsuki!

- Slip of the Fingers

- Aftermath

Darkness: - Publics Reaction

- Plan

- Voices

- Knock Knock


- All For One

- All Mights vs All For One

- Harkness Enters(Different Version of Her not the one Wanda Defeated)

- Revealed (Either his Origins or that his mother was a being of destruction and he's destined to be the same)

- All Out

- Escape ( Harkness escapes for future encounter)

- AfterMath

Eri: - Meeting Parents

- Dorms

- Room Tour

- Let's Make an Agency

- Confrontation

- Provisional Exams!

- Ultimate Move Training

- Mutants Lurking(Sabertooth)

- Villain Attack

- aftermath

- Bakugo and Izuku

- Punishment and Work Studies

- Hawks and Nighteye

- Is that a symbol for Hydra?

- Eri (I feel as though just save her then and there and deal with the yakuza and hydra coming for her as a result)

- Hospital and Adoption

- Mall with Momo and Eri

- Meeting with Future Avengers

- Talking with Nezu

- Nighteye Agency

- The Plan

- The operation

- Spy within


Yakuza Battle: - Infiltration of the Yakuza

- Data

- Caught

- Overhaul and Sabertooth

- Lash Out

- A Mothers Vengeful Attack

- End of The Yakuza

- The World is Changing

- TVA's Probe

We are Hero's: - School Day

- Date

- Hero Class

- Lunch Time

- Plotting( Putting together a Young Avengers/ Villans)

- School Festival?

- Rejected (helped save a person who was abused cause of quirk or Quirkless by either villian group who is composed of the same or heroes but being watched by said group)

- Deviants Resurfacing(Confrontation not yet but there needs to be a frame for the future avengers after the League of Villans)

- Family Patrolling

- Setting Up


- Gentle Criminal

- Eri's Enjoyment

- Building A Team( Ulimately I want Vision Nezu and Wanda Overseeing the team not only cause Vision has a Cosmic Awareness and Wisdom but both of them have experience of working as The Avengers and Know the Skill set of the team so it would help with training and Nezu he's a genius on that world knows the government and has connections around the world so missions of international importance would come from him I believe at the start)

- Training

- Hero Billboard Charts

- Endeavor and Vision Vs Sabertooth

- Class 1-A Vs Nejire and Suneater

- Magical Beast?


- Magically Intuned

- Momo's New Construct(Thena's Spear From Eternals)

Joint Training: - Round 1

- Round 2

- Round 3

- Round 4

- Round 5

Next Arc: I'm drawing a blank again but i think this a good place to stop for now so if you an author and want to start writing go ahead.