G.I. Joe Izuku

Main Character: Izuku

Quirk: Quirkless

Pairing: OchakoxIzu

Crossover: G.I. Joe

Story Idea: Izuku Midoriya is a bullied kid. Due to the world being filled with 80% of people with super abilities called quirks and 20% without he was part of the minority. One day he was in the library at the computer studying for The finals when two people rushed inside heading straight for the computers. These people being Duke and Ana people apart of the G.I Joe a special forces unit for the government. As Izuku is doing his homework he hears Duke get frustrated as he slams his fingers into the keyboard so he looks up. And ask if they need help and they accept his help but have little doubt he could do anything but he ended up surprising them. Izuku is very good at analysis and research so he knew how to use a computer and when he used his brain hard enough gain access to even locked stuffed. Surprised with his skill at his age they wondered if it was due to a Quirk and asked to the surprise that he was Quirkless. When Izuku asked who they were they said they were a part of a special forces unit which made him excited and ask plenty of questions to their bewilderment. As they leave they find him interesting and consider keeping their eye on him for a few months. After a few months and the moment after All Might destroys Midoriya's dream he gets approached again by duke who offered him a spot and training with the G.I. Joe to become a hero after telling him that they have been watching him and inform him that A Majority of the people in G.I. Joe are Quirkless and have fought against people with Quirks. He accepts and goes on training with the Joes.

Skills: Skilled Battle Technician, Martial Arts, Boxing, Guns, Knives

Arcs: Beginning - Intro

- Huh Interesting kid

- A Crushed Dream

- A New Hope

- A Slithering Snake

- Welcome To The Pit

- First Day

- Time Skip: Weapon Training

- First Mission

- Stolen Arc Reactor

- My First Battle Wound

- After Mission Thinking: Tactician in the making

- Time Skip: Home

- Mall Time: A Girl

U.A.: - A New Suit

- Entrance Exams

- Smart

- Teachers

- HELP!!

- Shocked

- A Resurfacing(Rex makes an appearance by stealing something)

- Accepted/ A Mission

- Sky Fight

- System Down

- Class 1-A

- Quirk Assessment

- Hard Work

- Cobras Experiments

- Hero Training

- Media Hounds

- Bus to USJ


- Cobra and League of Villans

- Separated

- Call for Back up

- Say hello to my little friend

- The Joes

- Fireball BOOM

- The Bigger they Are the harder they fall

- Aftermath

Sports Festival: - Day Off

- Staff Meeting

- Ochako Meets the Joes

- Girl Talk

- Ochakos Answer

- Day Back

- Crowded Doorway

- Training

- Weapons and Feelings

- Coiling Viper( Rex has a young apprentice just like all for one has tomura)

- Declaration of War

- First Event

- Second Event

- Third Event

- Aftermath

Internships: - Internships

- Idas Inner Trouble

- New Base

- First Leading Mission

- Biological Lab

- Attack

- An Old Face

- Mission Success

- Hosu!

- Hero Killer

- A Distress Signal

- Hero Killers Reason

- Takedown

- Nomu

- AfterMath

Finals: - Information on Cobra

- Recruiting Mei

- Battle Suits

- Back to School


- Lunch

- Study Date

- Training

- Teachers? Not Robots?

- Matches

- Ochako and Ayoama Match

- Bakugo and Midoriya Match

- Villians Plotting

- Who Passed

- The Mall

Summer Camp: - A Request ( He's Quirkless so he needs equipment and the joes got good shit)

- The Bus Ride

- Beast Forest

- Demon Child

- Intense Training

- Bath Time/Moon light Date

- Vanguard Squad

- Saving Kota

- Burning Forest

- Taken

- Self Hatred

- Matters Into Our Own Hands

- Locating Katsuki

- Flight

- Complications

- All For One

- Commander Cobra

- Last Legs

- Hope

- AfterMath

Cobra: Drawing blank but I think ochako should be kidnapped during a mission and having to be rescued by Izuku kinda like in the 2008 G.I. Joe movie.