Chapter One: Lizbeth

"Might as well have a quick writing session before I must take my final look off this cliff my home. Today is the day, and I can already feel the rumble of the earth under the weight of the railcar known as the Transitor. I have seen it only once before and it is massive. A boy from the village near us decided to take the journey and from what I heard he earned his calling, but after that you don't hear much of what comes of them. The butterflies in my stomach are more like large dogs doing backflips. If I don't succeed in my calling, I don't think I could ever face my mother and uncle again. The sun is breaking the horizon, and the orange and pinks of it turn the ocean into the loveliest color I have ever seen. The sounds of the gulls, waking and searching for the first glimpses of fish swarming the coast. This is home, and I will return one day. For now, I just must wait and find what the elements tell me to do." Petals 4

I put the journal into the small bag tied to my hip, and stand taking in the area around me. An old tree, it's bark rough and grey the leaves springs bright green. The field around it for a hundred yards growing in as tall wheat grasses almost to my knees now. The warm air passing around me and through my hair, with enough of winters final grasps to add a reminder of what had come. I enjoy the smell of the ocean and the beating of the spring sun on my face. "It will be too long before I get to see this place again," as my thoughts and words bring tears to my eyes a soft voice calls from around the tree.

"Now Liz, you will see and experience things only few will ever in life. No matter if you succeed, I will open my arms to you, but I can't say the same for your mother," my uncle says stepping around the tree wearing a long robe. His face is aged a bit. His eyes as dark as deep emerald, not just green they look like the stones. He always keeps his head shaved, something about respect for the fallen in his life. "You cannot be coming around corners like that," I say stepping back and away from the tree.

"I wouldn't be sneaking around if you had a buddy like I have with Targos," he says pointing down to a tortoise that is the size of most dogs, pale green and brown and who's shell looks as if it were made of the stones at the center of the earth. The lines between the crevasses in his shell glowing a faint yellow, and a more than understanding face graces it. The face while old and hard, its eyes display a softness not seen in those of anyone I know.

"Well, you know it isn't possible for me to have a friend like your weird turtle" I reply sarcastically walking over to the beast, patting it on the head, "Plus he is nicer than you could ever be with all your brutal honesty."

"Well, if you weren't such a bad student I would not have to be so 'brutally' honest," Her uncle smiles out raising his fingers emphasizing his words, "I came to tell you your mother cooked some breakfast, so if that doesn't kill you, nothing will before the Council."

"I can hear you brother, and my cooking is better than what you can throw together, rock-head," my mom calls back coming out of the house with a platter of steaming food and a smile parting her lips to show brilliant white teeth.

We all rest under the old oak tree chatting for a few hours. A tremble within the ground, along with the color begins to rush out of the sky seemingly blocked out by the massive building that is the Transitor. Its black walls extend ninety feet into the sky and windows all colored in various shades of blue grays all lined with silver trim. The soft purr of its motors leaving a tingle in the air and about the ground.

"Be strong as the Earth and Air guides you down your path my child," my mother and uncle say in sync almost as scripted, both reaching out to hug me for one final time as I embark on my journey to the calling of the Council like they had done together many years ago.

I feel the color rush from my face and a lump the size of a frog forms in my throat. My brain didn't know what words were in the glimpse of a moment that felt like an eternity. I knew this day would come long before and had been dreading this moment of leaving my only family, "Be safe and I will return one way or another," I manage to force out past the quick breaths I fight to the surface. I feel the power of the earth itself try to crush my leg and look down seeing Targos nudge my legs on one side, edging me forward.

The opposite side of me is a large black cat. It's muscles lined with a soft green glow, pushing me at hip level. This was my mother's companion. "Thank you Tagani and Targos. The elements will guide me like you have my family." I move closer to the Transitor and a small door at its base opens, "Welcome Lizbeth Demore, we will take you from here," a middle-aged man with hair the color of a dark gray storm cloud pulled back into a bun, a red scar across his nose spanning the length of his cheeks, and eyes as blue as ice says. He walks around the opening of the door with his arms out and a large silver lion, who's veins glow the same blue as his eyes, follows his steps.

"Vincent is that you?" my mother says stepping forward face in shock. Wait, so they know this man. "Hush they don't realize I stowed away it is probably pandemonium in the Council looking for me. I have been wearing these robes far too long and hiding on board this beast of a machine that we rode together on, oh so long ago," He says moving forward so quickly my eyes can barely track the fluid and thoughtless motion of the graceful man, "and how could I not come see you guys."

He strides forward wrapping up my mother and uncle with his arms and them returning the hug. I can't help but notice, smiles and a sullen sadness touch their faces during the moment. My uncle steps back and says, "I see that Mushi and ours have missed each other in their time apart." I look to find the two cats vaulting around each other as if they were kittens chasing each other around the absolute boulder that is Targos. Might I add, Targos is joining in by spinning around like a top slamming his feet into the ground shaking the earth apart. Well, that's at least how it feels when he is that excited.

"How I have missed you two. It has been far too long since our time together, just the four of us. Now the prodigy of Emilia and the student of Verek comes to her calling. She looks just as you did, and her father did when we made our journey to the Council,"' Vincent says looking over his shoulder at me.

Still confused to who this man is and how he knows the names of my family and my father involuntarily whisper, "Who are you?"

"Emilia," my uncle calls trying to stop my mother to no avail as she steps forward. "This is your Uncle Vince, you have heard the tales of what we have done together; but just because this airhead is your uncle, don't think you will be able to get out of trouble while at the Council," my mother says. The rage I saw just now leaving her face replaces with a joking smile.

"I don't even know him; I have never seen him before and how does he know my dad?"

"You will find out later," Uncle Verek says punching Vince in the shoulder, "He is a clown so don't get caught into his shenanigans." He walks over me sliding his foot in my direction and I feel the earth give as if to make a path to the Transitor. "Get on that damn machine, get some sleep, and take care of yourself."

Vince walks over to the two, "I am also here for a reason. I need teachers at the Council, and I am asking if you would like to join me for a bit to pick out some good ones. It would just be rude to send a messenger." The two adults look to each other, and both smile "Well looks like we will see you when you get there," Emilia says placing her hand on Vince's shoulder her eyes never leaving me as my strides carry me to the machine. My uncle looks at me without missing a beat, "Sorry for what's about to happen," that sadistic smile of his playing on his face sending chills down my spine.

"Well, that is just great," I turn with a smile, and walk into the metal contraption that is the gateway of the Transitor. A man in ceremonial garbs meets me at the entrance way, "Welcome to the Transitor of The Council, let me be the first to greet . . ." I look over her shoulder and for some reason that interrupts him. "You aren't the first person to. . ." I say until the crack of thunder and a blinding light mixes my head like a bowl of soup, except I think soup is supposed to be mostly silent. Following the explosion of light and sound, an extra high pitch squeal leaves my mouth. As I look out to see my Mother, Uncle, and Vince gone. The man confused says "I was assigned to greet you and bring you to your quarters for the journey, no one else should have exited the Transitor."

"Never mind. I don't think he wanted you to know," I say, a playful smile playing its way onto my lips and lighting up my eyes. A burning intensity fills me as I know, this was going to be a time I would never forget.