Chapter 3: Aven

"This is all too much. The food, the art everywhere, and constant movement, and the all-together lack of anything sensible about this trip I have never eaten so well in life, no matter how much I eat they always ask me if I would like more. But it's nearing its end, I saw the mountains and I have seen the dessert my entire life, but never have I seen green like this, and the blues of the ocean. The continual movement and frequent stops have my head spinning, there should be a better way for them to move us all, or at least more than one. I left the Chapel in search of my calling but all I have found is the shear lack of hope my life would have had if I had never gotten onto the Transitor. The amount of money that is put into this place must be more times over than the richest man in the village near home, could ever dream of, and here I am riding it."

Petals 5

As I lay the journal onto my chest, I lay in the bed saying to myself, "this is far too nice. . . how do you grow up with things like this?" A young man in a black silk blouse and pants that were made of a material I have never seen, looks toward him, "No we had more, and a person like you should be more respectful to your betters." I just stare at the ceiling. He had answered my question that was directed for myself, "So you are better than I am just because you were born into a place of high standing." I look at him my deep brown eyes burning with distaste, which was the message I am trying to get across at least. "Well, it is what my father says, I personally think only the royal blood and the nobles should be able to partake in The Council of the Fallen Moon but I am not in charge, nor will I ever be. I can't even take my father's place, because I am not the eldest, so my opinion doesn't really matter," The boy says his pale blue eyes laying down a soft glance at me.

"That sounds like a miserable place for people like me, it sounds as if you only want to hold people down and don't want what's good for all, like the Tales guide us to do," I say sitting up, my shoulders tightening at the boy's words. I am not small I am twice the size of most my age, around 9 stones as they say and a head taller than anyone I have known. The boy slams his book into the bag at his side, "At what would a poor boy like yourself have to say or do about me not believing it is true. The calling is open three times a year, and mostly nobles are selected those of pure blood, but I guess people like you will always be good fodder for the Vinte family. Well, after you are for the state." I shrug my shoulders and just smile a smile as brightly as I could muster past the bad taste in my mouth, "May the elements bless you then, and best of luck in your calling." I did not want to give the boy a chance to mutter another sound, so I stood and proceeded out of the cabin. I turn down the hallway to the right and begin to walk down the seemingly endless passageway lit by small flames.

The colors from the day that had nauseated me were gone because of the moonless night. I notice the subtle beauties of the moving palace, but none were as grand as seeing the trees on the horizon of a massive lake, "So much water you could get grass too grow in the dunes near where I am from." I hear loud screaming and shouting coming from down the hall, which breaks my peace, and before I realize it my legs are taking longer and longer strides until I find a door to the center of the Transitor. As I open it the once angry screaming transforms into a joyous burst of laughter.

The long hallway had become a broad lounging area, in which I can see several young boys testing each other's strength with a contest of arm wrestling. "Now this is something I can get behind," I feel myself saying with an infection smile jumping onto my face. So, I start walking over to the group. Several of the boys in the group are wearing similar outfits to his cabin mate. "How do I get to join in?" I start blurting out before I can even think about the situations. My image towering over several of the boys in the circle, my black locks tied back showing off the dark brown eyes against his dark olive skin, and more importantly the fact they all look "high born" if my cabin mate is anything to show of it.

"Well, you have to wait to face me first, they weren't letting us 'commoners' in on the fun, so they said if another one of our kind were to show up and ask to, they would let one of us in," a boy with bright green eyes, and dark brown skin says his hair cropped short on the sides, and short braids on top held back in a cloth, similar to mine, says tilting his head towards the group of the more privileged ones. "Well looks like you have found yourself a challenger," one of the boys says pushing his black hair behind his long ear. This boy's eyes that are a gentle grey scan over me in a way that makes me a little uncomfortable. "Looks like both of you will have to put up quite the fight," he says his smirk turning into a genuine smile. I begin to eye him back curiously, and after a bitter second reply "Well can we use the table?"

"After they finish," the elf says. Several of the boys, cheer as the largest man I had ever seen, that is saying something I was taller than everyone in the room by at least a head, slams another's hand onto the table. "Well, that was quick," the dark-skinned boy says pulling the loose shirt from his shoulders revealing arms that didn't quite makes sense on someone his age, they are covered in scars, and tattoos. The other man's arms and form was baffling from his old eyes, too his battered and covered body. His movement tells me to start moving toward him and push my way through the crowd. The man places his elbow, and my feet move without my even telling them to, and before I ever realize it his hand is locked with mine. Also, without my thoughts or conscious action, I hear my voice say quizzically, "What's your name?"

The boy with the green eyes slams a dreadfully serious smile onto his face and says through his teeth, "You beat me, and I will tell you but that is the only condition you can find out." "Aven, is mine and I will get your name, I have a few other questions as well," I say returning the smile, the chorded muscles in his arms tightening with each pump of blood as the we tighten their grips. The elf looks at the two and places his hand atop theirs nods to both of them and removes his hand quickly, "Go!"

Our two's arms lock in a sound of straining muscles, and the force the world presses into each other, this I notice attracts the attention of everyone else in the room. My arm held and for a second, I thought I felt it start to press his down, but nothing. The eternity of the match goes on for what feels like hours, but the cheers erupt around the table, and I feel the bitter sting of my fingers smacking the table's surface. The look of shock on my face must have been more insulting than I thought because a look of disgust and pain appears on the boy's face, he stares down at my arm pinned atop the boy's scarred and tattooed arm.

"My name is Lyka," he says pulling his arm away quickly that look of disgust cementing on his face as he leaves the side of the table. "You beat that monster," The elf says clapping me on my shoulder. The gaze of the boys in the room drags behind me, a mix of awe and fear, as I leave the room trying to follow Lyka down the hallway but the boys inhuman speed presses him out of my view before, he could get a lock on where he was headed. "Strange," I say turning around once Lyka was out of sight. "Where did he go?" the elf inquires walking out of the lounge area.

"I don't know truly," I hear myself saying, turning a more confused look to playing on my face. "Well let me buy you a drink for beating that monster, and shutting everyone else up," The elf says patting Aven on the shoulder walking past him, "My names Elaxan, by the way." I find myself turning to the elf, "I will take you up on that drink, even though you will pay nothing for it." So, I do the only thing that makes sense in this entire situation and just start laughing, start walking down the hall and place my hand over the elf's shoulder. "So, what is good to drink, I have never had one before."