Chapter 5: Chosen of the Elements


"The night was lively Rowan and I had danced and ate on all matters of food and wines. I write that it was night, but we think the sun had not fallen, there was just no way to tell. The guys were kept separate from us that night as well, it made for a much more comfortable evening of fun and relaxation. I have learned in my ride of the Transitor, guys just muck up what would be an amazing time. Rowan and I stayed at each other's side the entire night, we bathed and found ourselves giggling far later into the night than we both cared to stay awake. They rested their head down and was carried off to sleep faster than I have ever seen anyone drift asleep. That is why I am here writing in my journal waiting for this anxiety and worry to fade from my mind. Rowan goes by they and them instead of she and her, it is difficult to get it right sometimes, like earlier while drinking some wine with them, I most definitely upset them by calling them her several times. This is going take practice, but they are a wonderful friend already. Well, I should get some sleep. I have quite the big day to write about tomorrow."

Petals 8

The warmth of the bed made me not want to move from the comfort. Have you ever felt like you are sleeping on a thousand pillows? The blinding lights that start filling the room to herald the calls from above force me from my slumber. I looked around at the beds nearest to mine, to see most people struggling the same way as they were forcing their way out of the bed. Well, all except Rowan who was donning her, no, their ceremonial robes we had all been provided, "Rowan is always such a sight. They seemed like a doll sometimes and a warrior at others; it was hard to tell. This morning however the warrior was in complete control of all faculties," I thought to myself but some of it must have left my mouth because Rowan turned tome without hesitation. "Well, are you going to stay in bed, or will you actually join us all," Rowan said smirking over their shoulder.

"Five more minutes," I say sitting up in this cloud, wiping the sleep from my eyes, returning the smile to Rowan. I very forcefully roll my legs, which seem to weigh a thousand pounds, out of bed. My legs, all toned muscles, just happen to not want to work today I guess just too tense from the stress. I look down and see the robes but Rowan was now in at the foot of the bed as well. "Why are they so far away?" I ask as I lean over to grab the garbs from the end of the bed with a long reach.

Once on my feet, I start to fumble with the long robes trying to find the arm hole in them. I look to Rowan and say, "Hey Rowan, what are you going to do after you get your calling?"

"That's easy, "Rowan pulls the hood of the deep grey robes over their head to where only their face is showing, "I will fight and create my own name. One that my family will have to respect. No matter the cost."

"Well, I will help you achieve that goal, no matter the cost," I say and mean it. The conviction of the words presses me into a space of my head I leave aside exclusively while I train. Then and only then, I found the sleeves of the robes. I glance around and see most of the girls in the large chamber had already been stirred awake and mostly dressed in the ceremonial garbs. These butterflies in my stomach are more like cats chasing fish that are chewing on my insides trying to find a way out. Well, there is nothi-. . .

"Will you wipe that look off your face? I like it when you are bright and cheery more," Rowan says patting me on top of the head. The warmth of the action makes me smile. "Sh..." they smile back and say, "now let's get these robes on and head to the waiting area." I fling my arms into the sleeves of the robe, "Thank you," I say looking deeply into Rowan's silver eyes. Their eyes are so deep and dark, but there is a light there. I know they will find a way to make her . . . no it's their . . . their damn it. . . family proud. The thought rolled through Lizbeth's mind quickly as the blanket of her rest washed away from her body. Rowan looked at Lizbeth with a confused gaze and a smirk jumped onto their face, "You give away every time you think," Rowan said reaching out to adjust Liz's hood bringing the two's eyes close. Lizbeth blushed and turned away from Rowan, truly embarrassed. She could feel her face burning up in the moment, but it was good that she had made a dear friend while she was here, even if the friendship was only a few days old.

"Let's get moving too," I say hinting at several of the other girls moving about the room toward the hallway they had entered from. I took in the sights as us two walked together. The halls were floored with elaborate red carpet with gold trim to reveal the dark grey stone polished into the floors, and the walls a white marble with rows upon rows of paintings. Each painting depicting a portrait of fallen chosen: both male and female, and oddly enough the spirits that resided within them. I stroll mindlessly, spending all my energy inspecting the images. I could feel Rowan's glances as the two of us walked down the magnificent hallway. "These weren't here last night, were they?" I ask thinking aloud. "No, I don't believe they were," Rowan added quickly. Rowan's quick reply made me fall into yet another fit of blushing as we walked down the hallway. That is until a face froze me in my tracks.

The man had long black hair as dark as mine. His eyes as white as the marble walls of the hallway. Beside him rests a hare; it's coated a deep grey with white patches. The hare's eyes same as the lines under its fur, blue like ice or the ocean. The name plate reads, "Raven Vilantrus, Born of the Earth, Blessed by the Air." This man looked familiar but only in a way that she had heard before, not from visual recognition. I stepped closer to the painting inspecting the lines of the man's face, and the gentle brushstrokes that brought his pale eyes to life.

"Do you know him?" Rowan's voice breaks the tension of my deep study. "No, but I feel like I should," I say as I force out and the thoughts of my life dash across her mind all moments leading to this. "Well let's keep moving with the group there has to be at least three hundred people or more ready for their calling," Rowan says to me, a small trace of hesitation in their voice. They just shuddered and seemed timid to me; I couldn't help but notice that. "Is that a hint of nervousness I hear, all from the great and powerful Rowan?" I tease grabbing onto their arm pulling them along with the flow of people moving down the hallway.

After what felt like fifteen excruciating minutes of Rowan's nails digging into my arm, though I had been pulling her along with me, I looked at the end of the hallway and noticed how much larger this building was than I originally thought. The gorgeous hall became less of a polished piece of art and more of a miracle design; the formal walls turning into raw cut stone, but with the same polished edges and corners throughout. Their nails that were trying to tear my arm off relaxed when we got into the darker colored tunnel and light began to pour into my eyes from the end of it.

"This is it I will see you on the other side," I look over and say to Rowan. We come to the end of the tunnel into a grand arena, hundreds of people were pouring into the arena from several different openings. A large stone with colors and light flitter around making it look as if it were moving itself. Several robed figures stand at the front of the forming crowds entering the arena, ushering madly to the groups of individuals called. As I enter in the arena my face flushes, how do I know? The campfires on my cheeks were a signal in my brain. 'There must be ten thousand people in the stands alone. Are all of them chosen or the families of those being chosen that can afford to make the trip. . .?' I thought as another much more terrifying thought stroked at my brow and pestered my mind to no end, 'Is my mom there? Is my uncle? Their faces! I would recognize their faces maybe not from this far but once I get into my groups of the chosen,' without further hesitation Liz pushes her chin up letting her eyes venture over the crowd looking for the faces of her family.

"PLEASE EVERYONE BE CALM I KNOW YOU ARE EXCITED," a distant voice dances over my ears, but it was more like I felt the words wash over me in an intangible wave. I just understood what they were. I look around me and find we are walking into a large gravel floored area, but the feeling of life in what would be an empty space surrounding a large black stone betrayed the hollow look. The air was unmistakably full of energies swirling in more excitement as the crowd was forming into. The walls of the round area that surrounded us as high as the eye will allow to see in the dim lights. And every pillar was bordered with large black curtains that only allow us to see the area around us. What is behind them? Are these people in the area all just here to be chosen?


I find myself walking next to Lizbeth. The woman that is Liz is a legend in of itself if it hasn't been told yet. She is gorgeous and I find myself not paying attention to the halls we were just in last night, but her eyes glint the softest gold I can describe. I know that this girl will be an amazing friend. Liz suddenly stops turning to face the wall, to my surprise I notice, she was staring an absolutely beautiful painting that reads, "Raven Vilantrus, Born of the Earth, Blessed by the Air." I have heard stories about him, but do not know what is true or lies, so I turn to Liz inquisitively, "Do you know him?" She snaps out of concentration and looks at me with a simple reply, "No but I feel like I should."

Her gaze lingers back to the painting of this man concentrating back on it, so I say, "Well let's keep moving with the group there has to be at least 300 people or more ready for their calling." However, my feet glue themselves to the ground and the bottom of my stomach drops. Great, just what I need; I guess I need to be nervous. "Is that a hint of nervousness I hear, all from the great and powerful Rowan," Lizbeth's soft smile and warm eyes say to me teasing. In my head I hear the words, and the words only leave my thoughts, "Well, yeah! Aren't you?" I don't actually say it; instead, Liz grabs by my arm with the vice grip that she calls a hand and drags me along. I feel my hand grip her arm, and maybe I dig my nails in from fear, but who would know why.

After about thirty seconds of Liz pulling me down the hallway, my legs decided they were not glued to the floor and an eternity later the smooth floor became a rough gravel bed. That's when I knew I was in the arena. I look around to find Lizbeth in full thought, she chews on her lip when she thinks too hard, or at least I have come to notice that these past few days. Taking a deep breath, I release my hands from her arm, as a telepathic message plays through my head, "PLEASE EVERYONE BE CALM; I KNOW YOU ARE EXCITED."

The message sends chills down my spine. The amount of power needed to send a message through the air like that would shake buildings to their core, but it was no more than a loud whisper to my senses. So I start looking around for the source, only to find nothing but the large black dividers and stone pillars surrounding us all. A thousand people or more wait in the arena. I have never seen more people than this gathered in one place, well in anything but paintings. Are all of the people here, trying for a calling? How would there be enough time for everyone? I turn to Liz and pull her arm to me. "Liz, do you know what happens now?" I say sensing the tension of the crowd. It had grown to the highest point it had been since we had all individually boarded the Transitor.

A voice rings through the air, "Welcome our beloved Seekers, The Called!" Her voice was soft but powerful as the first pair of the black curtains pull away to each side of a pillar, showering the arena in a birth of colors as the black curtains shimmer into the brightness of a thousand gems. I didn't shuffle or jump or so much as shift back, as did Lizbeth. We aren't afraid of much. So, some light couldn't scare me, but Liz and I standing now shoulder to shoulder stood an inch or two back from where we started. Alright, we might have jumped back.

"The Viceroy will now deliver the opening speech, then the callings will begin," the voice finishes. So, everyone in the arena is looking to find their calling. I think as I look about at the massive hoard of people, looking around being sure to take in my surroundings. What I did hear while on the ride was the Transitor can hold upwards of 12 thousand or so, but this year was a light year for callings. Maybe because of the troubles in the North? Then a man's voice splits the air with a thunder crack and his ashy robes adorned with blue-silver trim stood in the center of the room alongside him a massive lion, with the same color patterns. I say among us, but he stood atop a large blue-black boulder at the center of the arena about ten to fifteen feet above us all.

"So, here we are again! Welcome! Welcome Called! Seekers! Dear guests!" I notice his voice is deep but rich like honey with a hint of spice, "Our four, the four, may not seem like a whole number, but we trust in it. The four elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. The Four cycles of life: Birth, Childhood, Adulthood, and Death. We respect each and only through the respect and trust of the elements and life; we understand that The Four will always give us honest answers," He finishes. I feel Lizbeth tighten, and then hear the one thing I never once thought I would hear anyone say about the Viceroy of the Council, "There is no way that is Vince!"

How does she know him?! The viceroy's voice breaks the silence around once again, "Again, Welcome! It was twenty years ago I sought my calling, and now sit here atop the calling stone which I will signal the rising of the elements, and the moon shard exposed," The crowd shifted around me, I couldn't see past the first ten people in front of me, so I didn't bother trying. He continued, "Now, all seekers please turn and bow to our guests." I felt the crowd shifting in front of me and before I could move my feet the earth spun me around revealing to me the blinding flashes of lights branching out from the opening curtains. I drop my head and imagine the words, 'What's with all of the theatrics?'


The room turns my eyes into pulp with the dazzling lights, a thousand people around me look in awe as the earth spins us about and the curtains made of black stones turn into gems, reflecting a thousand tiny fires into our eyes. I feel a gentle breeze press down on the top of my head and the weird words, but thoughts, tell me, "It is okay please bow now, at the waist." I follow the instructions and bow to the roar of a crowd cheering as thunder rolled across the ground at our feet and lighting shot through the air around us. "Welcome honored guest! Today we will birth a new generation of bonds, both mortal and of the spirit!" The man who introduced as the viceroy exclaims flutters of light filling the air around my eyes. I glance to Elaxan, an elf I had made friends with on the Transitor. He is of noble birth, but all-around good people; he has a soft smile and a hint of nervousness breaks through the lines of his eyes.

"Today, I call to the heralds of the elements, to choose amongst the seeking. Find those who wait. You may stand and turn around," the viceroy finished, and as we were turned by the earth again, which showed me several robed figures all with animals standing at the base of the boulder with them. I saw a large cat, and a wolf, I swear there was a large rock with legs too, standing at the base of the boulder. The three I could see turned to the man atop the black boulder, and all made gestures towards the stone in sync. It shattered. I flinched as the crack of energy and breaking stones should have washed over me, but they did not. They stopped moving, restrained around the boulder, allowing a bright white glow to escape the floating stones in a show of pure energy.

The viceroy remained on top of one floating stone and declared, "I bid the welcome to this year's first calling, and please enjoy the splendor of the elements!" and with his final words the stones all melted as the light inside of them turned into pure heat. Molten stones vaporized from view, and with a flash of blinding light from lightning rolled across the Earth shaking me to my core. Nothing after the thunder but silence and a tension so tangible you could taste it. I looked around when my eyes finally let me, several people had fallen and the fear in the round room was obvious, and no one here knew what would happen. "Elaxan, what's next?" I hear myself asking looking toward my acquaintance. A smile I had not seen him put on yet stretched his face into a beacon of hope, "We go find our true calling, chosen or not." With that, he strode forward to the direction of where the stone was a moment before.

I look up to find the Viceroy still hovering atop his stone, his lion standing alongside him, and he spoke," My seekers the time is now to be patient. The heralds haven't arrived, yet they like to make a bit more of a scene than that." I could hear the smile on his voice, he knew something, about what was about to happen, and I felt myself taking strides back instinctually. "Oh, Heralds of Elements, oh, Fate's Chosen, let your spirits be free from the stone and breathe your life into this humble home of the moon. Let you find what it is you have sought and for one final time. . . WELCOME!" The crowd burst into a roar that caused me to jump out of my skin and almost run into the brilliant display held in front of me.

The ground under the viceroy became pure light. The light under my feet became pure light. The walls of the stadium became light. The pillars shone brilliant with a selection of colors I had never seen. The energy swarming around me flooded every inch of my being, and several people in the crowd screamed in terror began to flee into the tunnel we came from. I lost them from sight when I looked to the center of the arena. A stone no bigger than my hand rest in the middle of the crater the stone dome laid around. "And with that I take my leave, best of luck to the seekers and choosers," the viceroy's voice called out and a small crack of light in the room filled the air. The stone he had stood on broke into a thousand tiny pieces and spread through the air, in swirling patterns. What am I supposed to do? I feel the crowds shift around the ground, a rumble under their feet. Everyone walking off into separate areas looking around for whatever we are supposed to do. I stay staring at the small rock. Its black color contrasting the white glowing stones, that now seemed to now be made of light and color around it.

I take a few steps forward to better look at the stone and reach down slowly to feel a sharp tug of my shoulder, Elaxan's voice filled my ears, "Be careful you lumbering giant, that stone just vaporized boulder. From what I can tell, it is what is putting out all of this energy that is turning the room into this light show."

I trust the elements, I trust their intentions, and most importantly, I know what my heart is telling me to do, "Trust me Elaxan," I say pulling down further placing my hand onto the stone.

The feeling of water filled my palm followed by fire, and the grit of dry sand and finally a breeze blew across my hand. The stone was welcoming to me, I don't know how I know but I do. A voice from the stone, told me to pull the stone from the ground. Well, it was a picture in my head, so I pulled, my arm flexed, the elements of the rock swirled faster and faster in my hand, and I easily removed the stone from the earth. What is the worst that could happen?


The giant man that walked up to the small stone that was in the center of the arena flew. I don't mean was bounced back a few feet or yards, but he crashed onto the solid floor forty feet or so toward the wall of the arena, limp. People that moved out of his path rushed back to him, checking him, his body glowed a bit on the ground, more than he did while standing over the rock. I could see it when he had pulled the rock from the ground, his hand surrounded by a bubble of water, air, earth, and fire. Turning my head to the other male dwarves, I had walked to the front of the group with, "What was that kind of rock?" The dwarves all smile at me, and a roar bellows from our mouths. As the start of the roar left our mouths, a geyser of not water but energy left the hole the stone had left and crashed into a ceiling of nothing.

I could see fire and water swirling around each other and small stones rain from the sky and the wind momentarily became a torrent. The swirling chaos of energies is too much for me to explain but as soon as it started, I knew in that instant this was it. There is no turning back. I didn't move, I waited for the torrent to subside. Once the elements cleared the air around me, I found myself checking on the giant once more, he was moving and but not getting to his feet. I say aloud because my thoughts are not wanting to work on one thing at a time, "Good, he is alive; I have heard people die during the choosing from time to time."

When I look back to the space the torrent was the glowing floor faded to a simple blue grey again, the look of bed rock but not patterns of any bed rock I have ever seen. One of the dwarves look down to the earth beneath us, and I hear him gasp. "What man? What's going on? Why are you gasping at the ground?" I ask him confused at what he is staring at horror or awe in I couldn't tell.

"The floor, the pillars, the color is a reflection of hundreds of feet below us, its diamond, or quartz I can't quite tell, but the ceiling and below the floor is underground." The realization hit me, and I found myself staring at what should have been the sky if the building we had seen from the Transitor had been any indications. Then the familiar smell of deep earth hit my nose now that I had been paying closer attention, we are under the Arena. The only air moving was from the Elements themselves. I found myself getting much more unsettled. Why would they have to hold something like this underground, instead of under the open sky where they could let the destructive energies flow free and redirect them.

"Gro!" A woman's voice calls too me from across the arena, and I look up to find Sheila staring me down. When did my legs start moving toward the hole, that the tall man had been pushed back from, and the elements had blasted forth from? I look down the hole to see a black darker than anything I had seen in my times in the mines. A smile played onto my lips, and I understand why we were put through such a small amount of introduction, we are supposed to figure this out on our own. So, I bow at the waist looking down the hole, and simply say the word that has been used the most tonight, "Welcome!"

My voice bounces around and echoes filling the air of the chamber above and below, and that's when I see it, a hand, it couldn't be nothing else, but a tiny hand reached out to the edge of the hole pulling itself out. A fuzzy little creature, its fur was grey and dusty. Its forepaws had tiny little thumbs, and it looked as it were wearing a tiny mask like a bandit, then in the hole, hundreds of eyes, showing hundreds of colors blazing every color of the spectrum. I stumble back almost falling over myself because there were more than just small eyes looking back from darkness, and a horde of animals burst forth from the abyss.

The crowd surrounding us burst into cheers, I hear conversations but can't make out the words, over the jeering, and cheering of the rest of the crowds. "Well, now it truly begins," I stand to my feet brushing off the dust from my robes. I bow politely to the horde of animals, "Welcome heralds of the elements, Welcome Seekers, please hear our callings, and allow us the privilege to be chosen by you!" Everyone around me bowed, except for several of the elves, and a few humans, who all strode forth. The elf at the start of that pack walked up to a large dog, something unlike anything I had ever seen before and put his hand out exclaiming, "Beast of the elements, I choose you! You will submit and become mine!"

The dog in response looked at him and sneezed, now I wish that is all the happened but the dog, now shown its true colors, it was the herald of fire. Its ruffled fur burst with red hot flames, the action turning its yellow-brown fur into a blast furnace of heat, making the elf fall back onto his ass. He tried to catch himself on his hands, before he could regain his balance, dog strode toward the elf. The dog moving slowly, bared his fangs toward the elf they were white hot, as heat shaped the air around them. The elf's scream was short-live as the dog's snarl ended as did the Called! Finger long fangs bury themselves into his neck. The smell of flesh filled the air around us and people jumped back and the elves and humans who strode to the front of the group all bowed in unison, quick to learn from the mistakes of their compatriot.

As the corpse of the fallen elf laid limp on the ground the dog approached my side and chuffed, a hint of what was almost satisfaction touching his snort, and I swear he dipped his head to me. What have I gotten myself into? My thoughts flooded my eyes turning them red and swirling, and I felt the wonderful meal the night prior attempt to fight its way to my mouth. A small sound no bigger than a nail hitting the ground barked into my ear, snapping my thoughts from the dread I felt in the moment and a squirrel floated in the air in front of me. Its folds of skin stretched from paw to paw and light the color of the sky replacing the dark lines in its fur.

Its eyes suddenly filled mine, and I found myself floating. . .the arena gone. There was nothing but the blue of the creature's eyes was everything, all that is and was, the sky filling my lungs. A voice so profound I don't know if I could call it a language, filled my thoughts, and I understood it as respectful, "Child, child of welcome, speak to me your name, and I shall give you mine."

"Gronaan Baltog Versric," I found myself saying, the calm of the sky washing away all of my worries and pains. "A proper name," the voice filled my thoughts and flooded my body, :"Gronaan Baltog Versric." The voice held a power saying my name, it was like a switch in my core switched. I had heard names have power, as it continued "My name is Relvenun Arious, speak my name and forge the contract." My lips spread into a wide grin and grateful thoughts filled my mind as I spoke to the calling, "Relvenun Arious," The next words just came to my mind I had no control over them after call the spirits true name." I sought and found, "I grasp the wind within my hands, and forge my bond with you, your callings to me will hence forth be mine to follow and respect as mine are to yours, my friend. Avernous is the name I give thee, Relvenun Arious Avernous."

I found myself not standing but floating an inch or two above the ground, the squirrel resting in my open and outstretched hands, its voice filling my head something not as vast as before, "Thank you, and I shall enjoy your company Gronaan, and am looking forward to our adventures."

I could only say one thing, it was the only thought my mind could produce, "Air, blessed by Air. A sky dwarf," a wry smile finding its way onto my face lost in the translation of what just transpired.


I saw as the first was chosen for death, and chosen as blessed by the sky. It is funny a dwarf blessed by air. What is next a fae blessed by the earth? I stood from my bow the dwarf had called for and saw the horde of animals spreading out approaching people and sniffing their hands that had been outstretched. More horrifically, several humans under assault for being rude to the spirits. Pulling away or worse showing attitude, the closest to me a snake the color of night flexed around a woman's face water began filling her mouth, ears, and nose; the pain registering on a scale that will haunt me for nights to come.

The air grew colder around me as I stilled my nerves and looked over at Liz, who's eyes full of fear, caused by the monstrosities of pain, and the insolence of the others. "Lizbeth," I call to her my voice a bit shaky as the rage at seeing her in pain filled my lungs. She turned and wiped a tear from her eyes and stood tall. I once again found myself admiring her resolve once she got her thoughts in order, I have only known this girl a few days and she is terrifying. "I will be alright I just couldn't imagine that the stories of bloodshed here in the great expanse of the arena from shear disrespect of the elements," her words filled my ears, and strike a chord in my heart.

"Maybe we should go find our callings, and I will see you soon," My voice is too weak for me, so I repeat myself with much more surety, "Let's go find our callings, and I will see you after the ceremony, Be safe." She nodded her head, and an understanding filled her golden eyes. She squeezed my hand, it might have hurt a bit, but the pain was nothing in comparison to the trial I am about to take. At least, I hope. I look around and notice choosings are now happening more. I see people buried to their ankles in the earth, animals of all shapes and sizes stand next to them touching their hands, people with water floating around there heads as if in a halo, and the people blessed by air floating inches from the ground. There was no one blessed by fire, as the beast of the flame left the majority of the corpses strewn about in the moments since the beginning of the choosing. It had only been about 5 minutes since the animals had appeared and the less since the first called. I think of the dwarf that was the one that approached us on the Transitor, he was right in coming to the calling and was chosen first.

I found myself skirting the outskirts of the arena just out of sight of the masses of people being called. I allow a bit of time to fly by, about 15 minutes, the calling happening more slowly, by my count 130 blessed by sky, 150 by water, 150 by earth, and not a single one by fire. Fire, its resolve is destruction, but also creation, such a duality of an element. Approaching fire seemed to be impossible to all that approached, you had to approach fire, and after the first the rest of fire's spirits will decide their callings, but the first had to take it.

I knew then it would be me, so I stood. There is nothing sneaky about fire. It is direct and fluid at the same time, so hot in some cases our bodies feel it as cold. I knew this plan is what I need to do. I strode forth stepping over two corpses left by the hound and greet him with a bow; at least I hope it's a he and I didn't just royally piss it off. "Fire, I call to the measure with your scales, and hope that you see that I am fit to be one of the flames," My voice came out strong and without a hint of a studder. The hound like with the first who approached him sneezed. A gorgeous shade of golden brown filled my eyes with red hot lines, he approached me and my feet glued to the ground.

The hound met my eyes, and before I knew it, the world shifted, the flames that surrounded me licked at my fingers, and burned my feet but I held firm. With a blink I was once again looking at the dog, and I'm not kidding when I say this, a devilish grin grew on his face. A weasel appeared on his coat, its red fur starkly contrasting the golden dogs. An orange glow licked from under the tufts of red where they met the white patterns, and I saw him. The dog of flames, the herald of fire, he approved of my meeting with his fire. The weasel ran to the top of his head and the dog's eyes shut. The weasels dark red embers for eyes met mine, and I stood not in the arena but the top of a volcano.

"You are one fit for flame and measure as such, as the herald decrees," A disembodied voice wrecked through my body and burned through my mind. Looking around, I couldn't find the source of the voice anywhere around me and took more deeply my surroundings. I wasn't so much as standing on the volcano, but floating above the mouth of the flaming mountain. I look back to my front and steel myself as I speak out, "As fire decree's I may be fit, but yet tested," it felt like the right thing to say. A chuckle, which made the flames of the volcano lick at my feet and singe my bare soles, rolled through the air. The chuckle was filled by the voice again, "You held your ground at fire's herald, finding yourself a top this symbol and not falling into the flames below was your test." The voice filled my soul with a gratitude for the years of self-control training and effort I was putting into keeping calm. The flames licking at my feet were testament to pride of flames and the pain it may cause if I were to misuse the power of creation and destruction in such a way.

At the same time, the flames warmth on the mountain which would most likely be covered in snow if not for them made it an absolute that nothing not water, nor earth, nor air would give this surety of changes, of life were its purpose. Memories sitting by fires and candles flooded my mind, the warmth of the hearth and the light of a candle shown to me in place of the volcano.

"If the element of life should choose me, then I shall make fire my home. My name is Dianne Rowena Evaris, my soul's chosen name is Rowan, do with me that fire's will may," I found myself breathing heavily. It took a massive effort of will to place the power and conviction needed for the statement.

"By my decree, fire shall be yours to bring change, I Machina Reles, request you call my true name to your heart," The air went still as the voice found its way to my ears. My face formed a smile and I could feel the strain of will to hold myself steady and firm relax, "I sought and found, I grasp the flame within my hands, and forge my bond with you, your callings, to me will hence forth be mine to follow, and respect as mine are to yours my friend, Lumina is the name I give thee, Machina Reles Lumina." The words spilling over my tongue formed power between us, and the voice spoke once more, "As you will, Dianne Rowena Evaris, Rowan, I shall guide and follow you, as a will of fire." The push of power on the final sounding of Rowan, my soul's name, my chosen name, pushed me to tears a atop the mountain.

When I blinked away the tears, I stood once more in the Arena, surrounded by a perfect circle the flames soft and orange lighting up the trail of diamonds falling from my face, the weight of what I immediately knew as Lumina rest on my shoulders; I could feel its warmth resting calmly across them. "This is it; Lumina thank you," I pushed through a frog trapped in my throat, a purr came from the animal, making its touch warmer and more at home. I let my eyes roam the arena to find a separate hoard of animals rising from the fur of the herald less than 10 feet from me. I nod in the direction and a bark sundered from the beast's throat; the callings of fire are to begin now.


So much death, maybe a quarter of the people attempting the calling died, none of the deaths they held were pretty either. I saw three of the nobles that had insulted me on the ride over fall in front of me. Should I feel bad for them? Should I revel in the karma they had just received for being the horrible people they were? I thought it was bad when the small man (I think he was just a beardless dwarf) was chosen by air. Now, I am from a hard area of the country and have seen death in my short life, but not like this. Not since the small woman was chosen by fire, and the singular herald released the war band of fire across the choosing.

I had heard a lot about what the elements ask of people in the callings, and when people seek the elements (I knew this would not be pretty), and I just had no idea death would be here as strongly as it is. I shifted my weight and found my legs finally working properly again. I was out of it, and I am fairly sure the stars I were seeing after I pulled this stone from the ground were going to be there for the rest of my life. The room also decided to finally stop spinning about 20 minutes after too. Now looking around to see almost half of the people remaining, the rest fled, chosen, or dead. In my first two steps, I almost fall over at the sound of the screaming a woman makes from behind me and the snarl of one of the cats.

Chosen to remain after as well they are obviously frozen until the completion of the night. I scan the faces of people looking for my few friends, well only friend, Elaxan. I find some of the bodies lying around and roll them to their backs, checking their faces. We are all so young, these people have seen near the same amount of life I had, and they are just dying. Some with their eyes open and the fear still frozen on their faces. I find several who were victims of the warband of fire, the faces burned and unrecognizable. There are hundreds of deaths, probably close to a thousand it seems, most of the people did leave the arena rather to risk their chances on the fronts of defense or work contently in vast fields and mines, but those of us who decided to stay would just have to place our faith in that of the elements.

I hear a laugh coming from somewhere off to my right side and turn to see Lyka standing squared facing two beasts of fire, one a warthog, his tusks a burning red color and the tufts of hair on his back showing a bright purple red color, the other a panther, in the smooth grooves of its muscles a crimson storm. He throws his head back and a burst of laughter erupts from his mouth again, "I do not fear the fires of time, because time destroys and rebuilds all." The warthog chuffs and turns from him glancing over me then strolls away from the pair whose eyes are now locked in a frozen stalemate of will.

He stands tall, flexes his shoulders, and bows at the waist, "I do not fear them, but I do wish to show them the utmost respect with my faith and servitude to the flames." The panther began to approach him and then locks his eyes with Lyka, his features muted by the flickering lights of the element's iridescence. The hood of his robe drawn back like most of everybody's when I woke up from the explosion. It showed his close-cropped hair and the tattoos that I had only saw on his arms pushed up the back of his neck. The swirling patterns almost coming to life with the flames. The growl of the beast filled the air around us with sparks and small bursts of flames and when it resumed the eye contact with Lyka, he pounced onto Lyka his white-hot fangs stopping inches from his throat.

I felt myself moving forward and my right foot left the ground before a tug on the back of my robe stopped me in my tracks. I am big and much stronger that anyone I know, but the hand on the robe held me fast. "Wait," I heard a familiar voice came from behind me, "If the flames wanted to burn him it would have, look around and think. Everyone who has died, either tried to run from or fight the elements, the ones who squared off to them and treated them with caution and respect are either blessed or passed over by the elements." I turned my head far enough to see it was Elaxan standing behind me. "Where have you been?" I find myself asking looking down to the elf's eyes.

"They said you were probably dead, and if I wanted to make it to you, I couldn't make it through the crowd, it is good that you are so damn tall," He says a smile of relief pressing his lips apart, "You are full of surprises, and look your friend hasn't died yet." As I turn back to check on Lyka the panther pulls his forepaws from his shoulders and walks a circle around him. When the Panther completed his lap around Lyka flames erupt from the ground about a foot high; its movement freezes under his hand and sitting down the panther begins rumbling, a deep thrum of power spreading across the area around him.

"Well, it looks as if he is one of the chosen," I hear Elaxan say from behind me. So, I turn to him and laugh, "We still haven't come here to set out to do what we came to do." He simply smirks and nods to me, "Then let's get moving." He let's go of my robe and walks away into the ever-dwindling crowds of people. The drastic change in numbers of people is astonishing. From where we started off, the death happening, most have convinced them to run and just find safety where they could. There was never an official count we had received but I think it was around 3000 people or so and out of what was left about 500 stood chosen around the massive arena, more dead though sadly. Looking around I find almost no spirits of the elements in the arena, even a few were walking back to the center, waiting patiently to be approached if people so chose. Maybe 50 spirits left. I check around for Elaxan, but once again he was gone, that elf was quick and I'm sure he will be fine. I need to worry about myself for now too.

Of course, as I say something or just think it, my roommate from the Transitor, all but teleport's his way into my vision. He is looking around frantically; the warthog that was near Lyka hot on his trail, the man sprinting across the arena. "Hey!" I call to him; I can't remember his name but regardless, it got his attention. He starts running straight at me, so I do what anyone would do I try to move out his way. It felt like twenty seconds, he slid past me, and I put my foot out to stop the warthog in its tracks, much like the stone's explosion sending me flying, it didn't do much more than slam me onto the ground about twenty feet back and I heard it the scream from my roommate. The boar must have gotten him, I didn't dare look, he was a prick but didn't deserve what he was given.

Then I felt something brush against me, and my face went cold as a desert night. I sat up to see the noble in a stare off with the pig, the leg of his pants a blaze. I heard a chitter and before I knew it's furry snake with legs and teeth just as vicious, was a top me matching my gaze with equal fervor.

The water under my feet swirled and raged, the sharp sting of the waves of this vast ocean stung at my face. I looked around and found nothing except a wave larger than any mountain in the distance. A voice soft and filled with something I can't quite place, I think it is mischievousness, filled my lungs and chest like a swelling geyser, "What a strange child, seeking nothing and only looking for those he is close too; what are your reasons for this?"

"I'd like to ask you a question after this answer, if that is okay," I respond, feeling an immediate sense of approval fill my thoughts. "I had to check on those I am close too, because I have never had a family, other than the temple I was raised there was no one for me. Now, my question, your form I have never read about it or seen it anywhere, also I am from the desert I am not all that familiar with water, what is it supposed to be?"

Laughter filled me to my core, a burst of innocent happiness, primordial joy fills my body from the voice's reaction, "My child, that is your question, you truly are a child of water. My form is that of a giant otter, now speak the name of your form, by the simplest of way's your name boy?" I felt a smile that was quickly replaced by the grimace of my name's realization, "I only hold one name, it is Aven."

The spirit's chuckle filled my soul once more, "My boy that just will not do . . ." Dread, absolute despair passed into my forefront casting out everything, my stomach I am quite sure just dissolved, will I die because my single word name. My thoughts were calmed with a sign and another of water's calming chuckles, "It will not do so we will both grant names to each other it will just be a formality, my name's Filius Tidus, your name from this moment as water decrees," As he spoke the next words power, not energy or strength, pure power filled my soul, "Aven . . . Aquilus . . . Coveer."

The power washing me over had given me my name, my full name, so I began to speak, "I sought and found, the waters have given me my name and to it I shall forge my bond with you; your callings, to me will hence forth be mine to follow, and respect as mine are to yours my friend. Vado is the name I give thee, Filus Tidus Vado." The rushing water became a light so bright I closed my eyes; the light faded through my eyelids and when my eyes came open, the world was calm and full of the life of water. The halo of water that surrounded of my vision showed me swirling lights and the beautiful lines of the power that now envelop me. Sitting up I felt on my legs and under my hands a fur softer than any I had felt before, and before me sat Vado a smile showing me his teeth and soft chittering noises left his throat.

Looking around my surroundings I first saw my roommate his leg no longer in the embers that now rested on the ground around him in ring, the warthog pressing itself to his back holding him into a sitting position, tears welling from his eyes and a smile playing on his face. "Well, I guess he was one of fires decree. And I guess my life of water will show me the way. I wonder what's next."


The change's happening in front of me are bewildering, I saw Rowan near the center of the arena, though calling it an arena is mostly kind words it's more like a slaughter field or a warzone down here. The crowds of people screaming and shouting from time to time where a person has fallen or been chosen is a distraction, not very welcome to my ears. Is this a sporting event for them? I hear cries of horror and sighs of relief coming from the field before me, more than I would care to.

Three spirits have approached me I have gazed them and the world of power and grace from the element's has me in a haze of confusion. The power they hold before the choices of man, the absolute insignificance of my existence set into the stone will of fire, the ebbing flow of water and the gentle but strong breeze of air. They all called me the same thing and said that my power was not suited for them, that of a demon. I thought demons only exist in nightmares and dreams these days, the demon's bloodlines have long since been gone from our nation.

Don't get me wrong, demons are not monster's they are just like all else, human's elves, fae and dwarves, and all of the subraces of those trees of life; a demon's fate is its bond with the element's concrete. The callings of a demon are set from the moment of birth, that's at least what my mother taught me. There is a rumor that our neighboring countries still have entire families of demon's and the bloodline's run strong there as nobles and warband's.

The voices around me teeter to a small rumble as a light shifts the colors of the arena and grabs my attention to the center of the arena, spirits of air just returned from the portent of the earth they came from. The scramble of the field is all but dead, the chosen remain locked where they stand sit or lie. I guess it isn't my time to be called. I wonder where they will put me, I am a trained warrior by my mother's hand, and tough as nails thanks to my uncle. Probably a solider, but I know the earth and what it takes to sow seeds and care for the land. My mother also taught me the gentle ways of tending a garden and the soft hands required to hold the petals of a flower.

I walk to rowan and a tear leave's my right eye; I'm not crying it's the dust. A face calm and reserved with silver eyes pass its glance over me, and pain filled them at the dusty trail left down my face. I see her start to talk but the words don't find my ears, and I am forced to turn away because the dust in my eyes. Yeah, that's the reason. I continue my stroll as another burst of light, and the soft red tone's leave the air around me, fire took it's leave after so many, many lives were lost to it. I continue my walk and see several people I had interacted with on the Transitor lying still on the ground or blessed by different elements.

The strange dwarf at the center of the arena who approached Rowan and I, even more strangely surrounded air and a squirrel resting itself on his right shoulder. His eyes are now different, the blue of air fills them. His gaze lost to me, and more dust. I wipe my face to find my hand just wet, the dirt I know that's filling my vision not on my hand, just water. A few people strolling around now in a giant group all pass me towards the exit, no longer an entrance just an exit.

Another flash, and the blue from the air vanishes, there goes water. Fuck it, tears roll from my eyes, I can blame the dirt and it isn't like people can see me from the stands could see me without any light other than the greens of earth which are shifting toward the portal back to the heart of the arena, and the torches held by the pillars. After a few more steps I find myself looking at the exit, and know it is the one place I have left to walk towards. A nagging feeling hit's me again, I have been feeling it off and on the entire time since being in the arena, someone is watching me. It is my mother from the stand the light to dim to see her face in the stands. I have felt the look several times, and it feels is just as hers.

So, I do as she and my uncle taught, I steel myself, turn to the center of the arena and bow. "Thank you, elements for giving me these chances, for sending your emissaries to speak with me. My head sinks down, and another torrent of tear's fall from my eyes. My stomach did a backflip when the tears fell on a small form at my feet, its ears held back and its plump body rearing onto its hind legs; A tiny rabbit, a silver- gray bunny sits at my feet staring up at me, and the earth swallow's my feet as my eye's met it's.

I floated, not stood, floated with earth, the sky around me black albeit a large green and blue orb surrounded by several other smaller orbs sat spinning in front of me. A voice so tangible as a form I could almost touch fill's me, "It is about time, I have followed you around this entire evening since I laid eyes on you. I watched you be approached by and commune with fire, air, and water. I find it such a small thing to have been following you as earth is about to return to its home. The question I have for you is simple. Why did you not turn when you felt my gaze, you only lead on forward not once thinking to check behind you, why?"

A smile filled my face and what was once tears burned at my cheeks, "I was taught never to look back at what could have been, only to the road ahead, by two children of earth."

The voice filled with something that might have been joy or a smile spoke again, "But your path has been carved for you demon-born though you are only half demon." How do I process that, my father was a demon, and my mother an elf, the lifespans and appearance closely resemble each other, minor differences exist but none that any could tell?

I felt myself speak, "Thank you for the knowledge you have already bestowed upon me, and I will check behind me more often from now on."

I then found myself standing, a desert as far as the eyes could see, sand filling the air and a cloud, not of water, but of sand and stone stood frozen, yards from me. "Speak your name," the voice called. "Lizbeth Demore," My will backing the power of my voice, the steel ringing from my throat lost in translation as it felt like something was missing. "No, my child, your name is now Lizbeth Elanthres Demore," The voice filled with power so far entombed in my soul I could barely stand as the syllables uttered across my body.

The voice saying my name, it was like a fissure being pushed together, it continued "My name is simply, Eavair Tituun," I have heard the calling's name and I knew it meant it had just called itself of Earth and Air, "Speak my name and forge the contract." My jaw hung in awe until into a vicious smile covered my face and clarity of the soul before me filled mind as I spoke to the calling, "Eavair Tituun," Words came to my mind I had no say in stopping them after calling the spirits true name, "I sought and found, I grasp the wind within my hands, and forge my bond with you, your callings, to me will hence forth be mine to follow, and respect as mine are to yours my friend, Artemis is the name I give thee, Eavair Tituun Artemis." The voice's laughter filled the air, and the ground beneath me shook, the rumble of the earth beneath my feet set me to wondering what was so funny.

"Very well child of mine, it is a strong name, and I shall go by the name you have, so chosen." With the voices final sound, I found myself standing knee deep in the jewel floor, and earth not crushing my legs but holding firm to them. "What was so funny about your name Artemis?" I ask looking at the rabbit who had grown from the small infantile bunny, into a full-fledged adult rabbit before me. A small chitter left the hare and it climbed my body as swiftly as a squirrel climbs a tree and rested itself on my shoulder. "Thank you for the adventure to come."