Chapter 11 - Rowan

I find myself getting bored, trainings are the only real thing I ever do, I have made a few friends. A dwarf named Gronaan, he and I had become acquainted after we had to fight together against two boys. I definitely pushed a bit much in that fight, but the boy from air, I think his name is Porunn, or something with a P, made me push that hard and I couldn't hold back against him, he was terrifying. Tyrant Ruler approached me a few days later to show off the scars I left on him. He told me healers from water were able to seal up the cuts from my daggers quickly it just took some time to fix those.

Another boy from fire has held my respect and the is Lyka, The Bandit King. He could overpower individually almost anyone in fire and most anyone in air, probably the other elements as well. His panther is just too cute too, not as cute as my Machina, but the ripples of energy the cat has through its nearly invisible markings make his face just so darling, and besides, when he begs for scraps, I can't help but give the animals small pieces. I like them better than most people.

Rains 3

Gronaan's coughing shakes me from my daydream, we were talking I think, just walking laps around the hall of fire and air, I look down at him and smile softly, "I'm sorry I am just lost in thought." He laughs only one way to respond I guess, and shakes his head saying, "Well do you wonder when we will get more people in with us?" The question makes me sit back and think, I haven't seen anyone from either water or earth, though when earth is training in the field you can feel it, we just haven't been allowed to run into them much or even look down on the field while they are training. "I guess they haven't fully stopped the quarreling between the elements and it's nasty over there," I reply to him making little punching motions in the air in front of me.

"Oh, and like we are the primmest and proper examples of manners and courtesy, but I couldn't imagine those blockheads in earth making things easy for the people in water. Kind of like Air and Fire," he finishes his sentence, and I can't help but let it bring a smile to my face. Gro is good to have around, fire is a bit too much . . . well, passionate to be surrounded by all the time. "Oh yeah like all those dwarves in fire and the much more in earth are going to be great around each other, like volcanoes," I say through the bursts of giggles filling my throat.

I couldn't help but tap his shoulder when he let out a grumble of disapproval mentioning the other dwarves. I don't think they know how to respond to him. He looks at me and a mischievous smile part his lips, "How about we go to the terrace, you know the one on the roof?"

"I like the idea, but you know it is kind of hard to get there, seeing as the door is locked, the majority of the time," I retort though it was the honest truth. The vibrations flooding the building tell me that earth is on the field now. "Oh, what's wrong the great Fallen Royal scared to take a little lock off a single door, or you know just fly as we all can up there from one of the windows," he comes back quicker than he has any right to. Damn it he does have a point to it, and I would love to watch the others train.

"Okay fine, but any funny business or an instructor shows his face, and I am out of there," I say my pace picking up. Gronaan just lets out a small whoop of approval, "No funny business and you will have to keep up with my vanishing act if someone shows up at all," he says crossing a finger over his heart. The door is the first place I think to head and start making my way up the stairs at the far end of the hall, I look up to the dwarf his body must be light as a feather because the large figure betrays his actual weight by the way he is darting up the stairs. It just isn't fair.

After about a couple thousand steps I think, we reach the door and strangely the door wasn't locked, in fact, the lock was nowhere to be seen, or the heavy chain that seals it normally. Gronaan pushed the door open to find that there wasn't a trap of instructors littering the roof there waiting to jump on top of us, his voice filled the stairwell a little too loudly for me at least, "Well looks like they are letting us do this." The light from the sky fills my eyes, and the pitter-patter rain meets my ears in a blissful melody and excitement overwhelms me as I shuffle up the last few feet out of the door.

Gronaan makes it over to the edge before I could think about it, and I see his eyes light up with excitement as the crash of earth and lashing of water surrounds me. The first thing I notice is a castle in the middle of the arena, it is made entirely of stone, and two figures rest atop it flinging waves of energy as the two people at ground level, whoever she is she is agile, and he is massive his waves catching stones from the air like they weighed nothing. I wonder if that is Titan's Crash. "Wow, I hear coming from Gronaans mouth almost not audibly, a hint of jealousy scraping at the word. I place my arm over his shoulders and just witness the battle, "Yeah."