Today I had an adventurous day to say the least, Gronaan and I went shopping. To say the least the first half was terrifying, I didn't think there would be so many clothing options for them to switch me in and out of. I learned about Fillideshi culture way more than I ever thought possible. It is interesting, I think. I knew of inherent magic, we had one girl who shown signs of it at the church where I had grown up, but she was taken away to the druid isles for training and guidance. Apparently, it is a nation that holds magic above all else. Lim was born into a prominent family, and his bloodline carried magics for as far back as they possibly could find. However, I will quote him in this entry, "Eilo and I keep trying to make more bloodlines, but it just doesn't seem to work." Those two are a trip, and it makes me jealous, they sent me out the door with my new outfit and I think I could get used to shopping a bit more if there are more shops like that one. I am still terribly nervous about tonight's dinner, but my friends will be there to guide me through it all.
Spirits 16
Stepping into Bits and bots at night is much different than walking into it during the day. For one the noise and energy in the room fills the air and throughout the inside the pub. Waitresses and barbacks flutter from person to person like a well-choreographed dance. The laughter and the yells of excitement make the room of the pub fill with electricity, as performers of every variety take turns on stage. Tonight a few Fae are playing lively party songs that have everyone dancing in the center of the room. Moving to the back of the bar, and out to the rear patio the sound begins to fade as the whispers of the night creep through the door, the last of fall's crickets play their songs and cicada's join in with them.
I think some of the cicada's and crickets are fighting in my stomach as my hand reaches out to a wall. It is still very strange, why am I so nervous, Lyka almost jumped at the opportunity when I asked him out with me. He has changed a lot since I have known him, the night on the Transitor he looked like he wanted to take my head off after I beat him in arm-wrestling, now that is where I met him. I look into a mirror at the end of the hall, The outfit I picked up looks good on me.
The tunic is made of a soft fabric I think cotton but I'm not so sure, the simple white cloth is starkly contrasted by my coat. The coat is a rich black cloth, wide bands of orange dyed leather at all of its edges line the sleeve's cuffs and the front of it with no apparent way to fully close it other than two buttons on black string that reach across my stomach. The collar of it has grey and white fur lining it around my neck and it smells of lavender and honey. Simple grey trousers are met at the top with a belt made of silk; the bottom is pair with deep brown boots that have been aged and softened to lay limply around my calves.
The only accessory I own, it is more of an extension of who I am, lays under the strings of my tunics collar, hanging from a small silver chain around my neck. The symbol of the four, the four elements; the religious symbol of the people of Valorous, a four-pointed star. Each point of the star equally long and perfectly symmetrical, the small silver amulet holds four small colored stones, Green for earth on the right-hand side, on the bottom is water shown with a deep blue, the left is fire it's represented with a brilliant red, and air a blue so light it almost shows through as white atop the star. It was given to me by one of the caretakers at the church when I was young and didn't understand my place there, and she explained why each element is important in its own right. She was kind and whole heartedly believed in the power of the four. And how we should live our life to support the four elements in everything we do.
Looking up and down myself one final time, I pull my braided hair back and ensure it is held tightly by the chord I have been using for months to keep it out of my face. "Well, I need to stop putting this off, let's go." I feel my feet let go of the ground as I take the first step to pushing the door open to the rear patio of the restaurant. My hand hit the door and it felt like I was moving a thousand-pound wall out to the cool air of Spirit's night. I begin pushing harder and harder, I think I might break this door. Why Is it so heavy? My strength quickly returned as the booming of Gronaan's laughter erupted from the other side and I was sent hurdling through the door, almost sprawling out as the group of them standing on either side of the door. Laughter from everyone, Lizbeth, Rowan, Gronaan Sheila, and even Lyka erupted around me, as my feet managed to catch my fall.
"We were taking bets that you would never show up," Rowan's voice called out to me, and their strong hands grab my arm, pulling me in for a hug. "Rowan it's good to see you," I saw as a million fires light their way across my face. These jerks I will get back at them one way or another. Looking around I find Lyka's eyes and very eloquently speak, "Hey."
"Hey, you," he says to me, he looks absolutely amazing, His tightly braided hair hangs off the back of his head, his tunic is a deep silver grey with black embroidery around the collar and ties. His pants are a simple black with nothing more than deep black boots to meet at the bottom. Simple; The best part of what he is wearing is his smile, the bright white of his teeth illuminating the deep brown skin around his face, showing his enjoyment and passion of the night already boiling over. Tonight, I think maybe good. Vado slitters from my side and climbs onto Lyka's panther who seems to be carrying most everyone's bound but one, Sheila's fox. She is standing proudly at the big cat's side but eyeing the other bound with a slight bit of jealously.
Vado, and other otters aren't exactly small things, he is all of 3 feet long and is quite heavy so as his fore limbs reach the side of Lyka's panther, chaos break's loose, all of the animal's riding on top of the panther scatter in all directions Gronaan's squirrel flies off to land atop the smaller fox opposite the big cat. Artemis, that's Lizbeth's rabbit, hops over to nestle under one of the tables absolutely filled with food and drink. Finally, the weasel Rowan's bound it scurries over with Artemis and they form a small pile of adorable fluff under the table.
Liz looks at the animal's and begins laughing first out of all of us, as Vado pulls himself to lay length wise across Lyka's panther, in response the big cat huffs and pads over to the table with the small mound of fur also laying down. "Well let's eat," Liz all but screams dashing over to the table picking up a small piece of meat plopping in into her mouth. Everyone laughs in sync as we all move over to the absolutely packed table.
As about two hours go by and Lizbeth actually carrying Rowan in her arms, out of the pub's back patio, saying, "I know they are a light weight that was like three drinks. I will see you guys' tomorrow if you would like." I raise my arm in a wave and reply in kind with everyone else, that would be great!" Gronaan looks to Sheila and smiles while saying, "That's just adorable they can't hold their drink." Sheila punches his arm and laugh's, "Look, whose talking mister I have had three glasses of wine and can barely sit up straight. A chuckle comes from Lyka, and Gronaan replies with a hiccup, "Three with this dinner a bottle before coming here, thank you very much." Laughter is the only thing that comes from Lyka as Sheila stands up, pulling Gronaan by the sleeve Come on I want to dance." Gronaan presses back from the table and stumbles a bit leaning on Sheila's shoulder, alright my dear, but just a few dances." The two walk out together animals following close behind leaving just myself and Lyka sitting at the table.
"Tonight, was fun," Lyka's voice breaks the silence between us. I nod in reply taking in the view of the patio. The patio is surrounded by three buildings, but on each wall a scene of stars and comets fill vast spaces between threes moons one painted on each wall. The night sky screams in vivid greens and blues on the walls lit by small lanterns on posts spread around the border and the moon over head. "Yeah, it has been," I reply after a few seconds turning to face the beautiful man. "He chuckles, and places his hand gently on mine, I don't know what happened, but I think my heart stopped working for a second because the butterflies in my stomach stopped in an instant.
Lyka's lips moved past my face, and I felt them softly brush against my ear; that sent shivers of bliss down my spine. "I would absolutely love to do it again with you," His voice so close to my ear I could feel the steam of his breath in the chilly night filled me with joy I cannot begin to explain. I Aven Coveer, am a master with words, let that be known far and wide, my reply, "Yeah." An actual giggle left his mouth, yes, the big strong man giggles, and his face left the side of mine, locking our eyes, "I have wanted to do this all night, it took you long enough to ask me out, I'm not waiting for this too." With the completion of his words, his lips met mine and the warmth and flames of passion that licked from his soul into mine; its power sent light and warmth rushing through my body, and into my fingers. He began pulling away from the kiss, and my hand shot up to his tunic pulling him back into me, I am not done with this kiss either.