Second Round! Senshi vs. Toryu

Author's Note: Every character and technique within this series belongs to me, the writer/creator. If you want to create content based off this series, go to Webnovel when this chapter is published and comment/ask for permission. This series is inspired by animes like Dragon Ball and Naruto.

Senshi - A 12 year old boy and Shoji's best friend and rival. He's the son of a valiant hero who is currently deceased.

Shoji - A 13 year old boy and Senshi's best friend and rival. He used to live on the streets when he was found by Shujin and Senshi.

Shujin - A 35 year old man who is Senshi and Shoji's master. He adopted Senshi and Shoji and wants to protect them at all costs. He wears a solid mask over his left eye.

New Characters:

Nashi - An amputee with no arms that fights with only his legs/feet.

Maku-sa - A fighter who has a circle-shaped mark on their forehead.

Koji - A fighter that manipulates smoke from the gauntlets on his wrists.

Toryu - A warrior with a metal mask that wields dual broadswords.

"For the second match, it's Senshi vs. Toryu!!" exclaims the announcer as the second round is about to begin.

In the waiting room, Senshi and Toryu get from their chairs to enter the ring. "Good luck, Sen," says Shoji. Senshi replies, "Thanks, Shoji. I'm gonna need it." Senshi and Toryu enter the ring. "I'm so excited!" thought Senshi. "I gotta win this. For me, Shoji, and Master Shu."

"3, 2, 1, fight!" exclaims the announcer as the match begins.

Senshi runs up to Toryu to punch him, but Toryu blocks the punch with one of his broadswords. Senshi then jumps backwards. As he shakes his hand in pain, he says, "Owww! What are those things made of? Metal?" Toryu runs up to Senshi and slashes one of his broadswords at him, but Senshi ducks. "Not a talker, huh," said Senshi. "Fine. Have it your way, then."

Toryu continues to slash his broadswords at Senshi, but he dodges every one of his slashes. However, one of the slashes cuts his shirt. Senshi takes a few steps back and thinks, "Crap! One wrong move and it's all over. Use strategy, just like Master Shu taught you." Toryu runs up to Senshi for one final slash, but Senshi dodges and kicks one of his swords out of Toryu's hand. Toryu effortlessly slashes his other sword, but Toryu's hand gets smacked by Senshi causing him to drop his other sword.

Senshi proceeds to kick Toryu in his stomach, pressing a lot of force into Toryu's body. "Watch where you swing next time," said Senshi.

Toryu attempted to lift himself up, but collapsed soon after. The announcer exclaimed, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Senshi wins!"

The crowd cheered on Senshi as he gathered Toryu's swords and walked forward towards Toryu. "You really put up a good fight," said Senshi, tossing Toryu's swords to him. " But next time, I'd suggest you use strategy."

"I was…" mumbled Toryu under his mask, it being the first thing he said this whole tournament. He scooped his swords up and walked out from the arena.

"Onto the third round!" said the announcer as the third round was about to begin.

End of chapter 6…

Brief Explanation: For all who has been reading my books and enjoying them, I'm sorry that I was gone for so long. I've been dealing with school and completing assignments as soon as I can. I haven't set up schedules or release dates for my chapters. However, to all who enjoy, I promise to release Chapter 7 at least 2 weeks from now.