
Author's Note: Every character and technique within this series belongs to me, the writer/creator. If you want to create content based off this series, go to Webnovel when this chapter is published and comment/ask for permission. This series is inspired by animes like Dragon Ball and Naruto.

Senshi - A 12 year old boy and Shoji's best friend and rival. He's the son of a valiant hero who is currently deceased.

Shoji - A 13 year old boy and Senshi's best friend and rival. He used to live on the streets when he was found by Shujin and Senshi.

Shujin - A 35 year old man who is Senshi and Shoji's master. He adopted Senshi and Shoji and wants to protect them at all costs. He wears a solid mask over his left eye.

New Characters:

Nashi - An amputee with no arms that fights with only his legs/feet.

Maku-sa - A fighter who has a circle-shaped mark on their forehead.

Koji - A fighter that manipulates smoke from the gauntlets on his wrists.

Toryu - A warrior with a metal mask that wields dual broadswords.

(Just to let you all know, this intermission chapter will be split up into different stories (i.e. Senshi's Story).)

Senshi, Nashi, and Maku-sa's Story:

In the waiting room, a lady walks through the doors with a tray of cold water bottles. "Here are some water bottles," said the lady as she passed them out to the 6 contestants. "Good luck in the semi-finals." Koji left the room carrying his water bottle. Toryu followed after for reasons yet unknown.

"Hey Maku," said Senshi as he took a sip of his water. "What's with that circle on your forehead?" Nashi chimes in, "Yeah, what's up with that? I noticed that it glowed multiple times during our battle." "This isn't just a circle," said Maku-sa as he points to his forehead. "This is the mark of the Makuru family. It represents the ability to use your inner chi."

"I was never meant to bear this mark. My older brother owned this mark, but unfortunately he passed away. The one who bears this mark is supposed to choose whether or not to pass it on when they turn 30. Before he died, he passed the mark onto me before he could actually freely choose."

Senshi and Nashi just stared at Maku-sa in silence. "Wow," said Nashi. "That's seems twice as bad as how I ended up with no arms." "Why don't you have arms?" said Senshi and Maku-sa at the same time. Nashi explained, "They got amputated. Apparently, this unknown infection spread throughout my arms, from my fingers to my shoulders. They cut my arms off before the infection spread any further."

"I gotta say, for someone who doesn't have arms, you sure can fight with just legs and feet," said Maku-sa.

"Thanks," Nashi replied. "Wait a minute…that lady…she gave me a water bottle even though I don't have arms." Both Senshi and Maku-sa realized this, but tried to hold in their little chuckles.

Koji and Toryu's Story:

Koji finishes his water bottle and meets his trusted securityguard in the stands. "Let's go," says Koji, sounding aggravated. "I've served my purpose here."

"Wait." Koji turns around to see Toryu sitting in the stands. "I heard you mention ColeTech when you fought Shoji," Toryu said. "Mind if I come with you to ColeTech HQ?" Koji replied, "Aren't your parents here? Shouldn't you ask them first?" Toryu answers, "They already dropped me off after they signed me in." "Fine. Let's go," said Koji.

The security guard escorted Koji and Toryu out of the dome into a black car in the parking lot. "ColeTech and I have some personal business to attend to," thought Toryu as the car sped off.

Shoji's Story:

Shoji meets Shujin in the stands. "How did I do, Master Shu?" asked Shoji. Shujin replied, "You did good, son. Both of you. Speaking of which, where's your brother?" "I think he's in the waiting room with the others," Shoji answered.

"Hey, are you Shoji?" Shoji heard as he turned around to see a girl with light brown skin and black silky hair laying on her shoulders. She wore a black zippered jacket with a pink dress underneath, covered in white flowers and reached right above her knees.

Shoji immediately blushed when she came into his 20-20 vision. "Y-Yeah, I'm Shoji," Shoji hesitantly answered. The girl said, "Well, my name is Thalia. Nice to meet you." "You were so brave when you fought Koji. I was amazed when you came out on top once the smoke cleared." Shoji smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, what can I say? I'm very talented. Plus, I was very determined."

"Well, I hope you make it to the finals, Shoji. See ya!" Thalia says as she leaves to sit with her mom. "See ya too!" Shoji replied as he blushed. As he went back to the waiting room, it dawned on him that Thalia looked somewhat familiar. He ignored it as he entered the room.

"Sho!" Senshi exclaimed when he saw Shoji. "You did great, and you'll do great in the semi-finals, I bet!" Shoji replied, "Thanks, Sen. We should remember that it's only you, me, and Nashi left. It can't be a 3-way battle. At least I don't think so." "Oh yeah..." Senshi mumbled. "Well I guess we'll have to find out, haha."

As soon as Senshi finished his sentence, the TV cut on. "With the conclusion of our intermission, the semi-finals shall begin!" the announcer exclaimed as the semi-finals began.

End of Chapter 8...

Ending Note: How is everybody enjoying your spring break (if you on spring break like me)? I hope you all are enjoying it along with this chapter.