Prologue/ Power system

In the universe, every living thing born from a mother and father has a seed. A seed is the storage or vessel of said being's power. Power or energy is prevalent on every planet and moon in the universe and is even in space. A person's seed varies based on the elemental affinity they hold. There are nine stages to the seed each stage being a different shade of said element's color. With three subcategories in each stage. Until you reach the 10th stage...

There are numerous elements in the universe and certain species have a high affinity toward certain elements, for example, a fish species will likely have a water affinity and is rarely going to be born with a fire affinity. Now each person's elemental affinity isn't the same. If five people all have a fire seed their seeds are still varied in their own way based on the person's character, what they have gone through, their refinement methods, and of course their bloodline. Bloodline is also a big part of a person's seed. Now say a couple who both have fire affinity seed have a child, the child is most likely going to have a stronger fire affinity, but this is not guaranteed as genes can get complicated. A fish who evaporated his own lake and suffocated to death is still a possibility if you get my drift.

Stages to the seed

Weakest to strongest 1-9 (not including sub-stages in each stage low, middle, high. EX: A low stage three seed.)

Stage 1- A normal human. Can run 3 miles and be tired afterward also can exercise for 1 hour. Work 8-12 hours a day give or take.

Stage 2- twice the strength of the being in its first stage with enhanced mobility and thought process. Elemental Affinity can sometimes be determined based on its strength.

Stage 3- The being is now 8 times as strong as it was in the 1st stage. An had begun to develop an elemental affinity. Drastic Species changes occur causing your everyday wolf to have the brain of a 12-year-old human all species who get to the third stage become self-aware and have full thought processes.

Stage 4- Otherwise known as the warrior stage. Many species never see the warrior stage but there are more who do. A warrior is now 30-50 times as powerful as the species' peak second stage. Some species are capable of defeating hundreds of stage threes. You can live past 100.

Stage 5- This is a special stage as the density of your energy affinity is quite dense compared to the previous realm, species can use their affinity easier and are more versatile in getting specific moves and abilities according to their affinity. Also, there are now 20 times as strong as mid-stage 3 Stage fives that can fight for days on end and have a 100-year increase in life span. An overall increase in all stats such as intelligence and vitality and so on.

Stage 6- So now you are pretty much a boss, these are the guys who are considered elemental professionals they can destroy armies, and if they use all their energy for a single attack they could even destroy a big hill. versatility is gained in energy usage as well as energy density is multiplied. Can easily fight 50-100 5th stagers depending on who it is.

Stage 7- Quite the accomplishment, only one in forty stage six's make it to stage seven. These individuals throughout the universe you can clap a little mountain easily. You can fly at will with just your energy surrounding your body. Your body becomes more pure and your charisma increases drastically. All previous scars are healed. Life span increased by 300 years. Everything in the 6th stage is multiplied five times per over once you reach the seventh, various things depend on affinity and what elemental ability you developed at this point. Higher affinity higher multiplier. So on and so forth you get it.

Stage 8- You can now survive in space without a spacesuit for as long as you can hold your breath. Your affinity has a harder time damaging you and has gained stronger resistance stage 7s have a hard time injuring stage eights. You are multiple times stronger than the 7th stage and can create amazing things on a large scale. Your body lives without any nutrients for months on end and you gain a significant increase in regeneration. Life energy is as easy to control as moving at this point. The mastery over your ability allows you to have incredible moves and abilities based on your affinity. Life span increased by 400 years.

Stage 9- You are the powerhouse of your nation. If stage 8 is a fully loaded aircraft carrier and battleship fleet, stage 9 is a few nukes in terms of raw power. Can even damage 1 percent of a moon's surface with a bit of effort. Destroy mountains with a single move. Can fight for weeks on end. Only need to eat 1 time every 3 years. You now propel yourself through space for a while with your vast amount of energy reserves, and extremely purified and refined cells. Your seed is now pure elemental affinity your attacks are raw power. Your life span increased by 500 years. And a Multiplayer on all stats once you advance to the ninth stage.

Stage 10- ….

(As for monster and beasts think of them just getting boost the same as humans.)

Now I know that's a lot but long story short each stage your affinity becomes purer allowing you to purify your body and multiply your affinity energy capabilities and capacity.

Now some of you my ask how do they advance? Think of cultivation without lighting striking them.

If anyone has some cool element affinity's let me know I might use them for some of the characters in the story.

Have any questions, comments, and concerns I'll reply to them.

First book here I come!