Mommy, She Was Talking To A Boy...


"Thanks, Levi," Maya said to her twin brother.

"Me?" The twins asked at the same time, Maya stared at the both of them and knew they were joking at her. They were always like that, they loved to confuse them by answering at the same time and even sometimes answering each other's names.

She shook her head at them and walk to her bedroom which she knew was the only place she could make a call without disturbance from her brothers. The phone didn't need to ring and it was like the person on the other line was waiting for the call.

"Well, this is the fastest first time you have ever received my phone call. Talk to me."

"We need to talk." The person on the other line said, direct to the point, no hi or things like that, and it didn't matter they had just met so even if he didn't greet her, she didn't mind.

Maya smiled, and if it was not for the serious tone of the person on the other line she would have joked that that is the line only people in a relationship tell one another when they want to take a break or something.

"Brent are you okay?" Maya asked her friend and when she heard her friend sigh she knew he was not okay.

"Yes, but we need to talk."

"Okay, give me a minute I am going to text you where."

"No, you know that ice cream shop I normally work during the weekend? Meet me there."

Maya kept quiet for a few seconds, she had another place in mind but she wasn't going to say no to her friend who seemed like he really wanted to have that talk as soon as possible.


"Thank you, Maya, you are the best."

Maya smile at the compliment and end the call, she sigh worriedly as she didn't know what she was going to tell her mother and her twin brothers who had come to greet her and her mother who she was sure was going to leave town as soon as she is done whatever she was in town for.

"Boom!" Lewi and Levi shouted at Maya as soon as she opened the door, Maya screamed out loud and hold her hand on her chest, she could feel it beating so fast.

"Don't scare your sister." Their mother shouted from the kitchen.

"Mother, you are too late for that," Levi shouted back at their mother, Lewi was not going to as he was busy laughing at the scared who was trying hard to bring her heart rate down. As soon as she could feel her rate had gone down, she looked at her brothers who began walking back as they feared what Maya was going to do to them.

"Come here."

"Guys, no running please."

"Yes, mother." The twins shouted at their mother and did the exact opposite, they began running. Maya chuckled and stare at them as they tried so hard to run back to avoid falling.

"Boom!" Maya said to them and smiled at the way they looked at her, "I am coming." The twins run fast to where their mother was and it was now their time to hide behind their mother. Their mother who was busy cooking couldn't help but chuckle at how her kids behaved like teenagers.

"Between you and you, who is the eldest?" Amelia asked her kids.

"Mom they scared me like, boom!" Maya said to her mother who looked at her and then at the twins who were still hiding behind her, "guys I told you to stop doing that."

"Mommy, she was talking to a boy," Lewi said. Amelia looked at Maya and then back at Levi, she knew Levi was going to finish the sentence. Levi stared at Maya, at Lewi, and when Lewi nodded his head, Levi said, "he was speaking to Brent."

"Brent? And here I thought it was another guy."

"Guys, I am going to meet Brent, hope you won't mind. I will be back very soon."

"How is Brent, by the way, it has been a long since I saw him, why don't you ask him to join us for lunch. Twins move, I am cooking." Amelia said.

Maya chuckled at that, she loved it whenever her mother would refer to Levi and Lewi like that, she always said it saved her the time and energy from calling the two names.

"Mom." Levi and Lewi said groaning and walking away from Maya and Amelia.

"Ma, I can't," Maya said looking down.

Maya's family knew Brent since he has been her friend since they joined the university. Maya was not going to tell her mother why because her mother would get all worried and she didn't want that.

And also since Brent was working at the ice cream shop, she didn't want to inconvenience him by asking him to come to her home.

"Okay, I will give him a call then. Be back for lunch." Amelia told her daughter who nodded and walked to the sitting room.

"Here." Levi said holding the keys, "should we drive you?" Lewi asked and Maya shook her head and snatch the keys from Levi's hands, she didn't want them to leave her mother all alone in the house when they were supposed to spend time together.

"Go help mother in the kitchen, I won't stay long," Maya said and the twins nodded and walked to the kitchen to help their mother. "Mom, give them something to do," Maya shouted to her mother opened the door, and before leaving she said, "don't burn down my kitchen."

She heard her mother's laughter with her brothers as she closed the door, if Brent was not her best friend, she wouldn't have gone to meet him and leave her mother, Levi, and Lewi at home when she knew they were going to leave soon.

Maya walked to her car and opened it, getting in, she got her phone and texted Brent saying she was on her way and she would be there in less than ten minutes. She started the car hoping whatever Brent called her for wasn't what she was thinking and it was something entirely different.