A Two-Way Thing


They watched each other, anyone who saw them would think they were dating, but no, they were best friends who were fond of one another. Two best friends who would go to the moon and back for one another, friends who would kill for one another.

Having stayed friends for four years was not a joke, most of the people who started as good friends in their first years were no longer friends, and they wouldn't even stand each other.

And thank God the university was big and it was possible to not meet someone who you didn't want to meet unless it was during exams.

Yes, over the past years it has not been roses and flowers only. There have been problems here and there, but they had come back together again.

The both of them valued their friendship dearly, so it was not Maya only who made sure that she was there for Brent but also Brent made sure he was there for Maya. It was a two-way thing and Maya loved it.

"How long have we stared at one another?" Maya asked Brent.

"Around two minutes."

"Oh, shoot. I am losing it." Maya said and Brent laughed at her, she was always like that. She was acting as if she was losing at something important and not the fact that they have only been staring at one another.

"Maya you are the only one I know who takes that ice cream," Brent said and pointed at Maya's ice cream.

"What?" Maya asked with her mouth full of the ice cream, it had melted a little bit but she didn't care because she wasn't going to ask Brent to return the ice cream.

"Weirdo," Brent said.

"What?" Maya said and smiled at Brent.

Brent leaned toward Maya and wiped the ice cream she had on the side of her mouth. Maya looked at him surprised, he never did that at all. Sometimes he would assume and later on laugh at Maya and other times he would wipe it but made sure he smeared all of her face.

Their friendship has been questioned not only by Maya's family but also by Brent's friends and both of them always answered, "can't two friends be close to one another?"

If it was any other person her family wouldn't have agreed but since it was Maya they understood. Maya's definition of friendship and family was something her family didn't understand at all.

Yes, she didn't have lots of friends. Actually, she didn't have many friends but only Brent, and when she was asked she would say she had other friends, and guess who were they?


Maya loved it and loved the fact that she was not one of those students in the university who had lots of friends and yet they were not loyal to one another. You would hear this from someone and then that from another one.

She hated that and that is why she had maintained her true friendship with Brent.

"Done!" Maya said and smiled at Brent. She loved the ice cream and if it was not for the fact that she was the advocate for healthy meals and all that she would have asked for another one, even just a small scoop.

"I think this shop makes lemon ice cream only for you," Brent said to her. She chuckled as she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Oh shoot! Sorry I didn't offer you a spoon." Maya said and facepalmed herself, if it was not for the memory lane, she would have definitely remembered that she was supposed to offer her best some.

"Funny. You do know that I am the one making them, right?" Brent asked with a smirk.

"Dude, that is weird. Wipe that smirk out your face." Maya said and still, Brent continued with his smirk.

A waiter came, "Maya and lemon ice cream." He began and Maya said to him the same thing she had been saying whenever he told her, "hello there."

The waiter wiped the table, Brent was looking at him as if wondering, "man, go away."

"Would you ever say to me anything other than hello there?" The waiter asked, and it was Brent who answered, "no, never." The waiter smiled at them, picked up the cup Maya was using, and walked away.

"Boys," Maya murmured to herself.

Brent looked down, he was trying not to talk about anything. He didn't want to say anything yet, and so far from what Maya had learned as a counselor was to give the patient time to decide when he/she was going to talk.

And not that she saw Brent as a patient. But she had or else she would jump at him and ask him to tell him everything.

Maya was trying so hard not to ask him, she was trying to be the best friend Brent needed at that moment and not a psychology student, she didn't want to make Brent feel like she was going to dissect his situation open.

Brent slumped into his chair and asked Maya if she was ready to listen. Maya nodded faster, of course, she was, it was as if that was what she was meant to do.

"Okay, so my mother is back from rehab. She has been home for a week and she is already making a mess."

"A week?" Maya couldn't help but lean to Brent and ask with her eyes widening, why in the world didn't Brent tell her?

Brent looked away embarrassed and Maya slid back into her chair with a wide smile she said, "sorry." Brent nodded his head, he had reasons why he didn't tell Maya that his mother was home, and again there it was another thing Maya didn't want to force out of Brent's mouth.

The manager came, he was Brent's friend, and since Brent was always early at work and did everything well, the manager had taken a liking to him. He said to them, "Hi, Maya. Brent you can use my office." and then left.

"The office?" Brent asked.

"Sure," Maya responded.

They stood up and Brent led the way, Maya took her phone out and typed a text to her mother, "Hi mom, sorry. I am going to miss lunch, I will make it up to you." Maya added Lewi and Levi as the recipients and hit send.

The talk she was going to have with Brent was going to take long.