You Did Not Call Me That


Maya turned around slowly and move her head sideways, Brent did not just yell at her, did he?

He had three brothers and neither of them ever raised their voice at her, hell, no one has ever yelled at her. Yes, she understood that Brent's mother was back and Brent needed someone to talk to, and yes she didn't have any problem if Brent yelled.

But that didn't mean that Maya wanted the yelling to be directed at her without them talking about it first. No! She was not going to allow that.

"Did you just, did you?" Maya started and stopped, she could not believe her ears.

Brent started moving backward, and Maya started moving towards him.

Yes, she had said she was going to therapize Brent and she knew that sometimes patients would scream at their therapists here and there, but Brent had stated clearly that he didn't want to be treated as a patient, he didn't want Maya to therapize him, so why was he yelling at her as if she was his therapist?

"Why are you treating me as your therapist Brent? I remember you saying you don't want me to therapize you, why did you yell at me?" Maya asked.

Brent stopped and Maya stopped too, Maya couldn't believe they were fighting, if this was how it was going to be, Maya wouldn't have come. She hated fights, she was an ambassador of peace and she had inherited that from her parents.

"Maya, why are you suddenly behaving like a queen?"

Maya scoffed, seriously, is Brent being serious at that moment? What has gotten into him? Maya moved a strand of hair from her face and told squeezed her eyes shut, she opened them and told him, "I am leaving, and when you are ready to talk, call me."

"Oh, rich girl, now the poor boy would have to call you?"

Maya could see an image of her slapping Brent, and Brent rubbing his face, she shook her head and removed that image from her head, she bite her lips and said with a low tone she couldn't even hear herself, "YOU DID NOT CALL ME THAT."

"I did rich girl."

"Enough Brent, I won't take any more bullshit from you," Maya said and turned around and opened the door slowly, and left there while feeling like she needed to reach her car and scream.

What just happened?

Maya walked out of the shop and headed to her car, she arrived there and looked up at the manager's office and saw the curtain closed.

Brent was staring at her, and he wanted to call out to her and apologize, but he still had to milk his ego and his stupidity which had come out of nowhere. That was not how Brent was, he had things going on and Maya happened to be the one close to him as he tried to find the right way to talk to her.

Maya looked at the window as she waited for it to be opened by Brent and showed her a love sign, and Maya imagined she would smile and go back inside and listened to him and they could go on with life forgetting he had just called her, a rich girl, and a queen.

She stood there for five minutes and nothing happened. She sighed and entered the car. She doesn't remember the last time she fought with Brent, so she sat in her car silently hoping again that Brent would come and knock on the door.

After a while, there was a knock on the window, Maya looked up faster and rolled her window smiling.

"Excuse me, ma'am." It was not Brent, it was a man whom Maya was sure was wondering why she was smiling at him like a creepy lady.

"Hi, can I help you?" Maya asked still smiling but this time around it was a normal smile.

The man nodded and told her, "I wanted to ask if you are leaving, I want to park my car."

"Oh." Maya said and nodded at the man, the man replied, "thank you."

The man left and Maya rolled up her car window, she looked at her phone in the hope that she would find a text from Brent, but there were no texts. She placed her head on top of the steering wheels and it honked.

The car honked at the same time there was a knock on the window, Maya jumped screaming, "Jesus Christ!"

She looked at who was at the window and it was the same man, she asked, "what?"

The man showed the sign that he needed her to roll down the window, Maya did that, and the man told her, "I want to park."

"Oh, now," Maya stated.

"Yes, of course now." The man said and looked at Maya, he didn't even move as he waited for Maya to drive off. Maya looked at him and raised her eyes when the man didn't move, Maya said to him, "I might hit you."

"Mmmh." The man said and move aside, just a little for Maya's car to pass. Maya looked at him and waited for him to move further, when he did not Maya rolled up her car window and murmured to herself, "people need help."

The man outside waved at her and Maya repeated, "he need help."

Maya gave the shop one last look and when she saw no sign of Brent she drove off. After driving in silence, Maya put a song on the car radio and began singing along with it, what Maya had sworn to herself was, that she was never going to allow anyone to rule her emotions.

She was never going to be sad because someone was sad.

She was going to be a counselor and if she wanted to be the best counselor, she needed to be herself without allowing anything to drag her down. She was going to be a great counselor one day and Maya was damn sure about that.

"Something is wrong. I am human, I will call him later," Maya said out loud and started singing along with the song on the radio.